Free Criticism #moonbat #homophobia #transphobia
I am personally inclined to accept the transwoman over the homosexual, or more accurately, I am more inclined to accept the autogynephile over the homosexual. I think there is a reason the homosexual was integrated into imperialism first, and there seems to be a struggle in the ranks of the bourgeoisie over the integration of autogynephiles.
Even though I am inclined to accept autogynephiles over the homosexuals, I freely admit I think the radical feminists have pegged them pretty accurately. The autogynephile does have the mind of the rapist, or rather, the sexual fantasies of the autogynephile tend toward extreme submission of the female. There is an article where a feminist recounts her experience as a phone sex operator talking to men who we would know recognize as having autogynephilia, and she points out none of these men ever fantasized about becoming a woman and dominating other men with their new vaginas. Their sexual fantasies are always playing the submissive, and clearly “Stefonknee” is no different.
I would say the integration of the autogynephile is basically a confirmation of the rape-culture thesis. Basically the Oppressor Man and his Oppressor Woman force the Homo-Fascist (the white gay male in charge of the LGBTQ alphabet-soup in the West) to integrate the autogynephile because they get-off on autogynephilic sexual fantasies. Not all women, but a lot of them do have rape fantasies. The rape fantasies of women aren’t exactly like the sexual thoughts of the autogynephile. The rape fantasies of some straight women are usually more narcissistic; the man is raping me because he is overcome with lust for me and must possess me now. This fantasy is still focused on the hyper-exaggerated erotic mental state of the male rapist. The submission fantasies of the autogynephile are being in the act of submission itself, having really nothing to do with imagining the erotic mental states of their would-be sexual partners.
In that sense, the sexual thoughts of the autogynephile are closer to straight men than any woman. It is probably easiest for the straight man to sympathize with the autogynephile, especially any straight man who has every constructed an elaborately detailed feminine fantasy object for masturbation purposes. The difference seems to be one of identification with the feminine fantasy object, or in the case of the autogynephile, perhaps even a lack of imagination on the erotic mental states of actual women.
In any case, from my previous experience working with LGBTQ people in student activism, I am inclined to believe anti-transwoman sentiment is because the homosexual male doesn’t want to really integrate this identity into the LGBTQ alpha-bet soup they control. The male homosexual sees the autogynephile as a homosexual with a mental disorder. If this is true, I suspect the real difference between the male homosexual and the autogynephile relates to the onset of the sexual imagery. The homosexual male begins identifying with the feminine fantasy object earlier on, even before the onset of puberty, while the autogynephile is a post-puberty version of the same sort of internal fantasies. The continuity here is best evidenced by the androphilic transwoman, who in another context would develop into a ‘normal’ male homosexual. The male homoseuxal sees this an understands what he could have been forced to become, given another cultural context, and fears the integration of the transwomen because it could lead to the extinction of his identity, given a profound shift in political/cultural values.
Lastly, the androphilic transwomen actually desires straight men, seeing ‘normal’ homosexuals as too effeminate to desire sexual encounters with. While they are really homosexuals, they don’t actually desire other homosexuals. In some way, this leads to a divergence of how the two types of homosexual construct their sexuality. The androphillic (homosexual) transwomen desires straight men, while the homosexual can either desire masculine men or they can fetishize other homosexuals (this seems to be the most common). The most extreme form of the fetishizing other homosexuals can be seen in the bug-chasing fantasy. The homosexual with the bug-chasing fantasy fetishes the male homosexual with aids as the ultimate male-slut, and begins to resemble the straight male slut/virgin binary that is more commonly known about.
Myself, I believe Marxist-Leninists must return to an anti-homosexual view, a view that has been held by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hoxha, etc. If this means an alliance with the transwoman, autogynephile and/or androphilic, so be it. However, we should not be under any illusions about the nature of their identities. Ideally, in the imperialist oppressor nations, after a revolution, the LGTBQ pyramid will be restructed, with the male homosexuals at the very bottom. The queer-theorist autogynephiles will be near the top of the hierarchy, followed by the female bisexual, then the male bisexual. Some politically acceptable form of lesbianism will police it, but will be directly answerable to the party.