Mike King #racist #wingnut realhistorychannel.org

In both books as well as in the web-pages of The Anti-New York Times, we have exposed enough dirt on that evil and nasty son-of-a-bitch Lyndon Baines Johnson to surely rank him down there with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Demono Rosenfeld and Barack Obongo as one of America's most destructive presidents. Now, from a book review in Sulzberger's Slimes, of all places, we learn something new about LBJ. Evidently, the corrupt bastard stole his Senate seat (Texas) in 1948, and, in later years, openly joked about it.

From the article:

"In “The Path to Power,” Volume I of his monumental biography, “The Years of Lyndon Johnson,” Robert A. Caro ignited a blowtorch whose bright flame both illuminated Johnson’s early career and badly seared his reputation. In Volume II, “Means of Ascent,” Mr. Caro intensifies his flame to a brilliant blue point.

With it he burns into the reader’s imagination the story of the election in 1948 for junior United States Senator from Texas, and how Lyndon Johnson, in Mr. Caro’s words, “stole it — and in the stealing violated even the notably loose boundaries of Texas politics.” In the process, Mr. Caro defaces Johnson’s image irreparably.

Johnson is painted so satanically dark against the angelic brightness of Coke Stevenson (LBJ's opponent) that you inevitably find yourself thinking of Macbeth."

Now why didn't the Jew York Slimes warn the American electorate about the career-long corruption of this election-stealing Demonrat scumbag when he - after just 6 years in the U.S. Senate -- became the Senate Majority Leader following the mid-term elections of 1954? Or when he was forced upon JFK as his VP running mate in 1960? Or when he assumed the presidency after JFK's assassination in 1963? Or when he stood for election on his own in 1964? Hmmm?

The criminal record of this beastly, bullying, ambitious, Zionist-connected arch-villain of American history and the permanent damage which his destructive polices continue to inflict upon us cannot be understated. Let's have a look at LBJ's litany of infamy -- or "rap sheet"-- which followed the stolen election of 1948.

1954: As Senate Minority Leader, conspired with President Eisenhower to kill Joe McCarthy's investigation into the Communist penetration of the U.S. government
1954: As Senator, sponsored the law which led to the still-in-place political-speech restrictions placed on tax-exempt organizations and churches (though the law is only enforced against conservative preachers!)
1963: As Vice President, conspired in the assassination plot which killed President John F. Kennedy and made LBJ President -- and later covered it up by assembling (through intimidation) the "Warren Commission"
1964: Signed the "Food Stamp Act" into law -- thus greatly expanding the welfare state and encouraging fatherless families
1964: Involved the U.S. in a war with North Vietnam on the basis of the Tonkin Gulf false-flag hoax. This led to the drafting of young men to fight and die in Vietnam
1964: Signed the "Civil Rights Act" into law -- thus laying the foundation for legalized and mandated discrimination against White people in hiring, promoting, college acceptance etc.
1965: Signed the "Voting Rights Act" into law, thus guaranteeing the "right" of any functional illiterate or actual moron to participate in bloc-voting for Demonrats
1965: Signed the "Immigration Act" into law, a law which deliberately altered the long-term demographics of America so that Whites could be out-voted by media-manipulated immigrants from the Turd World
1965: (Social Security Act Amendment) Signed the expensive Medicare pyramid scheme into law at a time when most of the elderly already had good and affordable health care
1965: (Social Security Act Amendment) Signed the expensive Medicaid into law -- thus greatly expanding the welfare state and encouraging fatherless families
1967: Allowed the Israelis to murderous attack the U.S.S. Liberty in what was supposed to have been a false flag sinking of the ship blamed on Egypt -- Johnson -- with the protection of Fake News -- later covered up the truth about the attack which left 37 U.S. sailors dead and 171 wounded

What a record of madness and mayhem, eh? And it all started with a stolen election in 1948, which the Slimes -- when it no longer matters and no one cares -- has only just now deemed "fit to print."

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a book review in The New York Times today about how Lyndon Johnson stole his Senate seat in Texas.
Boobus Americanus 2: I don't know too much about LBJ's presidency. He's not talked about that much.


St. Sugar: Boobuss, you don't know much about anything cuss your a frickin' normie!
Editor: LBJ's tyrannical reign of ruin changed the course of American history -- for the worse -- on a scale matched only by Wilson and FDR.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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