svas2137 #sexist

The idea to last long for hours to " satisfy" a ₩hym@n like a p@r#$tar is a complete made up B$ to shame men to control them to hurt their ego so to gain more power and control over them and to satisfy selfish agendas bcoz the only power over men that ₩hym€n hav is $€x.. Nature has alwz been about reproduction spreading ur $€€d to reproduce. Do u think in wildermess a lion or a bull or a wild elephant gives 2 fu@ks about the "feelings" , pleasure and desire of a ₩hyman?? Or Chengis khan might have asked while fu@kin a ₩hym@n "Hey honey how are you feeling? gud? a sweet pillow talk afterwards.". Nope. It was all about spreading ur $eed passing ur genes to carry ur lineage for the survival.of the species. It alwz has been.



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