RareSorbet #sexist reddit.com
There no fucking point if you're not a Stacey. How many layers of makeup and how much do I need to socialise before I find a guy
Fuck everyone who comes here with shitty advice
Obviously socialise because it's good to meet people but if you're an ugly woman it's over. Guys aren't "shy" they're not waiting for signs, even the ugliest mfers put as much time and effort into the hottest woman as possible. The entirety if pop culture is centred around guys getting hot women. Only hot women lie about men.
Half finished rant because I'm busy lol brb
Edit:I'm back. I was SoCIaLisiNg like I always do. Shockingly I didn't become anymore attractive. It's nice to vent but yeah, you dont need to be a Stacey to get a guy but you do need to be attractive which I am not. Thanks genetics.