R.G. Thatcher #racist #conspiracy #wingnut web.archive.org


A Prophecy of Israel’s
20th Century Braveheart

ADOLF HITLER, the enigma of the age! A man shrouded in mystery! Who and what was he? Was he really a raging demonized maniac as portrayed below who destroyed whatever was good and right, or a conquering hero who helped his people stand up on their own two feet and destroy their oppressors?
Were the German people really blind to follow him? These are the questions this article WILL answer! The presentation of facts and analysis of those facts that follow WILL alter the political direction of Western Civilization! They will be profound and TRUE! They will establish Hitler as a Saint of God who was PROPHESIED to come in the Holy Bible. They will point a finger, not at Hitler, but at the Jews and their Communism and call them Satanic! This is heady powerful stuff. Can you handle it? Be strong and rejoice in this new Biblical view that is so needed at this desperate hour in Western civilization as many Gentile nations rage and build up their armies to destroy us. All ministers, preachers, and teachers who claim to acknowledge God’s Word, the Bible, WILL be held accountable for what they do with this priceless insight. Too many people in high positions have been guilty of calling good evil and evil good, some unwittingly due to mis-education and others knowingly because they ARE mis-educators and disinformation agents of the Communists and Jews (Edomites). But whether you are a Christian, agnostic, an atheist, or even a Jew, of the right or left politically, will you be able to accept the answer given? It will all depend on whether or not you are a person of TRUTH. Regretfully, too many people embrace whatever ideology or values which appear to be acceptable to their own peer group, not bothering to substantiate anything or even knowing how to. Your ability to come to grips with TRUTH will have to be your problem.

Although this article may very well be read by people of different races and creeds around the world, its primary audience will be found in Europe and the Western hemisphere, therefore they will be nominally Christian in that they supposedly take their beliefs from that book referred to as the Holy Bible. But only the TRUE Christian who TRULY seeks to upgrade his understanding of TRUTH as the Holy Bible professes to proclaim will be profoundly affected by the new insight presented here. Of course, there will be some of you nominal Christians who may actually, for the first time, sit down and READ the Holy Bible with more than just casual interest. And then perhaps in the not too distant future, our pacified inept nominally Christian society will be able to stand up and FIGHT the Beast and its allies that so much want to engulf us. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS TIMELY AND REVEALING EXPOSE, FOR THE HOUR HAS COME!

Is there a third alternative to Communism or Capitalism? The Communists and Liberals will emphatically scream “NO!” And as proof they will point a finger at Hitler, 6,000,000 dead Jews (Edomites) and the destruction wreaked by World War II. The answer posed to the West by Hitler keeps resurrecting itself, but the Communists and Jews are constantly trying to keep entombed their ideological enemy. They want us to focus on just one concept – “BETTER RED THAN DEAD!” – and nothing else. We are constantly reminded by the Communists (but not the Russian Communists who are playing dead) that we of the West, as decadent Capitalists, have as a choice only Communism to rising Fascism as the lesser of two evils. They will also be quick to point out that any form of rising nationalism, of putting one’s country first, is merely fascism or neo-Nazism. The very thought of being tainted as a neo-Nazi usually triggers a conditioned response – you would probably quickly recoil in horror even as the fictional vampire recoils at the sight of the cross (i.e., the Swastika). We have been conditioned even as dogs were trained and conditioned in the famous Pavlovian experiments! The “Christian West” has been lowered before the specter of atheistic Communism.

Cannot the world remember that Hitler and the National Socialist movement were the archenemies of the Communists? We have been taught that Hitler’s “real” problem was “ANTI-SEMITISM” with which he infected his movement. And “ANTI-SEMITISM” the West equates repugnantly with the dreaded contagious AIDS through mind conditioning from “our” Jewish controlled communications media. We just cannot seem to remember that it was the Jews who started Communism in the first place – that most of the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks of the Communist revolution in Russia were Jewish. No, we cannot remember that because we WERE NEVER TAUGHT THAT! But what we ARE TAUGHT is that Hitler had a fixation disorder with regards to the Jews and used them as scapegoats to explain why Germany was having so many problems.

When are Christians going to read the Bible? If we are going to condemn Hitler for waging war against his enemies, we are going to have to condemn a lot of God’s servants who lead ancient Israel. (Read about God’s instructions to King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:2 & 3.) Should a soldier be condemned for doing his consecrated duty. Of course NOT! Only a criminal should be condemned to jail or death. As you will be shown “[Hitler] executed the justice of the Lord, and his judgments with Israel.” Can we as Christians not righteously judge this day between good and evil? Who is good and who is evil? The executioner and our soldiers who defend us OR the criminal and the enemy troops? CHOOSE!

Another word we have also been conditioned to use and respond to is the word “PREJUDICE”, and oh, how prejudiced we are against our OWN BLOOD RELATIONS – the German people – a CHRISTIAN folk, and how readily we defend NON-Christian aliens, the Jews! Truly we are a confused people who have drifted from our anchor, the HOLY BIBLE. And if I were your typical biased “Christian” who thinks all Jews are God’s Chosen, that Jesus Christ was one of the Jews as we know them today, and that Hitler was evil, I would NEVER have been able to figure out the references to Hitler in the Bible. What I came to understand through my own in-depth studies was that Adolf Hitler, contrary to political deception of the masses, was not the evil person he has been portrayed as. However, I did not study Hitler first. I studied the Jews and found out about their garbage books, the Talmud. And then I became, I figured, as incensed as Hitler became against the Jews. I, as a Christian, learned that the Talmud was not their name for the Old Testament of the Bible, but really the repulsive idiotic ramblings of various ancient Rabbis that makes null and void the Holy Bible. What I received from my studies was a definite case of RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION against these people who call themselves Jews. If you do not know what I am talking about, that is what a lot of deceived “Christians” come down with when they are confronted with a Nazi! You know, that exasperated angry feeling. But now my indignation was rightly directed against the Talmudic Jews (Edomites) who have developed Communism as their tool to gain control and enslave the world. Communism is but a by-product of Talmudic thought. It is the system that they, as the elite, will use to rule the masses (GOYIM). I WAS ALARMED!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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