
UltraCatholicAngloAmerican aka Jacob Harrison #wingnut #fundie #psycho fandom-fanon.fandom.com

(Jacob Harrison’s description of alternate universe Britain (and presumably the rest of Western Europe and the Anglosphere) under the rule of Emperor Gary Stu Michael Cooper.)


Social Politics

The English are allowed to celebrate their victories against the French during the noble phase of the Hundred Years War in the 1300s but not the bad Lancastrian phase in the 1400s when God chose Joan of Arc. God chose Joan of Arc to save France because the vacancy of the English throne after the overthrow of Richard II made their claims to the French throne vacant.

The Church of England was rejoined with the Catholic Church. But the Catholic Church forbids forcing people to convert to Catholicism so people have freedom to practice their own religion or lack of religion. The only religions that are not tolerated are Satanism for being Satanic and Jehovah’s Witnesses for being unpatriotic. Any form of paganism that involves witchcraft, divination, ouija boards, and psychic mediums are put in the Satanism category.

For Catholics, divorce is distinguished from annulment. Legal separation is allowed in cases of abuse and other things, but unless an annulment is granted, divorced couples are not allowed to get remarried because the spouse they legally separated from is still their valid spouse until death.

Islamic Extremist misogynistic clothing such as the niquab and the Burkini are banned.

When Muslims and Jews do their animal slaughter, it must be done humanely so that the animal doesn't feel pain. Therefore, it is required that the animal is stunned and unconscious before being cut.

Abortion is illegal

Homosexual relations is legal since the monarchs Richard I, Edward II, and Richard II were bisexual. However, homosexuals are kindly encouraged to confess their sins to priests like those monarchs did. It is required to be kept in private locations like it was in Medieval England. Therefore, no cross dressing or kissing in public. Only heterosexual couples can adopt children.

Since prostitution and brothels were legal during the time when the legitimate monarchs ruled England, it is legal with regulations to ensure that the sex is consensual.

The press is tightly regulated to ensure that it is loyal to the government.

It is legally required for people to stand for the national anthems of their countries within the Empire at sporting events.

The Education System

The state education system is required to teach Catholicism, patriotism, and Europe’s glorious history in addition to other necessary topics. Every morning, it is required for students and faculty to stand and say a pledge of allegiance to their country within the Empire.


The Justice System

The justice system is based on common law. Defendants have a right to a jury and a lawyer and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Disrespecting the Holy Roman Emperor and monarch of the country within the Empire is punished by a yearly jail sentence. So is disrespecting a previous monarch on the good monarchs list.

Blasphemy is punished with fines.

The death penalty was restored throughout the Empire for mass murderers, child molesters, and those who commit high treason (trying to overthrow the government). Traitors are publicly beheaded and their heads are put on pikes and publicly displayed for a while.

Enhanced interrogation techniques are permitted as a means of interrogating criminals, rebels, and terrorists to force them to reveal important information.

Jacob Harrison #psycho #fundie fandom-fanon.fandom.com

[From “The Tragedy of Bastethotep”]

Now Bastethotep was an obese man who struggled to find true love. One day at the grocery store, he found an attractive woman who was wearing a shirt of the biology company she worked at. He thought that at last, he found his future scientist wife. He had an erection.

His erect penis stuck out in his pants and the woman noticed. “Gross!” she said and walked away.

Bastethotep was in despair that he was rejected and he stomped his foot. Being obese, he lost his balance and crashed into the meat section. The manager came out and was furious.

“We will either sue you for damages in court or you can make up for it by doing me a favor by helping me in the meat packaging room put back.”

“I’ll do you the favor,” said Bastethotep relieved that he could avoid being sued.

In the meat packaging room, the manager pointed to the meat grinder and said, “Since you ruined the meat, we will turn you into meat.”

And Bastethotep was shoved into the meat grinder and made into hamburgers and hot dogs. Customers thought that they were just eating normal beef and pork. ...

While burning in hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior and repenting of his sins, Bastethotep thought that at least his murderers would get sent to hell to. But then he saw a vision of an evangelist doing jail ministry convincing the manager and his accomplices to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. May this story be taught as a lesson of God’s infinite mercy, that he sent his son to die for you, so that no matter what evil deed you did, you can be forgiven if you repent during your lifetime. If you committed a crime and haven’t been caught, then you must atone by turning yourself in.

Jacob Harrison #wingnut #fundie fandom-fanon.fandom.com

A very important announcement

I previously used an account with the username UltraCatholicAngloAmerican. As shown in my article on the Restored Holy Roman Empire, in spite of the Catholic Church’s canonization of Joan of Arc, I reconciled my Catholicism with my American English nationalism by saying that God chose Joan of Arc to save France because the vacancy of the English throne after the overthrow of Richard II made their claims to the French throne vacant.

But then I did more research. Poor Innocent VIII issued a bull ordering the English to be loyal to the House of Tudor and later Popes recognized the Jacobite heirs of the House of Stuart. So I realized that in order to reconcile my theory of the vacancy of the English throne, I had to modify the story to solve the succession dispute by having a restored English parliament based on the legal system of 1399 elect the Jacobite heir king, restoring the legal system of 1688. Then the English would pass an act declaring themselves a vassal kingdom to Emperor Michael.

But if the theory of the vacancy is open to human interpretation and not a direct order by God, I realized that there must be another reason why God chose Joan of Arc. I thought that perhaps Henry V of England rejected a reasonable offer of peace. After all, the so called Hundred Years War was not really a continuous war, but actually 3 different wars. In 1360 in the Treaty of Brétigny, Edward III renounced his claim to the French throne in exchange for receiving the Duchy of Aquitaine in full English sovereignty. When there were later dispute that caused France to violate the treaty in 1369, he resumed his claim to the French throne. The second war lasted until 1389 when there was a truce which was broken due to conflicts in the 1400s.

But I did research and realized that during the negotiations of 1414, while the French offered an enlarged Aquitaine, they only offered it as a fief instead of in full sovereignty under the terms of the Treaty of Brétigny. Therefore, Henry V was justified in his invasion of France.

In the Treaty of Troyes in 1420, Charles VI agreed to disinherit his son, the Dauphin Charles, and made Henry V his heir. Henry V died before Charles VI causing Henry VI of England to succeed Charles VI as King of France. But the disinherited Dauphin rejected and claimed the throne as Charles VII.

Now I realize that Joan of Arc who helped Charles VII overthrow Henry VI, was a witch. I hope that she repented at the last moment of her life when she was burning.

I am therefore now an Anglican who also adheres to common American Protestant beliefs and believes that the King James Bible is the true English translation. I am now a Jacobite who wants to restore the rightful heirs of James II to the thrones of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France since they are the rightful heirs to both the Houses of Lancaster and York. Yes he was Catholic but that was before the Church canonized Joan of Arc. He was illegally overthrown.

In 1782, the Jacobite heir Charles Edward Stuart declined an offer from Americans to become King of America, therefore legally recognizing the United States as a Republic. https://www.scotclans.com/charles-edward-stewart-king-america/

However, all the other territories that were part of the British Empire prior to 1688 are rightful territories of the Jacobite heirs since the Jacobite heirs did not recognize the independence of those territories. That includes parts of Canada, Bermuda, parts of the West Indies, parts of the East Indies, parts of India, the Gambia River in Africa, and St Helena.

The Jacobite heirs must also be restored with the royal powers the House of Stuart had before James II was overthrown. Back then the monarchs could legally dissolve parliament at will and rule by decree. There were only partial limits to their power such as in the Magna Carta.

You may say “The Jacobite heirs have not pursued their claim to the throne so why bother trying to restore them. Don’t they have the authority to abdicate?”

But by the time of the House of Tudor, it became a custom that the monarch could only change the laws of succession through the consent of parliament. So even if Franz Duke of Bavaria abdicates, he cannot alter the succession of his heirs by primogeniture without parliament. The youngest Jacobite heir by primogeniture is Prince Joseph Wenzel of Lichtenstein so Joseph’s descendants must be put on the throne. I will only accept the House of Windsor if one of Joseph’s descendants gives royal assent to an act of the parliaments of England, Scotland, and Ireland that changes the succession.

Since I am now an Anglican American, I will have to modify my story to be more in line with what American Protestants know about of the end times. I believe that the true monarch of Britain will be raptured along with other believers and then return with a new body after the Tribulation to rule Britain, Ireland, and France during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ until the final battle and making of the New Heaven and New Earth.

I will preserve the plot of a resurrected Nero, and the events in the final chapters where I resist Miralia Casteler’s sexual temptation and cause her to repent. I may need to borrow more elements from Niam’s version to help with the plot overhaul.

UltraCatholicAngloAmerican aka Jacob Harrison #fundie fandom-fanon.fandom.com


imageSouls burning in hell

Hell is a realm where Eru Illuvatar/God punishes unrepentant sinners in a lake of fire and brimestone. Since Illuvatar is an infinite and eternal being, knowingly sinning against him is an infinite crime so the punishment in hell is therefore eternal.

In hell, the damned feel 2 great pains. The first pain is the pain of the burning fire. The other pain that is even worse than the physical pain of the fire is eternal separation from God. There are multiple levels of hell depending on the severity of the sin committed. The edge of hell is where the least sinful sinners are. The closer to the center of hell, the hotter the fire is. The center of hell is where the greatest traitor in history, Judas Iscariot is. It is also where Illuvatar plans to send Morgoth/Satan after the Battle of Armageddon.

How to avoid Hell

Illuvatar loves mankind so much that he sent his son Jesus, The Christ to sacrifice himself for everyone’s sins so that they can be forgiven if they accept his son’s sacrifice and confess their sins to priests in his new church. The only exceptions are the souls of children below the age of reason and those who are ignorant of Christ or Catholicism but seek to follow the will of God in accordance with their understanding of it. The souls of baptized children below the age of reason go to heaven, while the souls of unbaptized children go to an alternate realm called Limbo. Since Christianity spread around the world, most people on Earth today are not ignorant of Christ.

You must therefore join the Catholic Church. If you are already baptized, then you need to confess all the mortal sins you remember committing to your priests. If you haven’t, then your baptism will cleanse you of the sins you committed prior to your baptism and then you will need to confess subsequent sins to your priests. During a pandemic, you can confess to God and make a resolution to confess to a priest once the pandemic is over.

Famous People in Hell

* The false prophet Muhammad.
* The heretic Martin Luther
* The false apostate King Henry VIII of England
* Voltaire
* Maximilian Robespierre
* Karl Marx
‘ Vladimir Lenin
* Adolf Hitler
* Mahatma Ghandi
* Joseph Stalin
* The heretic C.S. Lewis
* Mao Zedong
* Pol Pot
* Christopher Hitchens
* Osama Bin Laden
* The heretic Jack Chick
* The heretic Billy Graham
* Stephen Hawking

UltraCatholicAngloAmerican aka Jacob Harrison #wingnut #crackpot fandom-fanon.fandom.com

Did the Southern States have the constitutional right to secede?

I have done research on the Civil War. First of all, it wasn’t solely about slavery. It was a constitutional crisis. The southern states believed that they had the legal right to secede from the United States while the US government believed that secession was illegal. Thus there was a bloody war.

The prevailing view today is that the establishment of the Confederate States of America was illegal. In the Supreme Courts ruling on Texas vs White case in 1869 that secession is illegal because the Articles of Confederation which was the constitution of the United States before the 1789 Constitution referred to the United States as a perpetual union.

However, others argue that the Articles of Confederation which was established in 1781 as a treaty between the original 13 sovereign states lost its binding force because many states later violated the treaty. To establish a more powerful central government, there was a convention that in 1787 proposed the Constitution which they argue was a complete replacement of the no longer binding Articles of Confederation.

They argue that the Articles of Confederation was no longer binding is shown by the fact that the state’s ratification of Constitution did not follow the amendment process laid out in the Articles of Confederation. The amendment process of the Articles of Confederation required approval by all 13 of the state legislatures. The Constitution was originally ratified by only 9 states by ratification conventions not by the state legislature though it later got ratified by all 13 states. Thus they argue that the Supreme Court’s ruling invoking of the Articles of Confederation was invalid.

They argue that the Constitution contains the words “more perfect union” not “perpetual union” and that there isn’t anything in the constitution that says “states can not secede.” They argue that the 10th amendment says “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” and that the power to prevent secession was never delegated to the federal government.

As for slavery, it would of eventually been abolished anyway had the Confederacy won. The slave economy was failing and there would have been international pressure to abolish it.

Resolution to the debate

To resolve the debate, the US government needs to pass an amendment restoring the Confederate States and allow the Confederate States to amend their constitution to rejoin the Union. This happened in the parallel universe at the encouragement of Michael Cooper.