PrudentButterfly #sexist
The new sexual revolution will be like when a pet chimpanzee suddenly has the epiphany that he is far stronger than his masters and there is therefore no reason for him to allow himself to be caged and controlled by them, so he rips their limbs and faces off and escapes. The incel demographic, young human males with blunted emotions from psychological trauma, are literally the most dangerous living organisms that have ever existed on planet Earth, yet here they are complaining about not being "allowed" to have sex. Very soon they are going to begin waking up and realizing how silly this attitude is.
Insane cope, no one wants to murder anyone here, we want a GF. A global bellicose revolution never happened and most people here would not want to risk their lives to die for no reason.
Our only chance is spreading the blackpill and brainwashing the normies since they are suffering too because of female hypergamy. We need everyone to realize and then perhaps something might happen. I doubt anyway, but that’s our best chance.
Low IQ.
Yea sure thing go around saying we want to tear their faces off this will surely help our cause. For fucks sake.
Women should be afraid of denying men sex for the same reason people are afraid of being disrespectful to police officers.
A relationship based on terror is not a good one since it does not work.
It's the only one that works. People slave away for 40-50 hours per week in exchange for almost nothing because they are too afraid to do anything to change the system. People obey the law because they are afraid of being shot and dragged to prison by the police. They let the church rule their societies for 1700 years because they were afraid of going to Hell. Violence and fear are the only language normies understand. They can't be reasoned or negotiated with.