In the face of truth Shrinks maintain a psychological foundation for their fraud on myths devoid of empirical data.
Their claim that mental differences (mostly sexual) come from ancient Greek and Roman gods are bogas. These “gods” that have never existed or seen are supposed to mirror contemporary human mental problems.
Some of psychologies pagan delusions to name a few are, Demeter, Persephone, Athena, Artemis, Hades, Psyche, Eros, Pleasure, Cupid, Aphrodite, and Zeus.
Shrinks claim the New Testament of the Bible is a fabrication of sick minds even though thousands of years of confirmed signs and wonders from God have proved their assumptions to be wrong.
Shrinks refuse to accept the creators God and Jesus to have the answers for mans mental problems.
Shrinks have a propensity to denigrate God, Jesus and the Bible, so it only fair to as have others sully Sigmund Freud MD, Neurologist, and Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Mrs. Melinie Reizes Klein Psychologist and other devotees of psychological mind control and their contribution to keeping mankind in sins darkness by skimming the surface of man's bent.
I do not condemn the Hebrew or Gentile Shrink, in reality within this treatise are facts to educate the biblically unlearned layman and intellectuals caught in the satanic snare of doubt by the fowler of Psychology.
As a supplement to Freud’s list of sexual psychological classifications Shrinks have added contemporary ideas of mental illness,(schizophrenia, bi-polar, neurotic, phobias, etc.) to confuse the spiritually lost.
To maintain a monitary base Shrinks teach having a life of mental wellness and self serving harmony filled with sexual escapades are the sinners due and acceptable in all.
1 COR 2:11 What man knows the things of a man, save the spirit (natural mind) of man which is in him? Man understands the workings of the human mind but without the Holy Ghost cannot see the workings of God in man.
You can be a psychologist without years of university brainwashing by heathen women professors if you just convert to Jesus and pay attention to the minuscule detail in peoples lives.
The Holy Ghost knows the day by day working of God in people while secular Shrinks can only guess.
PSA 14:1 The fool has said in his mind, there is no God; Freud taught this to his cronies and patients.
Fools effortlessly become societies Psychologists because of their propensity to be corrupt, immoral, depraved, decayed, sex crazed and Jesus hating liars.