
James Dunphy #racist #conspiracy #fundie counter-currents.com

[From "A WN take on 9/11"]

Conspiracy theorists believe that since many Jews have profited from 9/11, they were behind it. While Jews may have played leading roles in getting the US to simultaneously invade and invite the world, which resulted in part in 9/11, this doesn’t mean they played a direct role in it. Jews often pursue their own tribal goals to the detriment of the white majority

They also disproportionately occupy the upper echelons of many white societies. This results in an uncomfortable relationship between them and their white host population, so they seek to make alliances with other minority groups, such as Africans, but also with those who don’t even yet live in the nation by opening the borders. This is what Jews on the American Jewish Committee did when they supported Emanuel Celler’s lifelong mission of opening America’s borders to non-whites, which culminated in the 1965 Immigration Act
Zionist Jews use the US as Israel’s muscle in the Middle East. This angers Muslims, whom their Leftist brethren have been inviting into the US. This in turn leads to mass murder and chaos. By pursuing their own sectarian agendas, Jews bring about this chaos. Worst of all, they capitalize on the fear terrorist attacks elicit by using the FBI and Homeland Security to target peaceful Trump supporters and white advocates
Osama bin Laden, KSM, Ramzi Yousef, and their followers failed to accomplish the three points of Yousef’s manifesto. America’s diplomatic ties with Israel remain strong. Following 9/11, evangelicals became even more pro-Zionist[…]This seems to have waned in the past decade, though, as the Internet is red-pilling a lot of Christians about the dubious theology and history of Christian Zionism

Gregory Hood #fundie counter-currents.com

When the West was great, our children were raised with stories and sagas, folk tales and common prayer. Today, they are raised by corporate franchises, worship SJW superheroes, and experience reality through a screen. We must resist and turn to older, better ways. But in The Current Year, all too often the best many parents can do is find some movie that’s not completely pozzed they can take their children to.

That movie has emerged. It’s time to redpill your children. It’s time to take them to see The Angry Birds Movie.


Red, the suspicious right winger, is persecuted by his own leaders and told “no one cares about your opinion” by the other birds, who are eager to welcome the refugees and party with them. The pigs lounge around the birds’ island, even breaking into people’s houses and using their stuff. No one in charge seems upset.

But though they arrive asking for mercy and tolerance, the pigs end up using terrorism and mockingly thank the birds for their “hospitality” as they flee with the eggs. The West, uh, the birds and the eagle, only reclaim their future through militant action, reclaiming their identity through combat. In a “blink and you miss it” moment, there’s even a Coexist sticker on the van one of the birds drives, with the peace sign turned into a pig’s nose and the Star of David rendered as a knife and fork. And this is the van a bird has to drive into Piggy Island to save some of his friends.

War – war never changes.

Counter-Currents Publishing #racist counter-currents.com

[Press release for the book Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies]

Lynch deals frankly with the anti-white bias and Jewish agenda of many mainstream films, but he is even more interested in discerning positive racial messages and values, sometimes in the most unlikely places.

Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies gathers together some of his best essays and reviews covering 32 movies, including his startling philosophical readings of Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight Trilogy, and Mishima; his racialist readings of The Lord of the Rings and Gangs of New York; his masculinist readings of The Twilight Saga and A History of Violence; his insights into the Jewish nature of the superhero genre occasioned by Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy movies; and his hilarious demolitions of The Matrix Trilogy, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series, and the detritus of Quentin Tarantino’s long decline.

“Hunter Thompson said that Las Vegas was ‘what the whole hep world would be doing Saturday night if the Nazis had won the War.’ Like liberalism, that’s clever but wrong. If the Good Guys had won, we ‘hepsters’ would be at the movies, experiencing the ultimate art form, but made by racially aware white artists, not today’s Hollywood culture-distorters. This book is the next best thing: Trevor Lynch reviews today’s films from an artistically sensitive, culturally informed, but most of all unfailingly pro-white perspective. He doesn’t just warn you away from the obviously bad, but explains how the poison works and where it comes from, and even finds racially uplifting stuff where you’d least expect it—Pulp Fiction? Read it, and you’ll never feel the need to pay good money to be seen weeping at another Holocaust movie again.”

– James J. O’Meara, author of The Homo and the Negro

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

There is no Movement, certainly no significant organizational structure, representation within existing institutions, or revolutionary potential geared toward white survival. On the contrary, genocide is the order of the day. Genocide, anti-white racism, philo-Semitism, and totalitarianism are the core institutional “values” of contemporary society.


Paradoxically, a “movement” of a different sort, that is, an instinctive impulse among the more sensitive and responsible members of our race that it should endure, does exist, and has existed cross-generationally since Jews seized power over white civilization in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This impulse, sharply attenuated and violently suppressed by the ruling class, represents the natural drive of all life to survive and perpetuate itself.


But the fevered comic book imaginings of Jews, academics, the mass media, state-funded Left-wing “activist” groups, secret police, cops, prosecutors, judges, politicians, the European Union, globalist organizations, etc., are pure fantasies. There is no “Nazi” fifth column, no vast, secret conspiracy, no fiendish whites rubbing their palms as they slyly conspire to gas society’s gods, no “WASP Establishment,” no KKK, no pervasive white racism—nothing.


Today’s genocidal imperative emanates from the pit of hatred of people untethered from science, empiricism, reality, and moral and legal constraints, immersed in a swamp of irrational religious superstition.

Despite residual positive inertia from the past, science, empiricism, law, enlightenment, and morality diminish day by day as civilization dies and the world is plunged into the primitivism, darkness, gut-wrenching violence, sadism, and ignorance that burns in the demonic breasts of its new masters.

With no Movement to stop it.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

Whites possess innate psychological and emotional traits that Jews consciously and instinctively exploit to their advantage. Underlying all else is inborn Jewish dominance. Jews are naturally dominant over every race on earth, including whites. Other factors, such as Gentile ambition, self-centeredness, and greed; “fear of the Jews” (fright at the entire gamut of economic, social, legal, psychological, and physical terrorism at their disposal)—or, alternatively, admiration for Jewish brutality—and so forth, play a role as well.

Whites love to blame their own people—not themselves, personally, but their own kind—for evil thoughts, words, and deeds that Jews are objectively responsible for. Exculpating Jews and blaming whites or Gentile non-whites when the facts do not warrant it imparts a sense of moral superiority. Thus, Jews alone among the peoples of the world are virtually never held accountable for their crimes or innumerable lies. Instead, innocent or less guilty parties—even victims, particularly galling if you have a sense of justice—are blamed. The reason for this preferential treatment is hard to discern, but as a brute fact it is undeniable.

Whites admire money, and Jews have it. Whites are awed by the display of great wealth, and Jews ostentatiously flaunt it. Whites venerate social status—Jews are very high status. Class-wise, Jews can never be haughtily looked down upon the way so many whites can be. Whites esteem power, and Jews possess it. Whites envy (but don’t practice in their natural habitat) unrestricted sexual license, and Jews sexually exploit and prostitute good-looking Gentiles without inhibition, remorse, or conscience. Observe all the attractive young female TV anchors and reporters in New York City, or actresses in Hollywood, who have Jewish boyfriends or husbands. Whites view Jews as more intelligent than themselves, and admire that, too. Jews are society’s main intellectuals and comprise the core of academia.

The deepest-dyed philo-Semites perceive Jews as especially holy and ethical, a recurring theme in their many hosannas to the race.

One such American, a white businessman, published an expensive display ad, twice, a decade apart, in a local Jewish community newspaper under the headline “What the Jewish people have meant to me.”


The businessman extravagantly praised 26 local Jews by name—apparently personalization of this kind is important to them.


Particularly odious in light of how much Jews have done to foul sexual relationships and mores among whites, destroy the family, and bring about white population collapse and racial destruction through mixing, replacement migration, and anti-white laws, the turd said, “How come only men? Where were all the Jewish girls? Simple . . . there weren’t any. My one fling was handled by a very lovely girl. She taught me respect and that her future did not include me.” He was white, you see.

The asshole talked and acted exactly like billionaire conglomerateur Warren Buffett, who’s the same kind of philo-Semite, albeit a slightly more calculating one.

The businessman was in love. Especially striking was his sweeping generalization “the Jewish people.” He wasn’t talking about individual Jews, he was talking about all Jews, the entire group.

His perception, which fanatic philo-Semites all share, signifies pathological moral deficiency. Genuine morality and philo-Semitism are incompatible. They are a contradiction in terms. Show me a philo-Semite and I’ll show you a fundamentally immoral person. What Jesus said 2,000 years ago remains true today: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

The alleged outer beauty I cannot see, but its luster is apparently evident to others.

The important lesson is that not all whites think alike, and some harbor ardent, irrational (emotional), unrequited adoration for Jews. They wish they could be Jews (Harvard University political science professor Robert Putnam is another example), and there is nothing they would not do for them. Nothing.

In the great race war, such people grant no quarter to their fellow whites, and no quarter must be granted in return.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

There is no question but that if you share my scientific bent, if you are a born socio-historical detective curious about how power really works, then you can quickly strike gold by studying race and the Jewish question without blinders. You will be astonished at how much you will discover. More tantalizing still, despite the handful of intellectual Daniel Boones and Davy Crocketts who have gone before, a vast wilderness remains yet largely unexplored by the mind of man.

It is yours to conquer, if you have the courage and fortitude to do so.

That said, writing candidly about race — and, far more importantly, Jewish hatred and power — in defense of the voiceless, embattled white race, is not the way to win friends and influence people. It is not something to undertake lightly, for fun or entertainment. It is dangerous to your health and general well-being and may reduce your life expectancy. Jews and the governments and other institutions that serve them are not white. They are thugs. Morality and the rule of law mean nothing to them. This is a hard lesson that most have yet to learn.

Greg Johnson #fundie counter-currents.com

Confessions of a “Transphobic”

I never had a chance to read Gavin McInnes’ article “Transphobia is Perfectly Natural,” since Thought Catalog has taken it down. (But we can read outraged reactions from around the web.) McInnes has apparently been hounded out of his job as chief creative officer of something called Rooster, which I am too unhip to have heard of.

I am sure McInnes’ article is somewhere out there on the web, and I am sure someone will send it to me eventually. But I don’t want to read it until I have written my own take on the subject matter. Frankly, I am jealous that McInnes wrote on this first, since I have been kicking a similar idea around for years. I did not write it out, because up until May of this year, I was living in San Francisco, and the trannies there are far scarier than the antifa. Like the lesbians of Berkeley, they can reduce a man to a skeleton in under 30 seconds.

“Transphobia,” like “homophobia,” is an inherently dishonest term. “Phobia” derives from the Greek “phobos” or fear, and phobias are by definition irrational fears. But transphobia is neither irrational nor a fear. It is an emotion, of course. But it is a completely natural, normal, and healthy emotion. Which is as rational as any emotion gets.

Specifically, transphobia is a perfectly natural feeling of revulsion at men who have their dicks chopped off and women who have their tits chopped off — among many, many other things — in order to “change their sex.” Of course, one’s sex is determined by one’s chromosomes, so “sex changes” do not change anyone’s sex. They merely transform a man into a butchered simulacrum of a woman, or a woman into a butchered simulacrum of a man.

Again: sex-changes are futile, because one cannot change one’s chromosomes. One can only butcher and drug one’s body to look like someone of the opposite sex. And when many transsexuals finally awaken to the horror and futility of what they have done, they kill themselves.

The revulsion I feel toward transsexuals is not based on “meanness” or “ignorance” as liberals would have it, but on sympathy. When a healthy person sees another in pain, he recoils in horror because he feels the pain of others (which is the literal meaning of sympathy — suffering with others). I love my penis, and the thought of losing it fills me with horror. And when one sees self-inflicted suffering, it is natural to feel loathing and anger as well, because it didn’t have to happen. And by hurting themselves, self-mutilators hurt the rest of us as well. I am a bit overly sensitive, perhaps, but I even cringe at the sight of tattoos, partly in pity, partly in revulsion.

The kind of people who don’t feel sympathy and horror at radical forms of self-mutilation are, frankly, sick. They lack elementary sympathy for the pain of others. They may even take pleasure in the pain of others. Or, like most liberals who champion trannies as the next great minority crusade, they take pleasure in the discomfort that sexual mutilation causes “those people” — conservatives, Christians, rednecks, hicks, etc. — the hated others of the liberal loveys. Trannies and other freaks are just tools in the culture war. But in this case, the enemy is not the Right side of the culture, but nature herself — mental and moral health, which apparently drives today’s Left to paroxysms of sadistic rage. Because they’re evil, of course.

After a healthy person feels sympathy-based revulsion at sexual self-mutilation, the first thought that pops into his mind is, “These people must be crazy.” But let’s just withhold judgment for a bit and ask the transsexuals themselves what they think. Interestingly enough, they too claim to suffer from mental illness, namely the feeling of being a man trapped in a woman’s body, or vice versa. So the real issue here is not whether these poor people suffer from a mental illness — they admit it themselves — but rather what sort of treatment they should seek. Self-mutilation is not the cure for mental illness, but just another symptom.

If a man thinks he is Jesus, we do not crucify him. If a man thinks he is Napoleon, we do not crown him emperor. If a man thinks he is a woman, why then should we go along with it? Shouldn’t we try to help him get over his desire to mutilate himself, just as we help anorexics to stop starving themselves, and cutters to stop carving themselves?

And since when is it consistent with the Hippocratic oath — the “First, Do No Harm” part — for doctors to mutilate healthy bodies and turn them into parodies of the opposite sex?

What would I do with transsexuals? First of all, let me say that I have actually known two people who have embarked upon this path. To all appearances they were good-looking heterosexual men who dropped out of sight and then re-emerged as not-so-good-looking women. But all their likable traits and shared interests were disconcertingly intact. So transsexuals are not some abstract other. They are very real to me. This is me being real: having a real reaction to real people undergoing real, drastic transformations. I feel compassion and revulsion toward the transsexuals themselves, and righteous indignation toward the people who enable and exploit them.

So what would my policy be?

First, I would simply say “No.” Every decent society should provide healthcare for the mentally and physically ill. When people are mentally ill, they cannot make responsible decisions for themselves. Thus a decent society needs to exercise paternalism in the interests of the mentally ill. And the primary interest of the mentally ill is to get better, to triumph over their delusions, not to be humored in them, much less aided in radical and futile forms of self-mutilation. Again, self-mutilation is a symptom of mental illness, not a cure. Compassion and responsibility require that we simply say “no.”

Second, the mutilation of healthy bodies is contrary to the proper aim of the medical profession. Thus every doctor who performs sex change operations should be stripped of his license and drummed out of the profession. Sex changes should be outlawed, and any doctor who performs them should be jailed. Indeed, the same treatment should be meted out to doctors who perform any and all forms of genital mutilation.

Third, we must keep a sense of perspective. I don’t hate transsexuals. (I am rather proud of my book Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, so if I did hate them, I would have no problem admitting it.) Transsexuals aren’t evil or threatening. They are not “sinners.” They are simply sick people who should be cared for, not hated or harmed.

The truly evil people are those who exploit these unfortunates for gain: the doctors who mutilate them for money and the Leftists who use them as the latest totems of diversity, progress, and enlightenment — thereby revealing that their true enemy is not injustice or inequality but nature, health, and sanity. Craziest of all, though, is a society that consents to be ruled by such monsters.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

The idea of racial dominance was advanced by WASP physical anthropologist Carleton Coon, professor at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania


My dog was dominant in the sense described by Coon. Every time he interacted with strange dogs, regardless of breed, he would assume a menacing air and the other dogs would immediately submit, lowering themselves and making a whimpering sound. I never observed an instance where this did not occur.

A similar dominance-docility relation exists between Jews and whites. Whites are submissive—embarrassingly so. There is also a strange—frankly, disgusting—sado-masochistic component, with Jews the hate-filled sadists and whites the adoring masochists.


Though Jews are dominant over whites, we are superior. As William Pierce noted, our race does an overall better job excelling in every field of endeavor: literature, engineering, painting and sculpture, astronomy, building cities and roads, and exploring new lands.

Though Jewish dominance is visible in face-to-face exchanges, it is especially noticeable in the social, cultural, ideological, and institutional realms. In any assemblage or organization, Jews, given sufficient numbers and time—they can work ceaselessly for specific objectives over much longer time periods (generations, even) than whites—will get their collective way on matters of importance to them. This is true in entire societies as well.

We might say that population dominance is achieved through control of culture. A dominant race creates and shapes the social, psychological, and behavioral environment to which subject races must adapt. The dominant group creates an environment, a culture, advantageous to its members but exploitative of and maladaptive to subordinate races. Jews have gone so far as to strive for the extinction of whites, despite formulating the laws that made genocide an international crime against humanity. They routinely ignore and violate law whenever it suits their purpose.


It seems possible that the Ashkenazim represent a particularly virulent strain . . . which is saying a lot. They are driven by a burning hatred no Gentile can fully comprehend. (Strangely, most Gentiles remain completely oblivious to it even when it strikes them in the face.)


Once one race successfully asserts its dominance over another, it distorts the normal cultural and biological processes of the lower group. A socialization process alters the latter’s leadership cadre. Natural leaders are deemed inimical to the interests of the ruling class and are eliminated—even murdered at times, as Pizarro murdered the Inca emperor Atahualpa or the Communists massacred the Polish Officer Corps in 1940—while the fortunes of ambitious, sufficiently talented and energetic individuals willing to work against the vital interests of their own people are advanced.

As a result, Gentiles worldwide have fallen victim to the exteriorization of the closed, narrow-minded, bigoted, bitter, hateful, violent, criminal, dogmatic, intolerant, superstitious, filthy mentality of the shtetl, ghetto, and synagogue.

One far-reaching difference between Jewish rule and white rule, despite the careless use of the word “genocide,” is that whites never intended to physically exterminate native peoples. If that had been their goal, the subject races would no longer exist. (Some demographically small subpopulations did disappear.)

Instead, non-white races grew quickly, at least until recently, when modern techniques of population reduction were imposed on a global scale through so-called “birth control” and “family planning” measures. But this was done under Jewish auspices, not white, because we were no longer in command of our own destiny, never mind anybody else’s.

Yet Jews, drunk on the self-generated fury of their socially-constructed Holocaust religion, do have the intention of committing genocide.

Any meaningful effort to stop them must take racial dominance into account and devise methods to successfully thwart and overcome it. This means identifying pressure points and unique vulnerabilities, as well as strengths, in both races and targeting or compensating for them respectively. It is a practical problem requiring imaginative solutions.

One precept entailed by dominance analysis is that it is vital to correctly identify and confront the Main Enemy in order to solve our racial problems (independence and survival). Conceptually speaking, that is no small contribution. Blacks, Mestizos, Arabs, and Asians are all secondary. As William Pierce stated, we are heading for extinction because Jews are paralyzing our will and ability to resist annihilation. In an environment without Jews, “We can whip every other race with both hands tied behind our backs. . . . . We must do something about the Jews—soon. And clearly the key to getting the Jews off our backs is to regain control of our mass media.”

Germany briefly demonstrated that successful opposition to Jews by whites might be possible, as did Spain and Portugal in the 15th century. As the second most dominant race on earth, whites are in a better position than anyone else to halt the destructive process. First, though, we must marshal the determination and ingenuity to do so.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

Jews and Aryans—indeed, Jews and Gentiles—do not think alike. Psychologically and morally, Jews are radically different from other peoples. Jews are correct in recognizing that the first and most important division between human groups is not black and white or any other racial category, but Jew versus Gentile. Everything else is secondary. There is a profound sense in which all Gentiles are human beings, while Jews are not. Or, to state the matter from an ultra-Orthodox perspective: Gentiles of every race, including even the most obsequious philo-Semites, are beasts, while Jews are semi-divine beings animated by a soul.

Virtually all Jews are acutely conscious of the huge gulf that separates them from the rest of mankind, placing them outside its circle. Hardly any non-Jews are. The keen realization of this difference and its implications for racial survival is restricted to a tiny Gentile minority—a de facto elite.

Fritz Lenz, a German geneticist and anthropologist before, during, and after the Nazi era, possessed such awareness. He maintained that although Jews are unique in physical appearance, it is their mental characteristics that really set them apart.

Citing examples to support his thesis, he said it was possible “to recognize the literary work of a Jew (scientific work included) by the way in which the thoughts are developed and by the method of expression.” (Thorleif Boman’s Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek appears to embody a similar outlook in its title.)


The depth of the hatred Jews harbor for whites, and the extent of their social power, is impossible for most Aryans to comprehend in the absence of honest information. Anyway, they’d rather not think about it.


Now their crusade is to physically extinguish our people, to bash “the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed—not ‘deconstructed,’ but destroyed” (“eliminating the kulaks as a class” meant killing them). Why? Because we’re “the cancer of human history.”

As with the handful of embattled rebels in They Live who alone see the aliens for what they are, only a minority of whites today see the Jews for what they are. An inchoate minority possessing this rare capability must be reached and motivated to act before positive social change and racial survival can become genuine possibilities, because the Jewish role is the key role in the destructive process.

Some people reading this are prospective members of this de facto elite. You were chosen by the vast gallery of your ancestors stretching backward in time. You know, deep down, that it is man’s job to understand, to face the truth, to shoulder responsibility.

You can read the hidden code of Jewish power, assume the mantle of responsibility, and help guide your people to safety—if you so choose. Do not waste precious time on comfortable but irrelevant hobbyhorses like so many others do.

You will eventually discover that life is extremely short. Even when it’s “long” it’s short. And long includes a period of decline. Average life expectancy matters as well. Wikipedia frequently provides subjects’ age at death; when not given it can easily be calculated. Habitually make a mental note of it. The same with obituaries. Observe how many people check out sooner than you’d think—whose tour of duty is comparatively short. The Trickster fools us all.

Make your life count.

F. Roger Devlin #fundie counter-currents.com

The date rape issue can be solved overnight by restoring shotgun marriage—but with the shotgun at the woman’s back. The “victim” should be told to get into the kitchen and fix supper for her new lord and master. Not exactly a match made in heaven, but at least the baby will have both a father and a mother. Furthermore, after the birth of her child, the woman will have more important things to worry about than whether the act by which she conceived it accorded with some feminist professor’s newfangled notion of “true consent.” Childbirth has always been the best remedy for female narcissism.


It is necessary to act quickly. It took us half a century to get into our present mess, but we do not have that long to get out of it. A single-generation Zeugungsstreik will destroy us. So we cannot wait for women to come to their senses; we must take charge and begin the painful process of unspoiling them.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

When demographic collapse, universal swamping by non-whites, and compulsory measures to cause racial destruction prevail, a single cross is all that’s required. One generation. The tremendous speed with which Jews and government are accomplishing their objective has yet to be grasped by their victims. A clock is ticking. Whites do not have forever to respond to the situation into which they have been thrust.

Though actually fueled by age-old Jewish hatred of our people, the proximate excuse motivating contemporary genocide is undoubtedly the “Holocaust,” a core religion of Jewry, social elites, and the state. According to this mythos, Jews are divine—the chosen people of “God”; Satanic whites, in an effort to destroy them, murdered 6 million Jews in “ovens.” As punishment, and to prevent a future recurrence, Aryans must and should be biologically exterminated.

That, in a nutshell, is what anti-white racism is all about.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

There is no objective evidence, no replicable procedure to verify that Jews constitute as small a population as is claimed. It is true that they operate secretly, with a degree of conscious, coordinated, conspiratorial behavior unmatched by any other race—indeed, it is vastly underestimated by everyone, and a cornerstone of their supremacy. But the more miniscule you accept their population to be, the more intrigue you must allow in order to account for their inordinate power. In politics, demographics applies to everyone—unless, of course, you believe (as many atheists and anti-Christians do) that Jews are divine.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

Counter-Currents does not evade the taboo, the extremely uncomfortable fact, that Jews play the leading role in our destruction, intellectually, morally, and by instilling their goals and their hatred into elites and masses alike. Such recognition is vital, because those who fail to acknowledge the Jewish role, whether their denial is honest or dishonest, cannot, and therefore will not, save our race.


there is a definite sense that we are approaching an historical inflection point. Yes, Jewish, Leftist, and governmental power and anti-white actions continue to intensify. And yes, things are becoming more and more totalitarian every day.

And yet, these people cannot rule. They are biologically incapable of running societies or governments on their own—and that is precisely the position they are now in. Formerly, there was a white West that could be cozened into subsidizing and breathing continued life into Communism, so it lasted much longer than it otherwise would have. The same is true of Zionism.

But fiscal irresponsibility on a gargantuan scale, endless Jewish-instigated slaughters and overthrows of nations abroad, arrogant, untrammeled Jewish-Leftist imperialism on an unimaginable scale with complete contempt for the maligned victims, “Holocaust” blackmail, destruction of families, gross, unnatural sexual behavior designed to destroy within-race reproduction, importation of tens of millions of coloreds from all over the world motivated by ever-intensifying hatred of rapidly disappearing whites, against whom more and more fury is directed the less power they have and the more insignificant they become, will bring a swift end to this cynical shell game. It does not take a genius to see that advanced civilization cannot persist for long under such circumstances. There will be a wreck.

The West was destroyed through the rulers’ own hatred, intolerance, and greed. But soon there will be no West, no outside force, to bully and milk. The only plausible substitute for the “Western” role will be China and East Asia. I believe this substitution can be accomplished. But as soon as the aliens have established their dominance there, the destructive process will begin anew. It is their nature. It’s who and what they are. It is the only way they can relate to other human beings: big lies, hypocrisy, racism, hatred, blame, insatiable greed, selfishness, perpetual anger, self-righteous indignation, obsessive spying, domination, censorship, destruction of traditional religion, pornography and sexual dissolution (extremely important in destroying Gentile societies), violence, oppression, and, finally, murder and obliteration of native populations.

Tell the locusts to stop devouring the wheat field. (Good luck with that.)

Ward Kendall #racist counter-currents.com

Ward Kendall’s Hold Back This Day is a dystopian science fiction novel about a future in which a totalitarian world government promotes universal miscegenation to eliminate all racial differences — in the name of diversity, of course.

Hold Back This Day tells the story of how Jeff Huxton, one white man standing on the brink of our race’s extinction, regained his racial consciousness and pride and began to fight back.
Hold Back This Day is a fast-paced, highly entertaining, yet deeply serious and subversive novel of ideas.
First published in 2001, Hold Back This Day was written as a prophecy of the 22nd century. Only ten years later, it reads more like a history of our own.

“Ward Kendall has written the White man’s 1984, with a generous dose of Brave New World and an ending right out of Robert A. Heinlein. White men may have been rendered completely powerless in this society, but as long as they can still write first-rate fiction they have a voice, and Kendall is such a voice.”
—H. A. Covington, author of The Northwest Quartet

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

For those who regard the Jews as semi-divine beings, consider the strange fact that they, alone among the peoples of the Earth (except for Gypsies), cannot survive independently. They require a wealthy and tolerant host population — tolerant, that is, of every crime, evil, outrage and injustice associated with Jewish behavior. Never have they established a viable Jewish state.

Israel exists because it is subsidized by whites. The same was true of the ill-run Communist system, which survived only because of subventions and tolerance from the “West.”

A gangster state is an unstable and ultimately unworkable entity. Criminals cannot and will not sustain a civilization or a state for long.

Andrew Hamilton #racist counter-currents.com

Jews today exercise power unsurpassed by any other individual, group, or institution on earth. How long this situation will last is impossible to say. But if you’ve been digging for “the Answer,” the solution to the riddle of what makes the world tick, and your spade finally strikes “Jew,” then look no further. The live cable you’ve unearthed carries the secret power that can electrocute you.

Jews are the Main Enemy.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of exceedingly powerful, evil, dangerous non-Jewish (though usually not Jew-free) power centers in the world that can and do harm mankind, and can potentially harm or kill you, too. But none of them compare to the Jew. It is this fact that renders most historical parallels of little value as guides to contemporary revolutionary thought.

Despite their insatiable appetites and demands, and Jews are unconstrained by laws; they do not obey them and do not have to obey them. They are also unconstrained by morality. Therefore, there are no serious internal or external constraints upon their behavior.

Plenty of adventurers and daredevils court and even meet death daily for frivolous or even meaningless reasons. Yet few whites step forward to challenge the evil machinations of Jews and governments. It seems some other quality of character is required.

Jews resort to murder and physical violence with impunity. No government stops them. Indeed, governments are their accomplices, facilitators, and enablers. Jews delegitimize governments, or governments delegitimize themselves by their subservience to Jewry. ”Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Fear of the Jews” is a major factor in white passivity. (As is love of the Jews—but that’s a different subject.)

April #racist counter-currents.com

In the country that I would run everyone would be classified into an A, B, C , D or F categories. It would be on the basis of intelligence, athletic ability, physical beauty, creativity and service to the state.

Ds would be sterilized. C couples could have a replacement child. A and B level could have as many children as they chose, A level couples being compensated for their offspring who also tested out as A level. A person could move up an entire level if they showed that two of their offspring tested into a higher level. You could marry either one level up or one down but you would have to live as the level of the lower graded spouse. Every 5 years of life everyone would be retested up to the age of 30 in order to allow them to move up a grade. Service to the state would allow some individuals to move up to a higher level if they were in between two levels on testing. F level people would be those who would be painlessly euthanized.

All levels would have their own schooling system.

I actually came up with the basis of this idea while in grade school so if you are going to accuse me of being a ” nazi” then I guess I was just ” born that way”—..lol

CasaPound #fundie counter-currents.com

[A blogger takes a tour of an Italian racist organization called CasaPound, which owns a pub (and other properties).]

I asked Sébastien [his guide] what he would do if a gang of Africans appeared at the door. CasaPound is a legal organization, so they technically cannot discriminate against any group. He said that occasionally, when a black person shows up and asks for a drink, they wordlessly give him a tiny plastic to-go cup and wait for him to leave. Apparently, that has worked so far as most non-Europeans know the pub belongs to them and voluntarily do not bother trying to get in. [...] I asked what would happen if antifa tried entering the bar. Sébastien explained that if someone steps into that pub and slanders Mussolini, they're getting smacked across the face and being made to clean the bathroom.


CasaPound has flown out to Kosovo to defend citizens against American backed rebels and to South Africa to defend Boer farmers against blacks.


A girl was sitting on a couch in the corner reading a book. Sébastien explained that she was "doing her homework," which meant catching up on fascist literature assigned by the senior members. If she didn't do the assignment, the other members would know because when they return to headquarters, they are quizzed on what they were supposed to read. If men fail to answer questions related to the assigned literature, they must get down on the floor and do push-ups.

Rose #fundie counter-currents.com

The entire feminist narrative from the beginning is rotten and a context deaf misreprisentation of social conditions plus outright lies. Although I disagree with many ways the men’s rights advocates frame issues, their information on the history of voting rights in the western democracies are very well researched and eye opening. Worthwhile reading.

Once voting became the activity of atomized individuals the rest of the rottenness of the 20th century bad decision making followed.

Ted Sallis #racist counter-currents.com

I was recently reading in the news about a group of English soccer fans who, while chanting “we’re racist,” refused to allow a Negro to board a train in Paris. This was, as one can imagine, inflated into an international incident, plastered across newspapers and websites, certainly more important to the System than those mild shenanigans in Rotherham (completely forgotten about by now). Let us for a moment forget that a Negro has no business being in Paris to begin with, and consider the deeper meaning of this incident.

F. Roger Devlin #fundie counter-currents.com

[From a review of "Smart and SeXy"]

Impartial studies have revealed that HR women often use their influence in the hiring process not to advance the interests of the company but to screen for potential boyfriends and exclude female rivals: better-looking men are more likely to be given job interviews, while better-looking women are less likely.

Women’s move into the workplace has inevitably been accompanied by demands to remake workplaces so as to be more convenient to women. For example, one obvious consequence of female careerism is that many men are tempted to flirt with female coworkers. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with such behavior. As the author points out, flirting is something men have evolved to do, and “the species could not propagate without this behavior.” But most of these men do not come close to the wealthy movie stars and romance novel heroes with which the modern woman’s imagination has been filled. So women have demanded and gotten an administrative and legal regime which prohibits male flirting wherever it is “unwelcome” (i.e., whenever the man is unattractive). This is not merely unfair to these men. As the author points out, another “problem with criminalizing these men is that their labor and contributions are several orders of magnitude more valuable than the contributions of the women who make allegations.” It is also highly hypocritical on the part of women in view of their own demonstrated tendency, as described above, to use their jobs to advance their own sexual strategies.

Government work, being unconstrained by the need for profitability, is better able to absorb the costs of hiring large numbers of women, and accordingly women are 50 percent more likely to work for the government than men. Almost 60 percent of state and local government workers are women.

The feminists whose demands created our present employment regime want, in effect, for the cost of women’s behavior and decisions to be externalized to employers, customers, fellow employees and tax payers. Indeed, once all these hidden costs are factored out, it is unclear just how many “working” women are actually engaged in any sort of productive labor; the author suggests that the numbers may be as low as 30 percent, and there is little evidence women as a whole could ever become truly independent in the economic sense (although many women in the contemporary West are undoubtedly “independent” in the sense that they do as they please).

The cure for such waste is simply not to have many women in highly demanding positions. If they must work, they can be restricted to positions able to tolerate lower dedication.

The extension of political rights to women also involves high and sometimes hidden costs. Female influence in public life, wherever it exists, always follows a pattern which has been termed “the feminine imperative.” Kaine defines it as a “push to shape the social and legal institutions of society such that they benefit women specifically without much interest in whether those changes are harmful to men and civilization generally.” Thus, in contemporary America, women support the growth of the welfare state because its main beneficiaries are single mothers and the disproportionately female elderly population. Although the author does not discuss this, it has recently been suggested that female enthusiasm for “refugees” is a displacement of the maternal instinct to a domain where it is counterproductive. This whole question of the sources of female political behavior might be a fertile domain for scientific research once ideological controls are eased.

The author notes that

"women have a long history of being the main driving force behind hysterical cultural movements that seek massive top down control of behavior. The temperance movement has a lot of similarity to modern rape and sexual harassment hysteria. In the past, this hysteria was considered a female-specific mental disorder; women seem to be especially susceptible to the combination of highly emotional, frenetic and illogical thinking characteristic of hysteria."

But in recent decades, the very term “hysteria” has been banished from the vocabulary of psychiatry for what may be nothing more than ideological reasons.

Feminists promised that the entry of women into the workforce would unleash enormous reserves of previously untapped human talent and usher in greater prosperity and happiness for all. Instead, it has imposed vast new costs, particularly on men and taxpayers as a whole. And women themselves do not seem particularly happy under the new arrangements either: one in four American women are now on some kind of psychiatric medication just to get through the day.

The sexual consequences of this social revolution have been dire. White birthrates are below replacement across the West, and the most intelligent women are worst affected. As the author states, “the current average age of first birth for highly educated women is 32, and 1 in 4 highly educated women never have any children at all; a deeply dysgenic pattern.”

Kaine is admirably forthright in drawing his conclusions:

"The once symbiotic relationship [between the sexes] has morphed into a parasitic relationship where women depend on the coercive power of the government to extract wealth from men while providing little to men in return. . . . In essence, this is a free rider problem in which women want the benefits of civilization, but do not cooperate with the needs of the group to make civilization possible. . . . Progressively larger amounts of money [are] being taken directly from the pockets of men to pay for a largely ungrateful and ever more demanding population of women. This is wealth that productive men should be spending on their own families and children. . . . Reversing the dire consequences of feminist inspired policies and cultural beliefs thus constitute an urgent and existential imperative for the West if it is going to survive."

I couldn’t have put it better myself. If the West does survive, its future historians will marvel that a relative handful of women were able to turn the most advanced society in the history of the world upside down against the interests of the overwhelming majority of women and men merely to satisfy the imperatives of an ideology based on resentment and without any empirical support.

I was unfamiliar with Roderick Kaine until I came across this book from Arktos. He is clearly a gifted writer with an unusual ability to combine technical mastery of the hard sciences with sound social and political thinking. I hope we shall be hearing more from him in the future.

Conrad, Mimir's Well, Lew, White Republican and eiszeit #racist counter-currents.com

Conrad asks: 'I am just now becoming aware of the Jewish question and all it entails, but one thing about the Jews that I don’t understand is why. Why do they hate us so much? Why of all the “goyim” do they hate white Europeans above all others? Why do they want us to die?'

To which Mimir's Well replies: 'Aryans have always been their greatest rivals; Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Germans. All Indo-Europeans, all builders and creators. They, the jews, have taken the path of parasites to the point of no return.'

Lew's response is: 'A lot of us have been at it for years and still don’t get it. Suffice it to say we are up against unimaginable, unfathomable, implacable pathological hate. Start with Kevin MacDonald if you’re new.'

White Republican's contribution to the discussion is: 'I’ve been reading about the Jews for years, and I still can’t understand them, for their mentality is so different from our own. Their hatred for us is fathomless, and it reminds me of Theoden’s despairing remark in The Two Towers: “So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?” The answer, of course, is to confront it courageously: “Let this be the hour when we draw swords together.”

eiszeit, meanwhile, is of the opinion that: 'They hate us because we’re their opposite. Aryans create, Jews destroy. Aryans are beautiful, Jews are ugly. Aryans are peaceful and honest, Jews are aggressive and deceitful. Aryans seek objective truth, Jews prefer myth and fanaticism. These two races were destined to clash.'

Greg Johnson #racist counter-currents.com

There has been a certain normalization of white men dating Asians. Because feminism has made so many otherwise attractive white women into bitches, it is easy to understand why perfectly normal white men are tempted to settle for Asian women, as they seem to be more feminine, submissive, and oriented toward home and family.

But even those who defend whites dating Asians as a normal and healthy reaction to a sick society, will immediately assume that there must be something wrong with a white man who dates a black woman. Even the most delirious Yellow Fever victims balk at that.

Hence the normalization of white male/black female pairings has emerged as an identifiable action item on the agenda for white genocide.

For a long time, such parings were quite rare in television and the movies. It seemed easier to sell images of black men as wise mentors, crime fighters, scientific geniuses, US Presidents, and God, than black women as attractive sexual partners for normal, non-defective white men.

Ted Sallis #racist counter-currents.com

[Part of an overview of Marvel Comics from a white nationalist point of view]

Sure, most of the characters were, and still are, White, but the most appealing White characters have always been strong supports of aracial constitutional patriotism, with an opposition to the values of “intolerance” (sic) that nationalists would favor.

One can argue that the racially liberal White Marvel of the past set the stage for the more multiracial Marvel of today. If Peter Parker were not such a bleeding heart racial liberal (reflecting the attitudes of his creators), then his “Ultimate” (but not original) version would never have been killed off to make way for a “person of color.” Steve Rogers, Captain America, may represent “Whiteness” physically, but did he ever represent nationalist values? That comic characterized racial nationalists as the very personification of evil, and showed Rogers with a Negro partner and a Jewish lover. “Whiteness”?

Similarities between Marvel Comics and Hollywood with respect to their treatment of ethnicity and race are not surprising, given the similar ethnic origins of both institutions. Films, TV, books, comics, or whatever the medium, the extended phenotypes of particular ethnic groups are always expressed, and it is clear that these extended phenotypes are incompatible with the long-term well-being of European-derived peoples.

Trevor Lynch #racist counter-currents.com

I liked the Twilight movies for three reasons.

(1) Edward and Bella are remarkably mature, cultured, articulate, and well-mannered teenagers. Edward, of course, has been a teenager for a very long time. But Bella has not. The Twilight Saga teaches young people that being well-mannered and well-spoken and developing a taste for European high culture, is not incompatible with being young, attractive, and fun.

(2) The Twilight movies promote the aesthetic appreciation of whiteness, since both Bella and the vampires have very pale complexions, which heighten our awareness of the beauty and expressiveness of white features. This effect was strongest in the first Twilight movie directed by Catherine Hardwicke. The second movie, directed by Chris Weitz, and the present film, directed by David Slade, somewhat undermine this effect by giving the vampires a creepy, corpse-like pallor.

(3) Most importantly, the Twilight movies are anti-feminist, emphasizing traditional male and female roles. They are a return to an older form of literature combining chivalry and Gothic horror.


From a racialist point of view, my only quarrel with the Twilight Saga is Bella’s relationship with the American Indian Jacob Black. But in the end Bella chooses a man of her own race. My initial instinct would have been to leave out the whole interracial romance, but have changed my mind. Young women today are being bombarded with pro-miscegenation propaganda, so perhaps it is healthier to acknowledge that such temptations exist but show Bella choosing her own kind in the end.

F. Roger Devlin #fundie counter-currents.com

I submit that a man’s “preying upon” a younger women of lower rank should be grounds for regarding him as a husband. Men are supposed to have authority over women; that is part of what a marriage is. Equality of the sexes makes men less attractive to women; it has probably contributed significantly to the decline in Western birthrates. It is time to put an end to it.

Richard Houck #racist counter-currents.com

[From "7-11 Nationalism"]

There’s an old time capsule video from 1987 titled “2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World” that has made its way around the Internet over the years and has been viewed millions of times. Time capsule videos from the 1980s and early 1990s are often a bit grainy, depicting rather ordinary occurrences and interactions. They often depict completely ordinary events like kids buying snacks and talking to strangers in a 7-11, and yet they frequently get thousands to millions of views. These videos give a fleeting glimpse into how our nations once were, effectively depicting countries that no longer exist. They show younger people how safe, clean, friendly, and white our nations once were. Videos like this one leave some in awe at how happy and carefree people could once be in their local convenience store.

The corner store experience and 7-11 Nationalism is a sharp metaphor for the gradual decline of the West and the slow march of diversity that encroaches upon every facet of our lives.

I remember going to gas stations late at night with my dad when I was a kid, when I couldn’t sleep. We would get snacks. He knew the names of everybody who worked the late shift. They always seemed to play cool ‘80s music. That’s the America we were supposed to have.

As I grew up, I kept going to convenience stores often. I always enjoyed the experience and would take my time: grab a soda, chat with the clerk, maybe talk with a friend in the parking lot. But just in the course of my own short life thus far, there are places I went not all that long ago that were awesome, fun, clean, and safe that are now infested with aspiring rappers and welfare tourists – and nobody speaks English.

Not that long ago, I stopped at a convenience store in one of the most “diverse” parts of the city to buy a soda as I was driving through. The experience was “enriching,” you might say, in that I did learn something new about how non-whites live. The establishment’s front door was chained shut and locked. The windows were all barred. The clerk asked what I wanted through a microphone, and I had to put my money in a bulletproof box from outside. The clerk then closed the window on the box, got my soda and change, and then put it back in the box and closed it on his side so that I could receive it. The way that low-trust, low-impulse control populations live is wild. When my dad was growing up, the neighborhood I stopped in was nearly entirely white. Now, it’s a ghetto. There was once a gas station on the corner where I stopped, and it had no bars or chains or bulletproof glass. But then the blacks and Hispanics started moving in, and the whites moved away. Not even blacks want to live around other blacks; that’s why they move to white neighborhoods in the first place, perhaps not realizing that wherever they go, they bring crime and dysfunction with them.

The chill vibe that once existed in places like your neighborhood 7-11 has been shattered as a result of non-white migration and forced racial integration. Meandering through the aisles looking for snacks to eat during a movie with your friends or girlfriend is part of a bygone era, and we know who is responsible. Today is the age of looking over your shoulder, wondering if the group of loud urban youths gathering outside are about to commit their next felony, and being gawked at menacingly by a car full of dirty cholos, as if you’re the one in the wrong country.


7-11 Nationalism is about all the little things and day-to-day experiences that matter to our quality of life. The GDP can be at an all-time high, but if you can’t safely go to buy a soda, are you really any better off? Sure, your TV is bigger and crisper than ever, but do you know the first name of the guy who works at your grocery store? Do you even want to know his name? One of the more unfortunate aspects of ethnic diversity is that as social cohesion and trust break down, in-group trust also declines. Not only are we alienated by the presence of racial outsiders, but they cause us to be less trusting and sociable with those of our own kin as well. Even when the clerk is white, you are less likely to know his name in a diverse country, which robs us of the relationships we could have cultivated under different circumstances, leading to a more enriched society.

The experience at your local convenience store is, arguably, a more relevant indicator of the quality of life and social health in your nation than economic factors. When you pull into the parking lot, get harassed for money by some aspiring rappers, are nearly run over by a hijab-wearing woman in a new SUV as you cross the parking lot, and are unable to communicate with the Indian clerk while you’re being given the eye by urban youths, you come out of the experience feeling annoyed and angry. This is diversity fatigue: the result of the constant low-grade harassment and alienation we experience just by living among these vile racial aliens.

Diversity fatigue and psychological terrorism are the norm in today’s multicultural polyglot. Seeing a Mexican woman use her EBT card to buy snacks for her six children who will soon be outvoting and replacing you is a form of psychological terror. Seeing people in hijabs in a Western setting is jarring and unnatural. You know none of this is “normal,” but you’re forced to accept it all the same.

Mass migration and the fruits of “civil rights” legislation are coalescing to create an environment that is utterly inhospitable for us. Whites are being forced to live among a violent, impulsive, high-time preference scourge, with no way to legally segregate ourselves from them. It’s a form of anarcho-tyranny: the criminals are allowed to commit crimes and operate rather freely in society while the innocent are forced to live among them, while the law does little to protect them. The authorities allow criminal aliens to enter the country and will enforce the law against a white person who tries to escape forced integration. By making it impossible for whites to choose who they live with, we have been forced to abandon the cities we built and the towns we grew up in for the next suburb.