
Andre Odogwu #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

I always heard about the THEORY of evolution and I always believed that theory is not proof. Trying to prove that Man evolved from monkeys because there may be some similarities, is like trying to prove that humming birds evolved from helicopters because they both fly.

American Family Association #homophobia news.bbc.co.uk

Boycott call

Yet one organisation failing to see the funny side is the American Family Association, which issued an action alert to members over the advert urging them to register their disapproval with the firm's US headquarters.

"We suggest you forward this to all your family and friends letting them know of the push for homosexual marriage by Heinz," says the association on its website. "It is the kind of ad which we can expect to see in California as they prepare to vote on homosexual marriage. Homosexual marriage is illegal in England."

Iris Robinson MP/MLA #homophobia news.bbc.co.uk

A gay rights campaigner has rejected a Northern Ireland assembly member's call for homosexuals to seek psychiatric counselling.

David McCartney from the Rainbow Project was responding to comments from Iris Robinson, the DUP MP for Strangford and East Belfast MLA.

Mrs Robinson said with help, gay people could be "turned around".

Mr McCartney said there was "no body of evidence" to support this and asked to meet the MP.

Mrs Robinson made her comments on BBC Radio Ulster's Nolan Show on Friday.

"I have a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is that he tries to help homosexuals - trying to turn away from what they are engaged in," she said.

"I'm happy to put any homosexual in touch with this gentleman and I have met people who have turned around and become heterosexuals."

Orthodox Christianity #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

An 11-year-old Romanian girl who is 21 weeks pregnant after being raped by an uncle will be able to have an abortion, even though it is forbidden by law.

"If I can't do this my life will be a nightmare," she said, according to a text read out by government committee member Vlad Iliescu.

Some 20 Christian Orthodox groups had threatened to press charges if the girl was allowed to abort the foetus.

Hamid Alsharief #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Why family planning? If it's for saving the live of the mother then it is the responsibility of both husband and wife. Have we exhausted the oxygen, cultivated all the arable land or are we about to exhaust all the resource God gave us? No to family planning. Let us make as many children as God wishes us to make .They are the real joy of this life.

Greek Orthodox Church v Armenian Apostolic Church #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Members of rival Christian orders have traded blows at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, with four people reported wounded in the fray.

Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic priests were sweeping up at the church following the Christmas rites of the Western churches earlier in the week.

Reports say some Orthodox faithful encroached on the Armenian section, prompting pitched battles with brooms.

Intense rivalries at the jointly-run church can set off vicious feuds.

The basilica, built over the grotto in the West Bank town that is the reputed birthplace of Jesus Christ is shared by Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian religious authorities.

Syed Mustafa Zaidi #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A man whipped himself until he bled during a Muslim religious ceremony, before allegedly forcing two teenage boys to do the same, a court has heard.

Syed Mustafa Zaidi, 44, is accused of encouraging the boys, aged 13 and 15, to beat themselves at a community centre in Manchester on 19 January.

Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[After nine Scottish firefighters were disiplined after refusing to hand out fire safety leaflets at the Scottish gay pride festival.]

"They were asked, while in uniform, to hand out leaflets during a demonstration where they had legitimate concerns about being the subject of taunts and jokes, and in which in some cases, their religious sensibilities would have been grossly offended by people dressed as priests and nuns lampooning the Church."

He added: "That the officers concerned are being forced to undergo diversity training is alarming. The duty to obey one's conscience is a higher duty than that of obeying orders."

Sudan #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A British school teacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam's Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad.


Ms Gibbons' punishment could be up to six months in jail, 40 lashes or a fine.

Pakistan #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Pakistan's attempts to block access to YouTube has been blamed for an almost global blackout of the video website for more than an hour on Sunday.

BBC News has learned that the outage was almost certainly connected to Pakistan Telecom and Asian internet service provider PCCW.

A leading net professional said the global outage was "probably a mistake".

Pakistan ordered internet service providers to block the site because of content deemed offensive to Islam.

Israeli MP Shlomo Benizri #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

An Israeli MP has blamed parliament's tolerance of gays for earthquakes that have rocked the Holy Land recently.

Shlomo Benizri, of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas Party, said the tremors had been caused by lawmaking that gave "legitimacy to sodomy".

...He called on lawmakers to stop "passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the state of Israel, which anyway brings about earthquakes".

Zalmen Rosen #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A fish heading for slaughter in a New York market shouted warnings about the end of the world before it was killed, two fish cutters have claimed.

Zalmen Rosen, from the Skver sect of Hasidic Jews, says co-worker Luis Nivelo, a Christian, was about to kill a carp to be made into gefilte fish in the city's New Square Fish Market in January when it began shouting in Hebrew.

"It said 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'Hasof bah'," Mr Rosen later told the New York Times newspaper.

"[It] essentially means [in Hebrew] that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is nigh."

Roger Goswell #sexist news.bbc.co.uk

(I shortened the article)

His wife had recently admitted not being a virgin when they married.

The hearing was told Mrs Goswell had informed her husband, after 46 years of marriage, that she was not a virgin when they wed.

It had a profound impact on him, and he said there were "three people" in the marriage and tried to kill himself in November 2007.

The four-day inquest heard Mr Goswell could not cope with knowing his wife had had a relationship with someone else before their marriage.

The retired property developer repeatedly stabbed her with a kitchen knife and clubbed her with a rubber-headed mallet at their gated bungalow.

Joan Bailie #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[The mayo furour continues]
I was appalled at the advert. Having young children calling a man "mum" was sad, confusing, and so very wrong. Seeing same sex kissing is stomach-churning to most people who are not homosexual. Please keep adverts to appeal to the majority. I feel this was possibly deliberate to get discussion going and to brain wash people into eventually seeing these things as normal. What a sad reflection on life today.

Rocky Twyman #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A prayer group in Washington DC is claiming the credit for the recent sharp drop in the US price of petrol.

Rocky Twyman, 59, a veteran community campaigner, started Pray At The Pump meetings at petrol stations in April.

Since then, the average price of what the US calls gasoline has fallen from more than $4 a gallon to $3.80.

"We don't have anybody else to turn to but God," Mr Twyman told the BBC. "We have to turn these problems over to God and not to man."

(more on link)

Neil MacGregor #racist news.bbc.co.uk

A man has admitted he threatened to blow up Glasgow Central Mosque and execute a Muslim a day unless all Mosques in Scotland were closed.

Neil MacGregor, 36, who described himself as a "racist", made the threats after watching an internet video of a British hostage being beheaded in Iraq.


The court heard that the email read: "I'm a proud racist and National Front member.

"We as an organisation have decided to deal with the current threat from Muslims in our own British way, like our proud ancestors.

"Our demands are very small. Close all mosques in Scotland.

"If our demands aren't met by next Friday, we'll kidnap one Muslim and execute him or her on the internet, just like they did to our Ken Bigley."

Unnamed Bradford father #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A religious father put safety pins through the tongues and lips of his two children and slit their mouths with scalpel blades, a court has heard.

The father, from Nigeria, told the boys he inflicted the injuries because God had his tongue cut off in the Bible, a jury at Bradford Crown Court was told.

Gilbert Deya #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[Shocking story on the BBC website about good ol' fashioned Evangelical child trafficking. Read the whole thing...]

A ministeries advertisement said: "God has blessed us with miracle babies that the world has never seen anything like before. Your donation is very useful to your miracle.

"Please send your donation and expect your miracle. Ten pounds, a hundred pounds, a thousand pounds - make cheques payable to Gilbert Deya Ministry"

Religious Affairs Minister Ejaz-ul-Haq #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[Religious Affairs Minister Ejaz-ul-Haq] was speaking during a session of Pakistan's National Assembly in which it unanimously condemned Britain's award of a knighthood to the author Salman Rushdie and demanded it be withdrawn.

His comments in the Urdu language caused uproar.

"If someone commits suicide bombing to protect the honour of the Prophet Mohammad, his act is justified," he said, according to the translation by the Reuters news agency.

"If Britain doesn't withdraw the award, all Muslim countries should break off diplomatic relations."

Bishop Joseph Devine #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A Catholic bishop has claimed gay campaigners are conspiring against Christian traditions.

The Bishop of Motherwell, Joseph Devine, made the comments at a lecture in Glasgow.

The bishop said the gay community had aligned itself with minority groups, including Holocaust survivors, to make it appear they were under persecution.

His comments have been condemned by gay rights groups and Holocaust survivor organisations.

At the lecture, at St Aloysius' College on Tuesday, the bishop reportedly said: "We neglect the gay movement at our peril."

He also singled out Oscar-winning actor Sir Ian McKellen, who has been honoured for his services to gay rights, pointing out that Oscar Wilde had been jailed for homosexual acts 100 years ago.

He added that there was a "huge and well-orchestrated conspiracy" taking place, which the Catholic community had missed.

Reverend Canon Stuart Bell #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A mayor's plan to end her town's ban on the 1979 Monty Python film Life of Brian are being opposed by the local vicar, who says it pokes fun at Jesus.

Sue Jones-Davies, who played Brian's girlfriend in the movie, was amazed when she became mayor of Aberystwyth that it was still barred at the cinema.

But Reverend Canon Stuart Bell said Christians he spoke to in Ceredigion were still against it being shown.

Nearly 30 years on, Mr Bell, vicar of the town's St Michael's Church, said the restriction should remain in place.

"There's been no change in attitude or response to the film amongst the Christians who have spoken to me in Aberystwyth," he explained.

"The film at its root is poking fun at Christ and we don't want that to happen. I don't think that the film should be shown. Why should the ban be removed?"

Asked if he had ever seen the film, Mr Bell said he had "seen a small clip, that's all".

He said: "If someone was going to make fun of my wife in a film then I would oppose that.

Rev Jonathan Campbell #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Derry City Council's Hallowe'en carnival encourages Satanism and has brought a curse on the city, according to a Methodist minister.

Rev Jonathan Campbell, from Newbuildings Independent Methodist Church, has launched an online petition to stop this year's event.

He said Hallowe'en celebrations "make evil look innocent", and has appealed for families to boycott the festival.


Rev Campbell said his church was opposed to Hallowe'en because it was "one of the two major days for Satanists", and "God's word clearly condemns and warns people about celebrating or glorifying Hallowe'en or the occult".

"One of the main reasons we as a church are opposed to the carnival is that children are being disturbed.

"People are being deceived - they look on it as harmless fun, but it isn't.

"We are doing this because we care for the people of Londonderry and this is harming parents, children, families in Londonderry," he said.

Unnamed father #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A father has been found guilty of wounding his two children by putting pins through their tongues and lips.

It was alleged the father told the boys he inflicted the injuries because God had his tongue cut off in the Bible.

At the 10-week trial, the jury was told the father would put clothes pegs on the children's lips and tongues.

The court also heard he cut their mouths with scalpel blades.

He was also accused of pressing the tongue of one of the children with sharp pliers until it bled and swelled.

It was alleged he would then stitch up the wounds with a medical kit.

The jury heard the mother of the boys would watch, or turn a blind eye, as their father carried out the attacks at their home.

Archbishop Francisco Chimoio #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Condoms are not sure because I know that there are two countries in Europe, they are making condoms with the virus on purpose," he alleged, refusing to name the countries.

They want to finish with the African people. This is the programme. They want to colonise until up to now. If we are not careful we will finish in one century's time.

If we are joking with this sickness we will be finished as soon as possible.

If we want to change the situation to face HIV/Aids it's necessary to have a new mentality, if we don't change mentality we'll be finished quickly.

It means marriage, people being faithful to their wives... (and) young people must be abstaining from sexual relations.

Ansarullah Mawlafizada #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

"The Prophet Muhammad has said several times that those who convert from Islam should be killed if they refuse to come back," says Ansarullah Mawlafizada, the trial judge.

"Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, kindness and integrity. That is why we have told him if he regrets what he did [converting from Islam to Christianity], then we will forgive him," he told the BBC News website.

Open Minded #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

(on the subject of laws passed in the Republic of Ireland which make blashpemy punishable by a $35,000 fine:)

The atheists' group should keep there views to themselves. There is no harm in religion - the harm comes when people knock the harmless views of others which allow them to live a relatively peaceful life. So the group should keep their views to themselves - no one is making them go to mass on Sunday or the mosque on Friday or the synagogue on Saturday. Just be considerate of those who choose to.

Emma Gough #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[FSTDT Darwin Award?]

A young mother has died after giving birth to twins, amid claims that she had refused a blood transfusion because of her faith. Jehovah's Witness Emma Gough, 22, from Telford, Shropshire, gave birth on 25 October.

The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital said an internal review into the case would take place.

Family friend Terry Lovejoy said: "They are going through an immense amount of turmoil and grief."

He added: "We follow the Bible and abstain from blood and I've got no reason to believe that Emma didn't share those views."

Birmingham City Council #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

(Submitter's note: This is Birmingham, England as opposed to Birmingham, Alabama - although you'd be forgiven for thinking it's the latter!)

A city council has blocked its staff from looking at websites about atheism.

Lawyers at the National Secular Society said the move by Birmingham City Council was "discriminatory" and they would consider legal action.

The rules also ban sites that promote witchcraft, the paranormal, sexual deviancy and criminal activity.

The authority's Bluecoat Software computer system allows staff to look at websites relating to Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and other religions but blocks sites to do with "witchcraft or Satanism" and "occult practices, atheistic views, voodoo rituals or any other form of mysticism".

Pius Akubo, Rev Patrick Alumake, Ekaette Ettang #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

[Article about Nigeria criminalizing gay people living together and anyone aiding them.]

Church groups spoke in favour of the bill, saying that gay marriage risked "tearing the fabric of society".

"In the Bible it says homosexuals are criminals," Pius Akubo of the Daughters of Sarah church told lawmakers.

Rev Patrick Alumake told the National Assembly the top leadership of the Catholic church in Nigeria supported the bill wholeheartedly.

"There are wild, weird, ways of life that are affecting our own culture very negatively, we have people who either by way of the media or travelling around the world have allowed new ideas which are harmful to our nation and our belief," he said.


Children wearing T-shirts that said "Same sex marriage is un-natural and un-African", and "same sex marriage is an abomination" stood in the aisles of the committee room.

Ekaette Ettang, of the Daughters of Sarah church who provided the T-shirts, denied they were inciting hatred against homosexuals.

"We don't hate gay people, but this is the public's opinion and we have the right to speak," she said.

John Davis #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Mr Davis, a 25-year-old computer scientist originally from Canada, first became interested in flat earth theory after "coming across some literature from the Flat Earth Society a few years ago".

"I came to realise how much we take at face value," he says. "We humans seem to be pleased with just accepting what we are told, no matter how much it goes against our senses."

Mr Davis now believes "the Earth is flat and horizontally infinite - it stretches horizontally forever".

"And it is at least 9,000 kilometres deep", he adds.

Mohammed Bello Abubakar #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Nigerian Mohammed Bello Abubakar, 84, has advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women.

The former teacher and Muslim preacher, who lives in Niger State with his wives and at least 170 children, says he is able to cope only with the help of God.

"A man with 10 wives would collapse and die, but my own power is given by Allah. That is why I have been able to control 86 of them," he told the BBC.

He says his wives have sought him out because of his reputation as a healer.

"I don't go looking for them, they come to me. I will consider the fact that God has asked me to do it and I will just marry them."

Yahya Atrash #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Palestinians have been flocking to see a lamb which seems to have a birthmark spelling out the Arabic word for God, "Allah", in its coat.

Owner Yahya Atrash, from the West Bank town of Hebron, told Reuters the animal was born on Monday, when militant leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was killed.

He told Reuters the timing was "clear evidence of God's existence"

Emeka Ezeuko #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A Nigerian high court has sentenced a Lagos preacher to death by hanging for setting fire to members of his congregation, killing one woman.
Emeka Ezeuko, better known as Reverend King, was found guilty on one count of murder and five of attempted murder.

In July last year, he accused six members of his Christian Praying Assembly church of sinning by having extra-marital sex.

He poured petrol over them before setting them alight.

Ann Uzor died in hospital from her burns.

Rev King allegedly told members of his congregation that he was Jesus Christ, a claim that gave him the powers to punish sin.

Bill Donohue #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

A New York gallery has angered a US Catholic group with its decision to exhibit a milk chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ.

The six-foot (1.8m) sculpture, entitled "My Sweet Lord", depicts Jesus Christ naked on the cross.

Catholic League head Bill Donohue called it "one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever".

Patricia Burns #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

The decline of all aspects of the earth's environment and resources is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. At Revelation's Fourth Seal, one-fourth part of the earth is to be destroyed before we move forward to the next Seal events (Re.6:7-8). The earth is on a downhill slid from which it will not recover. Revelation's first four Trumpet events will destroy an additional one-third (Re.8:7-12). Bible Prophecy on the Web

Dr Robert Coulter #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

The BBC's appointment of a Muslim as head of religion and ethics is insulting to Christians, an Ulster Unionist assembly member has said.

Retired Presbyterian minister Dr Robert Coulter said the appointment of Aaqil Ahmed was "a juvenile gimmick".

"According to the Church of England 70% of the UK are Christian, 3% are Muslim yet the BBC for its head of religious broadcast appoints a Muslim," he said.

Dr Coulter said he believed many Muslims would agree with his criticism.

"I am sure moderate Muslim leaders will be deeply concerned about this as well, because it will make many UK citizens feel that they are gaining too much influence - for a faith that represents such a small percentage of the whole community.

"It could well lead to many people developing a more hostile attitude to Muslims."

David, Dallas, USA #racist news.bbc.co.uk

Ever walk into Walmart and have your jaw drop at the unimaginable stupidity of the "people" walking around in there? (I think Walmart attracts the stupid) I see fat little mexican girls with 2 kids at the age of 15 (fat because its pregnant with a 3rd!), and 45 yr-old gangsters with their briches around their knees. I dont know about over there in England, but here it seems like stupid people are multiplying at an incredible rate. Is this the future for the world? Is it a simple fact that the unintelligent out-breed the intelligent? Shouldn't we endeavor to reverse this trend? I am not sure yet about the best way to do it, but it is clear to me that if overpopulation is an issue, then the least intelligent humans must be limited in their reproductive capacity!

Sharon, Croydon #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

(Article is about "hip" new approaches to the bible)

Once again people make a mockery of Christianity. None of the old religions - Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, etc - have ever changed their "good books" in any way, shape or form to "modernise". This is why Christianity will always be a joke and the other religions something serious and strong. The old faiths would never stand for anything like this to happen. It is sacrilege!

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

The most senior judge in Saudi Arabia has said it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes.

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan said some "evil" entertainment programmes aired by the channels promoted debauchery.

Dozens of satellite television channels broadcast across the Middle East, where they are watched by millions of Arabs every day.

The judge made the comments on a state radio programme.

He was speaking in response to a listener who asked his opinion on the airing of programmes featuring scantily-dressed women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

"There is no doubt that these programmes are a great evil, and the owners of these channels are as guilty as those who watch them," said the sheikh.

"It is legitimate to kill those who call for corruption if their evil can not be stopped by other penalties."

Girls of the Jamia Hafsa madrassa #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Students raid Islamabad 'brothel'

Dozens of young women from a religious school in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, have broken into an alleged brothel and kidnapped the owner.
The women, from the nearby Jamia Hafsa madrassa, burst in late on Tuesday, demanding the premises be shut down.

The women say they have a right to end immoral activity under Islamic law.

The BBC's Navdip Dhariwal in Islamabad says it is the first time such bold Taleban-style activity seen elsewhere in Pakistan has occurred in the city.

The Jamia Hafsa school has been at the centre of controversy in recent months.

In February, armed students prevented the authorities from demolishing an illegally constructed mosque and occupied a nearby children's library.

They have also demanded that local video owners close their stores.

Anonymous Islamic militants #fundie news.bbc.co.uk

Christians in north-west Pakistan are demanding government protection following threats of bomb attacks if they do not become Muslims.
An unsigned letter received 10 days ago said they had to convert by Thursday.

Militants have been carrying out a sustained campaign to prevent "anti-Islamic" activities in North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Last week they blew up a number of music and video shops in the towns of Charsadda and Tangi.

The Christian community, a tiny minority, received an anonymous letter demanding they convert or face the consequences.