Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut
RE: Sweden Goes From Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous
Sweden's citizens need to dump their idiotic, self-hating, feminist leadership and vote in people who have some balls (either men or women). Like the Dimocrats here in the States, these a-holes are hell bent on destroying their nation in order to remake it into their socialist, intersectional utopia.
(Joe Eliott)
I love when swedes say they are welcoming to immigrants so they can't understand why immigrants are not nice to them. Pathetic fools. Leftists basically have the intellect of children. They believe all these fantasy notions while reality is completely different. Keeping your head in the sand has never been a good strategy for success.
Wahmens have ZERO use as politicians.
(Robert Grant)
Once the muhumadums fully take over, the feminists gays alphabet soup androgynous creatures etc will be thrown off tall buildings, and Satan's children the muhumadums will rule until judgement day.
American Democrats... "Hey... this is working so good in Sweden... let's bring more "refugees" from the Middle East. MS-13 won't mind sharing the ghettos with them. And we better defund the police so that the "refugees" aren't profiled."
(Harry Truman)
Those women leaders in Sweden have done such a good job haven’t they? Sweden is so fxcked.
Women leaders of Sweden, don't count on us males to fight for you. Go protect yourselves from the evil you have allowed into your home.
It is sad to see the land of the Norsemen so emasculated.
Once a nation puts Leftists in power, it's only a matter of time until the only testicles to be found in that country are on women's jewelry.