Josey Yahoo #conspiracy #racist
Sweden has gone from being one of the safest European countries 20 years ago in terms of gun crime to the second most dangerous.
Sweden is the only country on the continent where shootings have increased substantially since the start of the century.
After having been ranked 18th out of 22 countries for gun crime from 2000 to 2003, Sweden now ranks in second place, behind only Croatia.
Authorities refuse to even consider mass immigration as a factor.
It is insane to even entertain the thought that these people, who have fought different factions within their own religion, since the creation of Islam, would somehow come to a different country and just blend in with any other religion, that their Koran tells them to kill or enslave!
Oh, and they don't just stop with factions, you know, that Shiite vs. Sunni crap, they are also tribal, which would explain the numerous successive generations of inbreeding.
Fools, you should be glad they only rape and rob you, that is their form of being merciful!
You know how they say, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!"? Well the same applies to, Import trouble, you get trouble!"
Well, at the risk of being called a "Conspiracy Theorist" (I think that ship may have sailed!) by those who couldn't spell it, I'm thinking these uncivilized mongrels are being brought into all free nations, in a deliberate attempt to destroy all that is good in this world, an effort to wreck havoc and chaos as a means to usher in the New World Order! Just saying!