(Submitter’s note: “Oneitis” is a neochauvinist term for one’s crush)
Can some mods please add an [Bluepilledcuck] prefix to every thread that has "oneitis" in its title.
Honestly EVERY thread, were some incel talkes about his "oneitis" makes me cringe. Its allways the bluepilled beta whiteknighting orbiting cucked ones who write shit like this. AWALT get it into your brain cucks there is no oneitis its just one "special" becky who likes your services and now be a good slave and do her homework while she visits her chad boyfriend who fucks her hard. Would you do that sweety?
For real what is this shit those threads should be banned for female worship just because of the word "oneitis" because that alone is female worship.
TLDR: having a oneitis is cucked mods should ban cucks
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