Brian Niemeier #wingnut #sexist
Western civilization now stands in a state of war. It is always a culture's hale young men who are called upon to defend against the barbarian at the gate.
In this case, the barbarians are already inside the gates, and many of them are our own women.
Relevant to this issue, the female preference for the Death Cult isn't as pronounced among married women.
Yes, young men are being asked to jump on a grenade that has a 50/50 chance of being live. Young men have been asked--and expected--to do the same throughout history. Society calls upon men to sacrifice our fortunes and lives because, biologically speaking, we are the expendable sex.
Complaining about that fact won't change it. That's why, however pure their intentions, MGTOWs will always be viewed as whiners by society at large.
Now, there's a big factor in the marriage vs. MGTOW debate that everybody misses. They miss it because it's a spiritual dimension, and as late Moderns we've been conditioned to regard spiritual matters as tertiary concerns at best.
That overlooked dimension is the matter of a man's vocation to a particular state in life. If your're working from a default view of man as a bald ape produced by blind chemical processes, marriage doesn't make much sense.
One big sign that God may not want you to marry is that you simply have no desire to marry. I'm not talking about cads who just want the milk without paying for the cow. I'm talking about the rare breed of men who aren't interested in fornication--or any form of sexual immorality, and can get along just fine without female company. Our licit desires and dispositions are good indicators of God's will for us because He uses them to lead us onto the path He's set. You might ask, "Why don't these guys just go be priests?" The reason is that if a man isn't properly disposed to be a temporal father, he's not disposed to be a spiritual father.
Rare cases aside, most MGTOWs do have sex drives but have sworn off marriage to avoid getting raked over the coals in divorce court. In the spiritual context, it's not hard to see that this movement is largely a result of the vocations crisis following Vatican II. A lot of MGTOWs are probably guys with frustrated vocations to the priesthood or religious life.
The point is, you're never going to find fulfillment by exclusively pursuing your material self-interest. True fulfillment only comes from sacrificing yourself for others.
Meanwhile, a key part of my literary legacy is still on sale for 99 cents!