God can't be proven scientifically, because if u did then you will be able to limit gods properties and such (position, weight, height), these are all creature properties not God properties. Since god is infinite and can't be limited then it is impossible to prove god existence scientifically. This is why in religion they say the whole universe doesn't fit god, but god can live in the heart of believer, if u know what that means.
Also if proving god mathematically and scientifically was easy, then everyone would be a believer almost. There would be little/no reason to create Heaven & Hell? Why Forgive ppl who worked hard and devoted themselves during their life, while on the other hand punishing ppl that were criminals and broke god's rules?
Everyone has their own way in believing or not believing.
Evolution has way too many flaws to even look at as logic.
Why dont we all fly? Or Have gills like fish?
Why do monkeys still exist, shouldn't they have evolved to humans since humans are the best race to be in the animal kingdom because they have brains and are the only ones that can develop things like the computer u are using?
Scientifically this universe has existed for a long time, imo enough time for everything to become human. But we still see way too many creatures. Also a good observation that no one evolved is the following:
there is a monkey island close to japan, it has been there for a loooong time, it is small, it only has monkeys and no humans. In reality humans rarely go there. Monkeys still exists and non of them became human for example, even though they had contact with humans.
Also I never heard of anyone capturing something on video that is evolving into something else. Dont tell me ppl in Tibet have bigger lungs because that's a diff theory.
I don't deny that I had those doubts before and I even had worse theories that those, As I said before I have seen some things that made me believe in god. I just can't believe in any other theories, such as aliens/evolution. God showed me the way. I don't force anything on anyone in fact I never intended to. It is up to you to dig and find the truth.
May god show you the way! Peace!