Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
As our beloved country suffers from record inflation, high gas prices, an invasion on our southern border and record crime, Democrats are focused on....... January 6th! WATCH:

Sir nothing will change until the elections are secure and democrats start going to prison. Until Republicans stick together and remove those who side with democrats from the ticket.
Our rights are our rights politicians have no authority to try to remove our GOD given rights.

@DrPaulGosar A very good comparison, actually. Yes, the J6 Committee is operating just like Stalin-era Communists.

Name the jew or stfu

@DrPaulGosar Absolutely on point. As long as this Kangaroo committee fiasco continues the Biden Criminal enterprise and Hunter's laptop stays off grid! No Congressional scrutiny of intentional shutdown of our Petroleum supply, no scrutiny of boatloads of cash going to Ukraine, no scrutiny of why the southern border is unprotected, no scrutiny as to why our gov't is using the 'Jab' to bring down our military numbers and its readiness. J6 is the spinning watch they are using to hypnotize us dupes! WAKE UP, DUMMIES!

@DrPaulGosar the dems & rinos are scared shitless trump will get back in power & derail their gravy train of stealing our tax dollars

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump will do what his (((masters))) tell him to do. He is anti-White.

@Hellstorm2020 @DrPaulGosar Trump pimps and pardons jews, loves and promotes black, never once has he said anything positive about White people. "Lowest black unemployment, our greatest ally" blah blah blah. The fact that you love that orange tool of the jews says more about you than me. You can't be pro-Israel and pro-White at the same time. Get educated.



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