
R. Michael Hands #fundie home.earthlink.net

Starting with Eve women have been Satan's tool of condemnation for men if glancing at their accentuated, ample, semi or covered BREASTS.

Pentecostal men are accused of being lustful, adulterous sinners if seeing female BREASTS, BUTTOCKS, LEGS, HAIR women love to expose.

Men have an unconscious, primal reassuring thoughts of mother's full, nourishing soothing BREASTS with happiness, as they should have.

The evil inclination (Satan) recognizes man’s propensity to view the female body and tricks women into dressing provocatively and revealing just enough BREAST to cause men to lust.

Creating lust are; clothes designed to sexually excite men lower passions, tight fitting, low cut, bare-midriffs, shoulder-less and floss bathing suits that leave little for the imagination.

Girls age 12-17 snare men with thoughts of adultery and fornication when wearing tight fitting jeans outlining her vagina, daisy may cutoffs, and T-shirts that accentuate perky TEATS.

Louise Buhay #fundie home.earthlink.net

When I was first born again, I wore clothing that exposed my legs. I wore pants, and I put on tight shirts. Not once did it occur to me that I was ‘displaying’ my body to others. I wore my clothes according to the weather and for my comfort but not according to the scriptures! One of my greatest convictions was realizing that in displaying my body, I was disobeying (sinning against) the Lord and possibly causing others to stumble.


However, let’s be honest here ladies... men love to look at women. There are certain parts of our bodies that they lust after. There are many parts that they desire to look at. Our legs, our behinds, our chests, our waistlines etc... Some men are attracted to women’s arms and calves.

[Bible verses...]

I surely did not want to cause lust in a brother by giving him something to look at. I began to see that concealing my body was an extremely important part of living a godly life. I began to wear skirts instead of pants. Pants were not modest on me and there was no way of getting around it. They hugged my behind, clung to my thighs and clasped my crotch. Not very modest I shortly realized. I then soon changed what I wore over my chest area as that is one of the most pronounced parts of my body. My goal was to divert attention from it, not draw attention to it. It didn’t take long before my entire wardrobe was completely changed.


Modest apparel apparently isn’t enough without the shamefacedness and sobriety. The scriptures teach that a godly woman should be modest not only in our appearance, but also in our behavior. What is shamefacedness? I learned that it means to have “downcast eyes,” to be “bashful.” A godly woman should be soft, gentle, quiet and shy. Never loud, boisterous, impulsive or domineering.

R. Michael Hands #fundie home.earthlink.net


In the face of truth Shrinks maintain a psychological foundation for their fraud on myths devoid of empirical data.

Their claim that mental differences (mostly sexual) come from ancient Greek and Roman gods are bogas. These “gods” that have never existed or seen are supposed to mirror contemporary human mental problems.

Some of psychologies pagan delusions to name a few are, Demeter, Persephone, Athena, Artemis, Hades, Psyche, Eros, Pleasure, Cupid, Aphrodite, and Zeus.

Shrinks claim the New Testament of the Bible is a fabrication of sick minds even though thousands of years of confirmed signs and wonders from God have proved their assumptions to be wrong.

Shrinks refuse to accept the creators God and Jesus to have the answers for mans mental problems.

Shrinks have a propensity to denigrate God, Jesus and the Bible, so it only fair to as have others sully Sigmund Freud MD, Neurologist, and Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Mrs. Melinie Reizes Klein Psychologist and other devotees of psychological mind control and their contribution to keeping mankind in sins darkness by skimming the surface of man's bent.

I do not condemn the Hebrew or Gentile Shrink, in reality within this treatise are facts to educate the biblically unlearned layman and intellectuals caught in the satanic snare of doubt by the fowler of Psychology.

As a supplement to Freud’s list of sexual psychological classifications Shrinks have added contemporary ideas of mental illness,(schizophrenia, bi-polar, neurotic, phobias, etc.) to confuse the spiritually lost.

To maintain a monitary base Shrinks teach having a life of mental wellness and self serving harmony filled with sexual escapades are the sinners due and acceptable in all.

1 COR 2:11 What man knows the things of a man, save the spirit (natural mind) of man which is in him? Man understands the workings of the human mind but without the Holy Ghost cannot see the workings of God in man.

You can be a psychologist without years of university brainwashing by heathen women professors if you just convert to Jesus and pay attention to the minuscule detail in peoples lives.

The Holy Ghost knows the day by day working of God in people while secular Shrinks can only guess.

PSA 14:1 The fool has said in his mind, there is no God; Freud taught this to his cronies and patients.

Fools effortlessly become societies Psychologists because of their propensity to be corrupt, immoral, depraved, decayed, sex crazed and Jesus hating liars.

Dr R M Hands #fundie home.earthlink.net


Stubborn women will use their own money to purchase clothes to get a man regardless if he or God is pleased with their choice of garments.

DUET 22:5 Women shall not wear that which pertains (has reference to or looks like mans), (lesbian pants suits, etc.), for all that do so are abomination (disgusting, hated and loathed) unto the lord “your” God.

1 PET 3:1 Likewise, you wives be in subjection to your own husbands (obey his orders without question); Most women choose to be damned before they will obey a simple command from God or man.

To God women wearing pants have the look of a whore and if they continuing therein will burn in hellfire. Some wear pants so tight their vagina separates and slices their buttocks in half for men to be tempted and turn from God laws of holiness.

When women young or old are raped because of skimpy and revealing clothes, floss beach suits, etc. they ask for it.

unknown #fundie home.earthlink.net

G-A-Y means: "GOT AIDS YET"
Aids is not a gay disease...it’s the cure.
Queers though looking human have dog like traits, sniffing rectums, etc. and other anti-God qualities.

Queers act effeminate, are deviant, arer HIV positive, Aids infected, rotten plague carrying man devils.

Faggots recruit their own and strights into their unnatural, sinful, and devilish lifestyle for their perverted predilection.

Faggots are an anti-social, in a dark sub-culture of liars, who are unfit to live near straight humans. Normal or straight are those against fags and speak the language of Angels.

R. Michael Hands #fundie home.earthlink.net

Male bastard children should be sterilized by age nine and the mother sterilized at the birth of her first bastard child.

Society does not need bastards making more bastards, or even birthing more legitimate children.

Most bastards have a propensity to become social criminals and hate God's do's and don't laws.

Occasionally a bastard will break loose from the hell-bound plunge its mother has sent him on and will choose to serve God in mind, soul and body.

If this happens God expects the saved bastard to lead others of illegitimate birth into holiness living for Jesus.

R. Michael Hands, Th.D. #fundie home.earthlink.net

Queers are deviant, effeminate, HIV positive, Aids infected, rotten plague carrying man-devils.

Queers are sub-human, unclean, pathologically paranoid, depressed, neurotic socio-paths and only conversion by the blood of Jesus can reverse the fag’s hell-bound plunge.

Dykes seduce wives, daughters, infants and beasts for their unnatural dog-like sex acts and are consumed with so much lust of the flesh they cannot express normal love.

Continuing shameful sexual acts on each other, animals, dead bodies of humans and refusing to worship Jesus as Lord will damn all fags to the eternal lake of fire with Satan.

It is acceptable for the righteous to heap words of filth upon the obscene dyke/fag and when seen in public ridicule and rebuke them; this will please the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

[Much, much later on:]



POB 1505