Being NT Is the Ultimate Gift
If someone had a way a way to turn autists into NT, I'd do anything for it, no action is too heinous I'd even be willing to undergo horrible painful torture, because there's nothing worse than being autistic. In fact I'd rather be retarded, downie cripple or any other disability than continue on with this horrible affliction. If there was a pill to make autistic adults NT, I'd be the first one to take it, despite any side effects. If I could just be NT most of my life's problems would be fixed, I'd do and give anything to be NT. You NT bastards have no idea how fortunate you are if I could afflict you with my autistic condition most of you would go insane and be put in the looney bin within weeks.
I have no desire to be neurotypical, nor did I ever have to, nor will I ever have. Why would I? Yes, there are things that I wish were easier for me, but I never would want this to be solved by becoming “normal”. I want to find my own strategies that work for me, the Bastethotep way. And I never would want to give up the positive aspects.
I love myself as the eccentric, chaotic, cheerful, nerdy, passionate, rational, lovable, scholarly, nurturing, egalitarian aspiring absent-minded professor and family man with a strong sense of justice I am. My ADHD and Autism are essential parts of what I am. Without them, I woud not be “me” anymore.
Being NT Is the Ultimate Gift
Being a Windows user from 3.11 & beyond, I couldn't agree more.
I've seen bus/train/coach departure/arrivals displays at Paragon Interchange - when they've had a JavaScript error - show that the system used is Windows XP. Even some arcade games are based on PCs with Windows 7. And I hear that some businesses still use Win2000 on their servers because it's so rock solid & ultra-reliable.
Along with 'PDA' & 'AGP', it's time to come up with different acronyms o OP & all your ilk.
You’d rather be "slow-witted" than autistic?
Aren’t retardation and Down’s syndrome, even dyslexia, also forms of non-neurotypical states of mind?
If you were “afflicted” with NT, you might go insane too, as it would be so foreign to you.
Some people who are born blind and have had operations late in life to “restore” sight, sometimes feel it’s harder to see than to not see. They are not used to this strange new way of relating to the world, and it’s more of a hindrance than a help.
Bastethotep pretty much said exactly what I was going to say. As annoying as my autism and all can be sometimes, it also gives me some very good traits (such as being honest to a fault). And quite frankly, if I look at how “NT people” tend to behave (highly irrationally for starters), then I am very glad I’m different. “Normal” is highly overrated. Plus it could be much worse. I could be a narcissist, a psychopath, mentally disabled, delusional, a compulsive liar… You know, an incel. Or the orange turd.
Besides, sometimes I think it’s not my autism and all that’s the problem. It’s that so many “NT people” in my past were lacking in empathy or basic understanding to properly handle me. F*cking teachers punishing me for being autistic, while clearing my bulllies…
Being atypical, having atypical people in a society, and at a rate that MAKES them atypical, has the important function of creating people who MUST figure out their own ways to accomplish tasks, particularly social ones. It allows questioning and broken equilibrium that seeks a better way. In short, it fosters progress through having assigned masters of doubt.
Eliminating autism among the population will have grave effects: it will reduce disruption from introduction of alternatee methods, despite the fact that this form of disruption is, in any dynamic system, an important element of function.
Yes. Sometimes it sucks being the guy on the edge of progress. It certainly would be better if people could have a choice, assuming enough people would so choose. It is a hard life, sure. But it's also an important role to have filled.
The bad thing about being autistic isn't being autistic- it's being in a society that treats autistic people like shit...
After all we live in a society where anti-vaxxers use us as a political football, and organisations that "support" autistic people are too busy spouting out scare story after scare story so they can sell industrialised bleach to scared and ignorant parents.
After all we live in a society where any autistic person who dares to speak out or write a blog about their experiences "isn't really autistic" or happens to be a lying thieving bastard trying to cheat the system.
After all we live in a society where organisations try to remove our methods of self regulations by telling us to have 'quiet hands' or that we should stop engaging with our special interests, and we should do things that are physically painful to us so other people don't find us weird or bully us.
If I suddenly woke up NT, then I would not be the same person because autism affects just about everything.
Im autistic and tbh i agree with his point, i do just about anything not be (although imperfectly aware a cure isnt going to happen ever) the bit where he goes into stark raving shitscram is when he starts insulting other mental disabilities assuming they have it better than him for some stupid reason.
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