Stan Svetlov, oxforduniversity M, and Jerry C #conspiracy

(Stan Svetlov)
Nato led by criminal and corrupted usa is aggressor and terrorist is responsible for wars and murders in iraq, yugoslavia, afghanistan, libia, syria, ukr-urina and must be disintegrated!

(oxforduniversity M)
What warning, the only warning is the globalists United States, they have 5 countries with nuclear weapons and the vessel NATO states that are all under control of the United States, do what we say or else US NATO policy. Besides the 24/7 western fake propaganda news being fed to made people stupid to believe in fake news is their weapon of choice, US anti Russian propaganda, the more the spill the more they get money from taxpayers to approve of more expansion, more money to the rich etc. If people are stupid to believe Ukraine is about a democracy, who's fund and meddles in foreign elections around the planet, the US does. After all, getting countries to allow US military bases isn't just about giving money its also means to have to get the right people in office to approve US military bases in those foreign countries and yes, the US spends billions of dollar every year that interferes with foreign countries elections, its the way the US does business and if they don't accept, the US will call them enemies and place sanctions, see how corruption works, ask Washington they'll show you how they do it.

(Jerry C)
So Nato gives a warning about Wagner getting close to Nato countries but when Nato moves close to Russia by breaking the Minsk agreement they are suppose to not say anything and everyone is suppose to like it? who are the real thugs here?



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