Makia Freeman #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot

SPP experiencers (those who claim to have been, or still are, part of the SPP [Secret Space Program]) continue to step forth in multitude. It seems the floodgates have opened as more and more SSP experiencers recover their memories and go public with their accounts. I think the terms SSP experiencers and SSP experiencer (rather than SSP asset or SSP agent) are good ones to describe these brave individuals who, in all cases, have undergone severe trauma and mind control as they were inducted into highly secretive and otherwordly military programs.

The Plot Thickens: SSP Composed of Many Groups and Corporations with Varied Interests and Missions

The revelations of SSP experiencers such as Michael Relfe, Randy Cramer, Corey Goode, Tony Rodrigues and Michael Gerloff has given us clues that there is a whole other world going on behind our backs, a phenomenon that ufologist Richard Dolan termed the breakaway civilization. Even if not all of these people are credible, they do corroborate each other on certain themes and details, such as the idea of a 20 and back program, bases on the Moon and Mars, age regression technology, teleportation technology and cloning technology.

A Brief Overview of the Different Secret Space Program Groups

According to the various SSP experiencers, there are various groups, organizations and corporations involved in the SSP such as the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate), LOC (Lunar Operations Command), MDF (Mars Defense Force), Solar Warden and Nacht Waffen. Here’s a brief breakdown of what they each do, from what we can ascertain so far:

– ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate): According to Disclosure Wikia, the ICC is a “conglomerate of corporations from all over the world that build aerospace technologies … basically all of the corporations that have come together, pooled their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system.” According to Elena Kapulnik (see below), the ICC has 11 bases on Mars which include manufacturing plants, labs, R&D and weapons facilities. In this presentation, she states that the ICC space station platforms are based on original schematic designs of Wernher von Braun (Operation Paperclip Nazi scientist smuggled into the US at the end of WW2 to work for NASA). She reveals the companies involved in building infrastructure on ICC Mars bases (a mixture of US and German companies including TRW, General Dynamics, Lockheed, Douglas, Northrop Grumman, Exxon Mobil, NASA JPL, Boeing, Astro-und-Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, Bayer and Allianz).

– LOC (Lunar Operations Command): Again according to Disclosure Wikia, the LOC is a “demilitarized zone on the Moon. It is an area where SSP personnel rendezvous before going further out into the solar system and beyond. It serves as a neutral zone for the various SSPs. It also acts as air traffic control for our solar system. LOC has three sites: LOC Alpha, LOC Bravo, and LOC Charlie.”

– MDF (Mars Defense Force): The MDF is the main defense organization on Mars. Both Randy Cramer and Penny Bradley (see below) describe its main function to defend the Mars Colony Corporation from the indigenous Martians species, including a native reptoid and insectoid (Raptor and Mantid) ET species.

– Solar Warden: Solar Warden is a program run by the US Navy, responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the Solar System. It patrols and defends our solar system. Some SSP experiencers have suggested that Solar Warden’s real purpose is to protect the surface of the Earth to thwart ET Disclosure. Solar Warden was created in 1970s and 80s, and is a mid-level SSP; the ICC has more advanced ships.

– Nacht Waffen: this a German term literally meaning “Night Weapons” but better translated as “Dark Fleet.” We know about this thanks to the revelations of Penny Bradley (see below). Penny was transferred to the Nacht Waffen from the MDF as a punishment.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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