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[Blackpill] The Black Pill And Inceldom Are Not Ideologies

Something I've been seeing as of late is people (both blue pilled and black pilled) calling the black pill and inceldom an ideology or referring to "incel ideology."

There is no ideology.

I'm going to copy paste a post I made elsewhere regarding this, as I think this topic deserves more serious thought.

Stop calling the black pill an ideology. It's factually incorrect, and it gives ammunition to people who speak out against it - those who speak out against truth. It's as much an ideology as the theory of relativity.

The black pill is pure, undistilled truth in its raw form. Those who are black pilled usually notice its manifestations in our biological and evolutionary reality and the resultant socio-sexual dynamics that follow from it. The black pill isn't about looks, it's about truth. Looks are simply one area where the truth of the matter is so blatantly evident that no intelligent mind can reasonably reject it.

To be black pilled simply means to see the truth and the reality of something - to see things for how they truly are. It's conceptually anti-thetical to the notion of ideology. There's a lot of bullshit in many ideologies, religious, political and economic. Ideologies are systems of beliefs. Those beliefs don't necessarily have to be true or correct, they only have to work for whatever society or system they apply to.

The black pill is free from all of the baggage that ideologies carry.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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