Batya Ungar-Sargon & Tim Pool #dunning-kruger #wingnut
Formerly-Woke Reporter Explains Her De-Programming From Wokeness
Batya Ungar-Sargon: The second thing i would say was, I read this Yale study from 2018, what they found was there's a difference between how white liberals and white conservatives talk to black people. White liberals dumb down their vocabulary when they're talking to blacks and Latinos, and white conservatives do not, and I remember reading that in 2018 and thinking to myself "This implicates my entire worldview."
And I had this moment where I was like, "This is disgusting," and everything I think is caught up in that thing that makes you dumb down your language. You assume a person of color is less educated than you, is poorer than you, and needs your help, and needs your generosity, and your beneficence. right?
Tim Pool: Jonathan Haidt's research found that conservatives have a balance of all six moral foundations, while liberals only have two of them, care and fairness.
The political divide is obviously not left or right, it's authoritarian versus anti-authoritarian. Liberals have a tendency towards authoritarianism because they're collectivist and collectivism is inherently authoritarian.
Because if the collective, which is the authority, decrees you either follow suit or you're ostracized, so if you're someone who is driven by care and fairness, and that's it, you don't care about loyalty, purity, authority or anything like that, then you don't care if they're doing vaccine mandates.
I think people really need to understand that the left and the right don't speak the same language. They come out right now in NYC and they say vaccine mandates work. New York is experiencing a massive surge in cases, but when they say vaccine mandates work, they're not talking about preventing Covid, they're talking about forcing people to adhere to the collective which why is you must get the vaccine regardless of the outcome.