The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

It’s time to talk about a heavy subject. In light of recent events, it’s time we discuss when and how to enact church discipline and when it’s necessary to take the final step to excommunicate someone.
We had to take the unfortunate step to excommunicate “Bro.” Steven recently as some of you may know. He, despite having Bro. Eric as his Covenant Eyes accountability partner, has not ceased to consume excessively salacious materials, and we even have been informed by a third party that he attended an event in a nearby city related to this demonic subculture he’s preoccupied with. He’s been totally unrepentant and seems to throughly enjoy this sinful excess than being in company with the people of God: he would rather choose to commune with the heathen men and publicans than be in the body of Christ! If someone is that far gone, THEY MUST BE REMOVED TO STOP THE SPREAD OF THE DISEASE OF SIN! IF YOU DO NOT STOP IT AT THE SOURCE, THERE WILL BE A CATACLYSM IN THE BODY OF CHRIST! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Of course this isn’t the first step to take. As Matthew 18 says, we need to address the issue with the person one on one with a trusted mentor did which is exactly what Bro. Eric did with “Bro.” Steven. Then he was brought to the men’s prayer breakfast to discuss his issues where he was unrepentant about it! Then we had a church vote where it was revealed by that third party he was reveling in debauchery at this den of sin! Absolutely vile garbage that further exacerbates the problem he’s had over the past several months with this sin of his! He has been voted out of the church and is now free to engage in whatever sort of evil lustful wanton “entertainment” he desires as he signs his name on the dotted line to a one way ticket to the Lake of Fire! He is now unto us as a heathen man and a publican!
Brother in Christ, if you are struggling with a grave sin, let a trusted mentor counsel you before it gets to this point where formal church discipline is necessary! We are in the end of the Last Days and the spiritual warfare is at its worst and has claimed yet another casualty in our former leader and friend Steven. IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING MAKE IT KNOWN TO GODLY COUNSEL NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! DO NOT LET IT GET TO THIS POINT! God’s people said AMEN!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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