Hanne Nabintu Herland #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Former Pope Benedict XVI often pointed out that the secular focus on scientific and technological progress alone has created a moral vacuum in the West. It has produced an atheist culture that suffers from a lack of moral energy and compassion.
The traditional moral codex taught firm borders between right and wrong. Truth was universally objective – a category that applies to all men regardless of culture, gender, race or social standing. The concept of the law of nature outlined each individual's right to freedom and obligation to do his duty – to do what is right. It taught the importance of humility, self-restraint, self-control, patience and unselfish love. This moral codex taught that the heart of man inhabits the seed of evil and, therefore, the war against one's own lower nature is of utmost importance.

It strengthened the mental, inner war against greed, gluttony, lust and fundamentally instilled the fear of God as the eternal judge of humanity. The idea was to fear God and therefore treat one another with respect and dignity, as judgment is awaits all in the afterlife.
The central commandment in the Christian faith is the definition of how to overcome the darkness in the world and live the best, possible life. The idea is that by coming closer to the source of light, God the Creator, His eternal light will find its pathway into the demonic darkness that engulfs this world. The stated aim is always to spread love.

This religiously motivated ideal that millions in the West strove to achieve was slowly removed as atheism gained ground among the elites. The Western intelligentsia slowly substituted humility with pride and the Marxist belief in the idea of the "inherent goodness" of humankind.
Yet, religion is not as easy to root out as many an atheists hoped for. According to a Pew Research Forum study, as few as 2.4% among the world population say that they are atheists. Yet, those atheists are currently allowed to tyrannically rule the West.



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