I was reading an article on another site by some guy that was supposed to be about another topic but started off about his "amazing wife" who was a doctor and was so smart, blah blah blah. Basically a lot of soyboy shit, I quit reading after that. But that got me thinking because I've seen so many articles and posts by guys talking about their "amazing" wives or girlfriends, praising them for being "strong" and "smart" and "funny" (AKA the soyboy trifecta)...but the ONLY posts I've ever seen by women calling their husbands or boyfriends "amazing" are foids praising their chad's looks. Have you ever seen a woman write gushingly about her husband's intellect and how she's so happy to be married to such a smart man? Me neither.
tl/dr men admire female intellect all the time, women never admire male intellect, but somehow it's men who get called shallow pigs
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