various commenters #wingnut

RE: Why can’t a rape victim get an abortion?

1.because the child did nothing wrong and no amount of personal suffering justifies you killing someone who has done nothing to you

2. around 32k women get pregnant due to rape in the US every year, killing 32k non rapist isnt going to bring that number down

3. the US has about 600k abortions every year around 1% of those are due to rape, that is around 6 k, lets just to prove a point say say that that 1% is in fact 2% (but some don't want to admit it for some reason, and lets ignore the fact that that would mean the 32k number is much bigger)that puts the number at 12k... that is still less than half of the women who get pregnant from rape, in other words even most rape victims don't resort to killing their child just because something unfortunate happened to them

Why are you pro-life, and how are those reasons affected by whether the person seeking to kill the unborn human being is a rape victim?

If a rape victim wants to kill her baby who has been born (say, because she was extremely traumatised and this was the first opportunity she had to safely do so), would that be wrong? What, if anything, is different when the baby is unborn?

Here's my take:

1. An innocent life should not EVER have to be murdered for the sins of the father.

2. The exception would swallow the rule. Everyone would start claiming rape to get out of an unwanted pregnancy post-Dobbs. Meanwhile no one has the stones to require women to make formal police reports, submit to a rape kit test, or prosecute the rapist criminally to qualify for this exception. Hate to tell you, but women have been known to lie sometimes about occurrences of rape and sexual assault. See, e.g., Julie Swetnick, the Duke Lacrosse team, "Mattress Girl" at Columbia U., and that frat at UVA/Rolling Stone.

Circumstances surrounding the conception of a life don't lessen the value of a life.

The child shouldn’t die for a crime it did not commit



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