ProxyMusic , YoureNotaClownfish & IrishTheFrenchie #conspiracy #transphobia

( ProxyMusic )
I don't think Semenya was ever deceived by the adults in Semenya's life when Semenya was growing up. Semenya was raised as a beloved, special male child with a difference of urogenital anatomy. Semenya only started claiming to be female after Semenya took up running in his mid teens and was scouted by Leonard Chuene and other officials at ASA. Members of ASA and the ANC came up with plan to enter Semenya into elite women's athletic competition as a way of sticking it to the IAAF and IOC after the battles over Oscar Pistorius, and as a way of getting back at white European colonialists and the countries of the "Global North" for apartheid. Lots of ANC members who became powerful in the SA government in the early 2000s had attended university and grad school in the US in the 80s and 90s - and they picked up on queer theory as they learned about, and helped to develop, such areas as critical theory and decolonization.

Semenya didn't get a birth certificate until April 2007, when Semenya as 16 and already had been identified by government officials as the country's potential "golden girl" runner. The BC saying "Female" was issued by officials of the same corrupt government that came up with the fraud that Semenys is female in the first place.

The head of Semenya's school told the press in 2009 that he never realized Semenya considered himself to be a girl until Semenya's final year. Semenya's first running coach referred to Semenya as he/him in an interview with the New Yorker in 2009.

I do believe that Margaret Niyonsaba might have been deceived about his sex as a child. But I believe the main reason would have been to prevent him from being forced into becoming a child soldier as young male children in Burundi customarily were during that country's long, bloody civil war. Niyonsaba was born at the start of the Burundian civil war and was already a teenager when it finally ended.

( YoureNotaClownfish )
Definitely. It is a very common disorder in the region and they know they are raising amazing future "female" athletes.

Caster has even said he has nothing in common with women and finds them tiring.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I 100% agree. I think Caster was raised male, knew he was male from an early age, and so did everyone else.



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