Stephen Kruiser #conspiracy
Unidentified current or former confidantes of Trump's have been the Times's bread and butter since the 2016 election. It's the kind of sloppy rumor-mongering that has led to so many Americans justifiably viewing the mainstream media powerhouses as "the enemy of the people." It's no surprise that the Times is slobbering all over the same kind of sloppiness in Woodward's book.
Trying to launch a sequel to the Big Russian Scare of 2016-17 is proof that their hatred of Trump really has made the Democrats and their MSM propaganda wing more braindead than ever. They're so desperate now that I wouldn't be surprised to find a large portion of the Democratic National Committee headquarters littered with Trump voodoo dolls.
These days, Bob Woodward is nothing more than a tabloid hack doing the Democrats' bidding. He's managed to milk more than half a century of celebrity out of the fact that Robert Redford once played him in a movie way back when Caitlyn Jenner was winning Olympic gold as a guy named Bruce.