
Tlara #fundie gaiaonline.com

For those of you who believe in evolution, how does it explain gravity? The theory of relativity? The planets? The solar system? Oh and this time guys...try putting references in your replies...no references, no replies.

flyingemublue #fundie gaiaonline.com

I've struggled with being gay to. My best friend was gay, so I turned out Gay, 'cause people end up acting like there friends. I've stuck my hands down peoples pockets and up their shirts. and I kissed a guy and relized how gay I really was. But i do not at all say its not by choose. I knew My best friend was gay and i could have stayed away from him, and been strait that whole time. Makes you think about what happens to people when there sorounded by people who tell them that being gay comes naturaly to some people.

viczon #fundie gaiaonline.com

someone said that he don't believe in GOD!!! and someone too said that i cant see Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iam just saying that who dont believe in GOD should even though you dont see Him!
and iam not saying too that you should. praise God just believe, BELIEVING IS ENOUGH! SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU IN MY WORDS BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT GOD IS TRUE

Meggsie #fundie gaiaonline.com

Actually, recent scientific evidence points more to Intelligent Design.

As for Darwin's Theory of Macroevolution, it HAS been proved WRONG. Now, Microevolution, the evolution we see taking place in everything life (eg. within a species for example, genetic changes down a generation) is everywhere around us. The Bible and Microevolution geld perfectly into each nothing, nothing wrong with that. The reason why so many Christians are against Macroevolution is because Darwin was saying that ALL animals came from the SAME ancestors (humans, monkeys and fruitflies are all linked), and that natural selection ALONE created us, hence putting God out of a job. However, he was wrong.

According to Darwin's theory, nature makes no big changes. He had no evidence but he was positive that future fossil finds would prove his theory. Ideally, fossil record should how a whole string a fossils from waaaayyyy back with minimal changes every few decades (since his theory of natural selection meant no major changes). HOWEVER, many discoveries later till the present day, the fossil record instead shows an incredible phenomenon (known as the Cambrian Explosion) that can't really be scientifically explained. There is no long string of fossils that leads to modern day, instead, in a short span of time (short relative to the millenia that earth has been around of course) EVERY major species (the group they belong to that is) just sprang up! And this is not due to any gap in the fossil record at all, for there are fossils found all along the timeline.

Conclusion: The fossil record disproves Darwin's theory.

In fact, there is NO evidence for the theory at all. I know many say 'of course, it's just a theory, no one says it actually FACT' but the fact is in schools worldwide Darwin's theory is being taught as a fact. All the pieces of evidence used to support his theory have been disproved too. For example, the pictures of Haeckel's embryos were faked. There is NO 'Java man' or caveman findings that show early Man was stooped and ape-like, since there were NO fossils to proof that. The supposed 'Java Man fossils' were just one skullcap, one thighbone and 3 teeth. The skullcap didn't belong with the femur either. And the skullcap was exactly the same as that of modern man.

Contrary to what many are saying about how Creationists are believing lies in favour of God, for the past half of a CENTURY is has been atheist scientists who are grappling at straws to avoid the theistic truth behind the whole matter.

All that said, anyone have any conclusive evidence to bring up for Darwin? That hasn't already been disproved, exposed as false or been countered that is.

Acanthus #fundie gaiaonline.com

i hate it when stupid kids decide to be atheist, what the f*ck could have happened to you in your life so far that you think god does not exist..what did daddy not give you the right christmas present? You're 14 unless you have personaly experienced some serious shit or have searched for god and not found anything who the hell are you to call yourself that.....pffffft stupid teenagers and their damn idiotic tags and labels.

hyper giggling girl #fundie gaiaonline.com

Look out side trees are a master peice right? and no masterpice can be created with out an artist Jesus is that artist for me.You cant see the wind so how do u know its there???You dont have 2 go to church to be a christen some people rnt christens because they hate church just sit down and read the bible its the thing that will set u strat

Decyde #fundie gaiaonline.com

Evolution is good for people who don't want God to exist. They use it as a crutch to get by and be happy with themselves. Why? Because with a God, there is a moral code to adhere to. Without a God, any immorality is justified and unpunished. People believe in evolution so that they dont feel so bad after blatantly lying, cheating, stealing, rampant sex, and other immoral behavior that leads to an anarchist world. There is no peace there. With a God, there is Peace.

Evolution corrupts.

HeavenRaiser #fundie gaiaonline.com

Heaven Raiser: i do wat the bible says

Response by another poster: You don't shave?! You don't eat seafood?! You don't wear clothes that are made from more than two fabrics?

HeavenRaiser: how you get that from the bible? seriously it says don't have the sides of your hair and the tips of your beard, I get my barber to do it for me, it says not to wear cloths made of two materials cotton and polyester are the same material, fabric

pockybot #conspiracy gaiaonline.com

<img src="http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m255/melocure/mem2.gif">

Why, what a COINKYDINK! Afghanistan right next door to the east, Iraq right next door to the west. The TWO countries the US invaded.

The neocons who control Washington wanted and planned to invade Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran(in that order) even before they took office in 2001(it just required, in their words "A Catalyzing and Catastrophic event, like a new pearl harbor" to get their wishes)

not-Andy #fundie gaiaonline.com

So "creationism"(I prefer to call it Christianity. Whatever happened to that? Is it now no longer a word?) can't be proved. And neither can the Big Bang. The Earth has to come from somewhere, I think humans weren't meant to know. Did you know that before Darwin died, he rejected his theory of evolution? And now, humans think that apes are "evolutioning into humans again". They've been seen using primitive tools to hunt. So in three(hundred, was it?) million years, no more monkeys. Scientists love the phrase "__ million years" If they don't believe Jesus ever existed, how come, if "there have been billions and billions of years," we're only in the year 2007? Where does BC turn into AD for the scientists? Really, don't believe them. When it comes to evolution, it's all junk.

Elder Spwan #fundie gaiaonline.com

During the start of the whole Anti-Freemason trend, a judge ruled a man as an incompetent witness because he was an athiest.
And I almost agree, you'd have to be atleast a little bit mentally incompetent to not believe in SOMETHING. I mean the whole need to worship something is ingrained in the human psyche. To disbelieve is just petty and contrary.

So, inregards to [atheists] being a distrusted minority, I think thats nonsense, they don't ever get together and meet and discuss their common idiocy. But I could do well with a lot less of those people.

As of the strong/weak thing. Weak athiests are just agnostics in my opinion, its sad they lack faith, but atleast they don't try to deny it. Thats the real idiocy, the denial.

Micheal Noire #fundie gaiaonline.com

Judy Garland. Manga. Bondage Gear and Handcuffs.

These are the three sources of homo-eroticism in America. My question to you is, are homosexuals capable of demonstrating an actual analog of their own, where romantic encounters exist, that aren't hyperbolic hollywood quasi drag queens lisping (too many examples to name but collectively refered to as Camp), that aren't direct parallels to Asian hyperfeminized androgynous cartoon fantasies, and aren't a highway to hell through PVC, bondage leathers, and police cosplay?

Put another way, do gays in America have a morally sound fact behind their fiction for paired relationships? Because, as every ED topic generally requires a claim, I claim they do not. I claim that the man behind the curtain has nothing going on but an excuse to get off. I claim that the romance between same sex couples in America is driven by kink, hollywood posers, and asian cartoons about asian androgyny and frankly, pedophilic relationships which have only recently started to get outlawed.

I am claiming that all you who support American homo-eroticism can produce is vile or imitated culture, rather than romance or something culturally admirable. I do not believe you have the capacity to prove me wrong.

GuardianAngel44 #fundie gaiaonline.com

You can't [disprove the theory of evolution]. And it's not fair. If we have to disprove their science using science, then they should disprove our Bible using the Bible.

And their has been no person in history who has disproven the Bible. Those who have tried have all become Christians.

Buster Friendly #fundie gaiaonline.com

God Uses Rape to Punish Sinful Women

When we compromise God's standards is he going to say we are blameless when we reap consequences? No he isn't.

We reap what we sow. There are many, many women who are raped and have done nothing to be at all responsible, there is no doubt. However if a woman dresses like a whore and even worse acts like one as well, then she may well be increasing her chances of such a thing happening.

['she is NEVER at FAULT on ANY LEVEL if she is RAPED!']

bzzzz. Wrong!

If you walk into a biker bar and say "You're all a bunch of girls, who wants to fight" then you are partly at fault if you get beaten to a pulp. No doubt the law will justly penalise the bikies for their violence. That doesn't take away the fact that you were stupid in agitating the situation.

Let me reiterate. If a woman dresses like a whore, and even worse acts like a whore she may well increase her chance of being raped.


stevetom #fundie gaiaonline.com

(huzzah, an agnostic fundie!)

hell, i can prove that atheists believe in God. to deny something exists, you must first acknowledge its existence. atheist, opposite of theist. think on that one for a little while

I-AM-A-FISHER-OF-MEN #fundie gaiaonline.com

(Responding to this article: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/05/15/fish-evolution-lake.html)

It actually proves more to the Creationist ideas. See, if evolution was right, then the adaptation would have take 'millions of years,' where in this case it took a matter of a decade. Also, it is not evolution when the DNA of the fish was changed due to the mutagens in the water from the pollution, and the protein information (armor plates on the fish) was disrupted by an outside allele.

Crazyjust4u #fundie gaiaonline.com

And, the separation of church and state if you actually look at it in depth it's purpose is not to keep religion out of the government or government ordained venues (schools, courthouses, parks, etc.) but meant to keep the government out of religious matters. Besides, ID is not a religious matter. If you look at the proposed theory of Intelligent Design there isn't a religious overtone about it. It doesn't say, "We see scientifically see that Brahama father god of the Hindu religion responsible for the world's inception." There's nothing like that. It merely states that there was something more than chance involved in the origins of the world.

Tylerbrown61 #fundie gaiaonline.com

Evolutionists claim that we evolved from monkeys. if this were true then we'd keep getting smarter, smarter and more powerful. But have you looked in the newspapers? Crime rates increase while graduation rates decrease! we pay over 4 bucks a gallon for gas but the other side of the world is paying 46 cents!? Thats our "smart" Gov. When did you ever hear about a recent Einstein? A New cure? The next big discovery? you won't.
Why arnt the monkeys nowadays turning into humans?
Face it-we never evolved from anything-no slime, parasites, bacteria, no primates.
Tell me what you think

xxSovietGhost #fundie gaiaonline.com

[On a little boy who was raped by his baby sitter]

Unfortunately for your friend...he must have done something in order for that ordeal to happen. I can't say what could have happened since I don't know the full extent of the events that led up to it.

cutechicky1 #fundie gaiaonline.com

i dont know about you but i think (actually now) that being a christian rockz. its so enlighining and uplifting. screw u ppl who think that satan rockz because god rockz. he is righteous!!!! i am typing this because i hve just recently read that this guy(on the forums) is a stan lover. if u r reading this then i just want to let you know.u are not going to get anything from satan except for pain and misery. satan is foolish and he tricks you to make you think that he is awesome but news flash god is awesome. any 1 who loves satan you can always turn back and make the right decision.by the way i dont hate any other relegions but i hate the religion of satan.god bless you all and i will pray for all of you (and if you hate me i still love you because the bible says it is right to love others)amen

wicked_fire #fundie gaiaonline.com

"Catholics do believe Jesus is our savior. Hello?"

"No, they do not, They believe him as great profit but they do not believe that if they accept Jesus Christ into their hearts and repent then they will go to heaven."

"Um, I went to Catholic school for three years, and they do indeed believe that Jesus died for their sins. I never once heard them refer to him as a "prophet", only as the "Son of God"."

"Catholics pick and choose what they want to Believe out of the NT. They repent to priests, not to God himself. The act of the priest being the middle man was taken out when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Before that we were unworthy to speak to God directly, but because of Jesus's sacrifice now we can. He has washed away our sins making us pure."

"I know about Catholic practices and how they're different from what Protestants do. But what you just said here is that Catholics believe Jesus is a prophet, when in fact they do not. They believe he is the son of God, and to claim that they believe anything else is not only false, it's disrespectful of their right to worship and believe as they choose, however illogical those beliefs may be. If someone says "I believe X" you can say "I think that's wrong," but saying "No you don't" is just disrespectful and rude."

"Jesus is no only the Son of God but also a prophet, he fortold of many things, including the rature and what not. AND I told you in your other post that i know that catholics believe this. It still doesn't counter that I believe Catholics not to be true Christians."

[She just doesn't learn does she?]

twinrix #fundie gaiaonline.com

Atheists are dumb, they don't even look their own religion up, and don't even realize it IS a religion in its self. They hate christians because they say they're all self righteous but THEY'RE the ones who are so self righteous and out to get everyone who aren't like them.

Plus they're fags, their symbol is "the invisible pink unicorn"

Lazarus The Resurected #fundie gaiaonline.com

One sunny sunday afternoon a church was just gettign settled for service when two men walked in clad head to to in black and wearing ski masks. They both held automatic weapons at the ready. One remained by the exit in the back of the church and the other went up to the pulpit. "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ kindly remain seated," he yelled at the congregation, "the rest of you will be free to go."

there was an imense scraping of chairs and all but about a dozen people filed out of the church. The man at the front gestured to those who remained. "All of you come up to the front please." when they were seated at the front pew directly in front of the black clad man. he took off his mask. "Aright Father," the man said, turning to the priest. "i've cleared out the hipocrites please continue with the service." the two men with the guns sat down to listen.

ok i know the ending is kinda lame but it gets the point accross. I got this in an email and i was wondering if any one else thinks this is actualy a good idea.

JolieMonique #fundie gaiaonline.com

First off, God doesn't use magic, He does miricales. Our minds can't really understand that. But, if you read the whole Bible, you will find that it has prophecies, yes? Well, some of those prophecies has ALREADY come true. How can people believe that we evolved from... some goop or monkies. It just doesn't make any sence.

If we came from monkies, then we would have proof already because then the monkies we have in captivity would turn into a human. It's just not right. In order to understand everything, you really need to read the whole thing to understand. Even go to a church if you're stuck.

gina kuchiki #fundie gaiaonline.com

1) there is no other way that this earth could of come into being without a creator
2)evolutionist's will tell you the earth just appeared (now dosent that sound stupid?) therefor it must of been created
3)God appointed peole to wright his instructions and love letters to us
4)there is evidence that said stuff like Moses and people did exist
5) the book is like 2000 years old and it still predicts whats happening today
6)man was designed with free will and God sent his son to die for our human mistakes

and just a small tidbit in Genesis when Adam was created from dirt God wanted him to have a partner so he put Adam into a deep sleep and removed a part of his rib bone and made Women a.k.a Eve and now to this day all men have one less rib bone than girls.

gsusfreek #fundie gaiaonline.com

Also, I know He is real because I know that demonic spirits are real. My grandmoter lived alone, and had been messing with things that alowed her to be a victim to demonic spirits. She was up on a stool once, the house was empty, and someone pushed her. Now, that house was empty save for her. And she saw and heard no one. No one could have escaped that fast. That was a demonic spirit pushing her off the stool trying to kill her. I know they are real.

BlueCollarJoe #fundie gaiaonline.com

Remember this. Science by concensus is not science. It is politics under the guise of science headed by political monkeys out to pelt anyone who disagrees.
Lets break down the salient points, which the evolutionist followers, who are pretty akin to a religious institution, in spite of their howls to the contrary, are.

Evolution: Random mutations caused the changes and evolution of all species. All life began with one single cell organism. Never mind the complexity, nor that Darwin himself said if it would take more than one change to facilitate evolution, his entire theory was useless.
There is not one missing link. There are tens of thousands.

Creationism: Some dude pulled everything out of his wazoo from nothing and bang!! Here we are.

Intelligent Design: Someone/thing took the available items and, using intelligence, designed all the lifeforms and things in existence and tuned it to work properly.
A better way to put this, so that the evo's can scream from their pews, is imagine someone has all the materials to build something. They forge, pound, sand and weld. In the end, five tons of material is now a Ferrarri GT.
That is intelligent design. Evolution is, well, two fucking monkeys who nail a goat and come up with a squirrel.

MECHanubis #fundie gaiaonline.com

[In response to: No, I'm fairly open about it. My priest definitely knows, because I dated his daughter for a while. The parish in general is actually quite supportive.

But, back to: Offer me proof that as a lesbian, I must be an atheist]

Then I'm afraid to say the only logical conclusion is that your priest is a heathen himself. He is obviously uneducated in matters involving the Bible.

(the priest in question has a doctorate in Christian Theology)

Fukuro Mimiko #fundie gaiaonline.com

[Playing in a dress-up contest on an online forum: SERIOUS BUSINESS!]

That's not even close to an angel. The Crown
resembles something to worship, and at the bible,
it says you can't have any other God's or things
to worship. And secondly, Angel's have been
represented most perfect creature's in the world,
but still you're wearing glasses. Your dress is
too revealing, and shoes are not even close to
something you should wear! Even the wings are
wrong, this is terrible. So, 1/10. If you're gonna
do something, do it right.

divineseraph #fundie gaiaonline.com

[Regarding the murder of abortion provider George Tiller.]
I'm noticing the media spin-machine at work. The glaze over what the "doctor" had done, putting him on the level of a simple abortionist- Third trimester abortion is heinous, and while I do not support murder, I see where the shooter was coming from. Actually, screw it, I may support murder in instances such as this where law is deaf dumb and blind. Blatant painful murder is unacceptable. Did you recoil in shock when Dahmer was beaten down, albeit illegally, for his crimes against humanity?

The spin the media is putting on this is quite epic, it would be like calling Hitler's suicide in his bunker as "Prolific youth leader and economic genius kills self due to lack of western support"- While technically true in all of the words, it's the part they omit that is the killer. So it goes, so it goes.

Christ Like #fundie gaiaonline.com

Yes he does. I will pray for all you over sexual hell bastards until heavens flames of redemption consumes this heathenish world.

You will regret your sins once you see the sky break open and blood flows through it like a gapping wound.

I thank god for my clairvoyance.

Doki-Doki #fundie gaiaonline.com

Why is it that our greatest minds today, in the field, have no idea how to combine iron and chlorine? And yet, Dr. Carl Baugh, Creation Evidence Muesem in Texas, and his colleages have discoverd a hammer in the same fossil layer with dinosaur fossils. This hammer has a wedge in it to keep the head of the hammer attached to it's handle. What is most mind-boggling about this hammer is that it's iron and chlorine combined. They had the knowledge to combine iron and chlorine. Why don't we?

Corrwin #fundie gaiaonline.com

But if you are talking the big bang creating all life and all that stuff. It's not possible. Becuase if you change one thing on tiny in signifigant 1 to a 0 in our genetic code or in the genetic code of the earth water could turn to lava. or soil could turn to solid rock, and the earth would be uninhabitable.

new2102 #fundie gaiaonline.com

[How is christianity the "one true religion"?]

Alright, I'm only 15 so my grammar might not be great but everything I'm about to say is total fact about the bible and the christian religion. The Bible has the most Archeological evidence out of any holy text in any other religion, Archeologists even use the Bible as a reference source to locate things, and evertime they dig where it says there is something, they find something! Also Every holy text has atleast one hundred prophecies but did you know that the Bible is the only holy text where ALL the prophecies in it other than revalations(which is set in the future, at least thats what most christians believe) have come true. Also about Jesus the reason we believe that he is the saviour is because he fulfilled all the prophecies that were made about him from more than a thousand years back, even ones that he could have no way to fulfill himself, like where he was born or how he was born.

The miracles camn also be proven true. They found the city Jericho a while back, you know the one that the Jews marched around and then the walls fell OUTWARD and then they walked in and burned everything, and Then God said that no one would ever lie on that spot ever again? Well when they found Jericho they noticed that the walls had in fact fallen OUTWARD, and when they walked inside the city they saw that all the grain had been burnt. Now let me tell you something, it would have been totally impossible for a little nomadic group for the Jews to topple the walls of Jericho, not to mention sneak into it and then topple it, cause they didn't have any equipment to do it with, and it had to have been them who had done it because we know they got past Jericho, and that they had no allies to do it for them. and also something else, since Jericho was toppled no one has built over the city to live there! the new Jericho they built is built a few miles away. Thats why christians believe what's in the Bible.

pearapplegrapes #fundie gaiaonline.com

(note:Fundie try to use talkOrigins to prove creationism. O__O)

<a href="http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/polystrate/whale.html" target="_blank">http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/polystrate/whale.html</a>
if you read this you find that the Flood was real.That weve always been as we have been.it was done quickly because its not decayed and its on its tail.Darwin was saying that stronger traits make a better animal.end of story mutation is not good so dont give me that .He wanted to be a priest and i dont think he wanted to be an antichrist so he wasn't trying to make evolution the people after him who have been sucking helium did itour world is deterating.oh,now i remeber.weve all have had a helium ballon(personally i think evolutionist have been sucking in helium)we alll know that its a very slippery gas theres some deposits in the stuff that makes granite the rock.if its very slippery why is it still in there maybe the earth is a lot younger

TheBlackSword #fundie gaiaonline.com

Focusing on this particular argument, gay marriage is not useful in any way, shape, or form, be it economically, socially, or politically. Not only that, for those who are blind, deaf, and dumb, once you allow gay marriage in, what is there to stop the floodgates from opening? I'll speak to the most obvious movement that is riding the coattails of gay marriage, pederasty and their 'club' of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. Once you've legalized gay marriage, how can you deny them the same rights? How can you deny pederasts, pedophiles (which are distinct from ephebophiles), child pornographers, bestiality enthusiasts, and all the other assorted ills of society when you've already granted legitimacy to another unacceptable thing?

pasadena babe #fundie gaiaonline.com

I believe in evolution to a certain extent. I read all the theories of Darwin, and I have come to the conclusion that in the beginning of time there was one fish, one bird, one reptile, one bear, on feline, etc. which evolved into the many fish/birds/reptiles we have today, for this there is overwhelming evidence. However, there is no valid proof that fish evolved into horses and what not! Even if we did evolve from one common ancestor who created him? All the experiments of how a cell could have formed on the prehistoric each have been proved to have faulty chemicals. For example the leading experiment, which supposedly proves how life began, is the Miller and Urey experiment, however scientists have proven that the original simulations of earth atmosphere were not accurate! As for the statement that man and every other creature have evolved over time from one common ancestor has no real leading evidence. Basically scientists argue this point with to points, the fossil record and homologous body structures. However, the fossil record is incomplete and there are no real ape/human fossils. As for the homologous body structure scientist simply look at the bones in birds and try to locate similar bones in alligators. I do not think that these are very valid pieces of evidence. In fact Darwin himself manufactured one of the ape/human fossils and tried to pass it of as a fossil. I believe in Christianity because I read the Case for Christ, which backs up the claims to Christianity with logic and evidence! I suggest buying the teen edition for whoever is interested it’s about 100 pages and it’s a quick read.

Philosophus Vir #fundie gaiaonline.com

How do you know what you have "learned" is right? What you "learned" could easily be falsehood. I have an a priori knowledge that all that I know from this particular source (The Church) must be true, for the very Author of creation hath so gauranteed it.

Yet, from other sources, where is your gaurantee that you are not adopting error, and adopting it soley because it is pleasing to your own ears?

You believe that which you prefer to believe. I believe that which is highly inconvenient for me to believe, even that which condemns my own actions, not because I desire to believe it, but because I have been threatened with eternal damnation by that Same God who created us if I do not believe it.

Mr. lImey #fundie gaiaonline.com

Ok, retards. Time to put this inot views you can understand. Abortion is murder, its killing an innocent child. When somebody kills a pregnant woman its double murder, but when its "abortion" its not called murder at all! You know what? You have no idea what your doing, you go in, kill the fetus, get it takin out of you, and you leave the fuckin shithole ready to fuck and kill another one of God's precious creations! Its murder and its wrong. Send the kid to an adoption center. Also, the only reason a black child is less likely to be adopted is because Americans are FUCKING RACISTS!

(And then, after several posts from other people in the thread)

I just read the replys you guys posted. Your all fucked up, go die, see you in hell. Its a child, you may think it isn't, but it is. Its murder and your fucked in the head if you think it isn't. It pre-planned so its 1st degree (I'm pretty sure). I know your Americans and I find that adorable but pull your head out of your ass and that penis out of your cunt.

MinorHeaven #fundie gaiaonline.com

One CAN'T believe in evolution and the Bible. If you are true blue to the Bible, not a faker, then you KNOW that the world was literally created in seven days. That makes the world about 6000 years old. Evolution could not have happened in six days. And may I ask you this: Could the human body, with all its intricate parts and organs truly have been the result of evolution...I was just thinking about how we can pick up two different waves (sound and light)...at the same time! It sounds so trivial, but that's amazing! Only God could have made humans, not Chance (the name of the god of evolutionists).

I mean six days...on the seventh day God rested...

Sarwanism+Evolution=Theoretical Religion #fundie gaiaonline.com

Sarwanism+Evolution=Theoretical Religion
Creationism&Intelligiant Design= Truthful Religion
Truth=True Science

People can decide to believe Evolution just as well as Christianity so they both must be religion, however only one can be truth...
Creationism has only one hole in it, where did the creator come from...
Evolution has many holes, one is what was it's creator thinking when he said "i am related to a banana and it's tree...

WhiteCommando #racist gaiaonline.com


Total Mongrelization the Goal. The final end result of mass third-world immigration into the U.S. will be the total mongrelization and destruction of the White Race and thereby giving the Jew the insurance for all time to come that the surviving stupid, mongrelized herd will never have either the leadership or the intelligence to ever again challenge his unlimited control. The White Race will be gone, and the remaining brown "Melting Pot" (into which the Jews do not mix) will be dumb, servile, easily enslaved, and kept in eternal bondage. The Jew knows very well that as long as the White Race remains pure, there is always the danger that a sleeping giant can awaken, turn on him, and destroy him.