Let me emphasize that these are not cases where, for example, Robin grows up into Nightwing and someone else puts on Robin’s outfit to replace him, or where Blue Beetle takes up the costume and legacy of the original Blue Beetle.
Neither is any one of these a case where Superman has a cousin or Commissioner Gordon has a daughter who is a female version of a previously established character. That kind of thing happens in comics all the time, and no one cares or minds. Those things are meant to honor the previous character, or provide an interesting variation on a theme.
This is different.
This is like Muslims dynamiting the giant statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. It is the destruction of the icons and symbols of infidels.
This is blotting out the old character. Anyone who is white, straight, heroic or male is being replaced by someone who is not.
The Fantastic Four is gone. Iceman is now gay, despite sixty years of his previous history. America Chavez is a gay Latino from another dimension, not from Mexico or South America, so she is not actually Latino. She comes from a dimension where the humanoid species has only one sex and reproduces by parthenogenesis, so, technically speaking, she is not gay either.
Ms Marvel turned into female Captain Marvel, who blotted out male Captain Marvel, who was a turncoat Kree. The new Ms Marvel, who has nothing to do with the Kree, is an Inhuman Muslim girl from Jersey whose book contains nothing other than SJW propaganda and pro-Jihad crapola. She also is grotesque, since her superpower allows her to swell up in size, strength, and make her fists larger than balloon.
Oh, and, yes, they did indeed, as predicted, resurrect Captain America back from the dead. And then they made him into a Nazi. Hail, Hydra!
Basically, all the books now draw all their female characters to be flat chested and narrow hipped and square jawed. The menfolk, meanwhile, instead of being muscled like Greek Gods, are portrayed either as nice hence weak, ineffective, and effete, or as masculine, hence barbaric, ignorant, silly and evil.
Plots, writing, drama, and storytelling has been flushed away down the water closet with very few exceptions.