
MICHAEL_MYERS #fundie gotfrag.com

Actually there is alot of proof for a higher being, atheistic ways of thinking are becoming smaller and smaller by the day.

And hawkings did said in his book that he is a little theistic btw.

"Religion without science is blind, science without religion is lame" - Einstein.

And is "there is no need for a God" an argument for not believing in anything? Dont think so, live life like u should , meet a great girl and u will feel god's power.

unknownorigin #fundie gotfrag.com

No evidence at all? What about people who know things before u said it to them, for example there are people who knows when people will die , what diseases they have and things like that. It is true they will say things which are 100% true and not only about those things. they say they hear it true voices and things like that and I agree it sounds funny but they just CANT know so much without getting information from something. Scientist dont have any clue about this and also really cant research it. if u just dont believe this ur ignorant cause these people do exist and things they say are true so yeah little wall here dont ya think.

Einstein, hawkings name it they are theist deep inside (they admitted it themselfs) and common sense dont tell us all of this earth and everything around it came here just from "nothing". What is nothing? u cant tell cause u dont know same thing goes for imagining another color besides the existing ones. What is outside of space cause we know space expands to every direction with 1 million kilometers /hour.

[Given a rational response about how parapsychology, cold reading, etc. are BS]

Nice explanation, giving links "how can somone be that gullible" for believing everything u read as facts. Its just common sense if u actually speak to people who have that gift ur way of thinking will be changed. but u didnt so u give me some links which doesnt prove anything.

Source-Sucks #fundie gotfrag.com

God can't be proven scientifically, because if u did then you will be able to limit gods properties and such (position, weight, height), these are all creature properties not God properties. Since god is infinite and can't be limited then it is impossible to prove god existence scientifically. This is why in religion they say the whole universe doesn't fit god, but god can live in the heart of believer, if u know what that means.

Also if proving god mathematically and scientifically was easy, then everyone would be a believer almost. There would be little/no reason to create Heaven & Hell? Why Forgive ppl who worked hard and devoted themselves during their life, while on the other hand punishing ppl that were criminals and broke god's rules?

Everyone has their own way in believing or not believing.

Evolution has way too many flaws to even look at as logic.
Why dont we all fly? Or Have gills like fish?
Why do monkeys still exist, shouldn't they have evolved to humans since humans are the best race to be in the animal kingdom because they have brains and are the only ones that can develop things like the computer u are using?
Scientifically this universe has existed for a long time, imo enough time for everything to become human. But we still see way too many creatures. Also a good observation that no one evolved is the following:

there is a monkey island close to japan, it has been there for a loooong time, it is small, it only has monkeys and no humans. In reality humans rarely go there. Monkeys still exists and non of them became human for example, even though they had contact with humans.

Also I never heard of anyone capturing something on video that is evolving into something else. Dont tell me ppl in Tibet have bigger lungs because that's a diff theory.

I don't deny that I had those doubts before and I even had worse theories that those, As I said before I have seen some things that made me believe in god. I just can't believe in any other theories, such as aliens/evolution. God showed me the way. I don't force anything on anyone in fact I never intended to. It is up to you to dig and find the truth.

May god show you the way! Peace!

spaghetti_hoops #fundie gotfrag.com

How can the average person believe in what science says or has proven? You have no knowledge if what scientists say is true or not, you just naturally believe them because it's science. Same goes with believing God. You can't prove that he/she/it is real, you simply have FAITH in your belief.

carnageface #fundie gotfrag.com

You all are seriously lost and I hope you can see the light before it is too late. Read the book of Revelation in the Bible. Just read it, most of the people on here have no sense of what believing in a higher power means. Jesus died so you all could live. As much as I get flamed for that, its the truth and those who don't see it will truly suffer in the end. I beg you to see reason that this world did not come about because of "The Big Bang" or some other retarded scientific reasoning that the world wants you to believe. The truth is God created this world and everything in it. To praise him for that is the least we could do. When the rapture happens you all will certainly think differently. Thanks for reading.

sakhan #fundie gotfrag.com

we need a God because the mathematical harmony of the universe suggests that there is a high probability that a divine being exists. Why do the physical laws behave in perfect symmetry and mathematical harmony? How could Einstein explain events millions of light years away by writing down equations sitting in his room? Do you know that the universe would not exist if the charge on an electron was different by 1 billionth of coloumb? Do you know that the probability of the universe taking its current shape, which follows symmetry and a mathematical 'symphony' is 10^(-50)?

Is this definite proof that God exists? No. But anyone with common sense would realize that chances are that material reality is subset of a larger divine existence.

Not believing in God is like breaking a triangle of cue balls on a pool table, watching them bounce of the rails and come back to form the exact same triangle and say: thats nothing special...

Source-Sucks #fundie gotfrag.com

Thanks for insulting me, I can now rate u among the LOW IQ human society. Also U dont believe god exists what a shame really. U know keep doing what u are doing and I will keeping doing what i'm doing, but we shall see who is right in the end. Stop insulting ppl's intelligence saying u evolved from something like an APE. That's a shame that someone still believes such things.
Also I don't think someone who doesn't understand religion fully can judge it, I dont know evolution well and I might read more about it but it wont make me change my believes. Because my belief in god is not because someone said something or some book said somethings.

U know even god who is perfect is hated by some ppl, I dont expect to do better

peace, also read my post again

Make sure u study Islam (shia sect) and then see if it makes sense or not. If u get me facts that u think are wrong from that sect I can explain them all to you hopefully.

Driven2 #fundie gotfrag.com

In my life, I've met two people who have lost control of themselves and spoke in other languages in what is considered a super-natural gift. The act itself is called speaking in tounges, and is considered a gift from God. Their is a small bible passage on this act (i think its in one of Saint Paul's letters i belive, not sure). My aunt is one of these people, during a bible study/chat she lost control of herself in front of a couple of my cousins and spoke in something that according to a few family members sounded like chinese. She said during the incident she couldn't have stopped if she tried. I don't know of anything on earth that would cause me to lash out and lose speak in another language. My aunt also did not have to prove her faith in anyway after being a practical catholic for her entire life.