
bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

['Secondly, a "virgin birth" is a terrible sign from God. Almost no one will be in a position to verify or witness it!']

My argument is clearly true. I will take the word of God over the word of someone who has some serious issues with Christianity any day.

PHIL121 #fundie christianforums.net

Anyone happen to watch this week's episode of "West Wing?

The Democratic candidate (played by Jimmy Smits from LA LAW) made a statement that he believed in God and that God was intellegent. Then...at a school meeting he went on say how Intellegent Design was "theology" and not science, and that it shouldn't be taught in shcools; Separation of Church and State, blah blah blah....and all his advisors applauded him for such a 'bold stand'. I just about kicked in the TV

I wonder how uch money all the ACLU lobbiest paid for that commercial?

NOTW #fundie christianforums.net

Bush is fighting complete evil which if we as a country didnt first defend ourselves, then attack, the islamics would and are currently, trying to set up a islamic world and belief in allah. It is my opinion islam is the religion of the devil and these so called islamic extremist are working for satan. Im all for bush and the war. If it wasnt for him and his bravery, God only knows what other even more deadly attacks would have happened by now. Not saying they cant, satan is in power here. But God is in control of everything. We must respect our governing authorities as they were put in their place by God for his purpose! Its Gods will, not ours!

bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

Their [Muslims] god is satan and they have always hated Christians and Jews and the God they worship.

Ever notice that every evil in the world is placed on the shoulders of the United States by liberals?

Yet the Muslims can have their own children blow themselves up to kill non combatants in suicide bombings... but they have "their reasons" according to the wigged out logic of some...

Go figure!

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

A List of the Ten Big Lies of Evolution

Creation has no scientific support.
There are no world wide catastrophic flood evidences in the fossil record.
Creationism denies the existence of improvements in the design of creation.
Creationism teaches racism.
Creationism is contrary to the laws of all science.
Creationism is not recognized as legitimate science by any leading scientists.
Creation science is a mindless religion.
The speed of light can not be changed and therefore proves the age of the universe.
The earth's age can be figured by isotope levels of various elements.
Scientific evidence supporting Creationism has been dishonestly fabricated

Lewis W #fundie christianforums.net

And I am tired of hearing that crap about, well abort the baby early, and there will be nothing to it. Oh thou earthly fools, you have no right to take God's babies life without His permission. When abortion clinics get blown to bits, it makes me a happy man.

Heidi #fundie christianforums.net

Actually most of the universe is composed of water. Water comprises 91% of the substance in the human body and oxygen is composed of 2 molecules of hydrogen (water).

Carbon-14 is only present in one trillionth of all the atoms in each molecule and its existence varies greatly according to the amount of sun in each day, how much radiation in the air from nuclear power plants, and the position of the sun relative to the equator. Therefore, the chance of winning the lottery is much higher than the accuracy of carbon-14 dating.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

I think a creationist with a good background in chemistry and geology could put together a good one to suggest a vehicle to change atmospheric oxygen and hydrogen into water, don’t you? A few experiments with oxygen, hydrogen, argon and carbon, etc. and I bet they could figure out why the carbon dating gives us all those erroneous ages, too.

tzalam2 #fundie christianforums.net

[Debating the Muslim Holiday USPS stamp]

Lyrics dad, after getting to know about you in another topic, I'm not surprised at all to see you agree with this slick little maneuver of getting people to lose their loyalty to America, and become a one worlder.

If you connect the dots, that's what you WILL get.
LD, do you also like what happened to the man who protested the
homosexual indoctrination being forced upon his kindergartener?
He was arrested.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

I am hopeful that as the children of Creationists are removed from the mind numbing effects of evolutionary teaching, and into private and home schools, they will emerge as an army of Creationist scientists establishing and equipping their own labs and data gathering facilities and their field techs capable of “world wide travel.” Meanwhile, evolutionists are dumbing down their children with erroneous theories that bring despair and hopelessness to mankind, giving rise to drugs and violence. Sad. Who'd wanna be them?

Heidi #fundie christianforums.net

The biblical account of creation doesn't contradict reality one bit. But evolution contradicts the way apes and humans breed, the survival of the fittest because apes are around today, and the process of animals and humans reproducing themselves.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

If ID is Creation theory in drag, Evolution is naked Atheism, stripped of it’s final conclusion. The underlying force that fuels it’s propagation is the need to deny the existence of God.

We shouldn’t teach anything that can’t be proven, either by experiment, history or mathematical fact. Evolution should only be allowed in schools as Creationism is, as a special after school activity.

Relic #homophobia #fundie christianforums.net

If the fools want to marry each other they will kill each other off with there spreading diseases to each other and they go about perforate each others colons, destroying each others bodies with their vile practices. No wonder the "average" life expectancy of a gay person is only 40 some odd years. [...]

If the gays think they can get away with living in such vile wicked behaviors they are sadly mistaken. And the proof is in the sad state of their affairs. They are not happy people. Not at all. They run from facing the root of their problems in life and think that they will find happiness in some perverted form of being which is outside of God's Holy Will for mankind. They mock and shake their fist at God. For shame. [...]

The homosexual "of today" is liken to an birth defect of epidemic proportions from out of society that sprung out of the outlandish liberal mindedness of the 60's generation. This too shall pass. They sick perverted demands of the gay community will not prevail. [...]

These people are in my prayers.

spreadingtheword #fundie christianforums.net

These evolutionists, they always say the same thing over and over and over again. We have evidence and convoluted complicated theories to boot. The next time you want to post something be aware that no sensible person is going to read it when all it really amounts to is blah blah blah blah.

spreadingtheword #fundie christianforums.net

Charles Darwin was a sick sick man to begin with. His delusional fantasies brought on even more sickness - this time physical. Devine retribution? Perhaps. Why would anyone listen to the ravings of such a lunatic? Darwin is to evolutionists what Confucious is to confusionists or Frued is to fruediens. Maybe a better comparison is Manson to his followers.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

There is another cause for the changes that are evident in extinct animals, possibly even people, with features seldom if ever found among living specimens. In Jasher, Enoch, and even slightly in Genesis, it is recorded that some sort of genetic tampering was done that angered God. Also Jasher reports that as punishment for the tower building, God caused 1/3 of those involved to be morphed into ‘elephants and apes.’ While this sounds like a bit of myth, and it could be, there is a condition known as elephantitus that causes features that would fit this description.

Jake99 #fundie christianforums.net

This I tell you is true that George W. Bush is the anti christ and he has deceived the masses just as those before him have.

He believes in conquering land and killing his enemy.

Peace and prosperity he has never produced, chaos, incompetence failure and death follows him wherever he goes.

He needs an army to protect him and christ uses only body armor and a sworded tongue.

And when the chariot of fire is found in front of a tomb and the demonstration of superior leadership is performed and documented then will you look at the madman in a different light?

Commonwealth of Massachusetts VS God and his servant at Y2K and then some. The war has been in progress for seven years and the messiah has won every time.

Solo #fundie christianforums.net

The reason that the theory of evolution is so disgusting and detestable is because many will be cast into an eternity apart from God, just as his word says because evolution is one deception used to explain away the origin of man away from the creator.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

As for your evolutionary dream sequence, it isn’t even based in reality. Just because you have imagined missing links and recreated past lives for all your semi human ancestors, doesn’t mean it happened, no matter how often you repeat the story or how much you embellish it with bones and rocks.

unred typo #fundie christianforums.net

The only theory I want to throw out is unproven evolutionary belief and it’s supporting ‘ancient earth’ dogma. My daughter home schools her children. She chooses her own curriculum. There are religion-neutral books that teach science with no mention of either God or evolution, just science, pure and simple. But that’s not what you want, is it? You want to influence children into evolution beliefs and poison their minds against creationist views.

cuiq #fundie christianforums.net

I do have a few questions for evolutionist.

1) How was the matter created/formed that caused the big bang?
2) What/how was the goo/slime put there to form fish/apes whatever? What caused these things to begin to form in the first place?
3) How can you really prove that the earth has been here millions of years when after a certain point it would have to be ones best quess? I mean we have records (I think) that prove thousands of years but millions?

Gary #fundie christianforums.net

[This is what passes for atheist fundamentalism]

Atheist fundy: "There is no such thing as abolute truth."
Christian: "Are you sure?"
Atheist fundy: "Yes. I am."
Christian: "Are you absolutely sure about that?"
Atheist fundy: "Er, yes, I mean, no - well, maybe."

Vanaka #fundie christianforums.net

[On sexual selection]

I very much doubt your Wife's butt has any relevance at all on this topic....butI feel sorry for your Wife because,its probably only a matter of time before you meet another Woman,who's butt you like better...(this is werid......)and will,since nothing stops you..afterall your just an animal,leave her.....poor lady.......,but anyway,your kids...their still Humans.

xxangelzkiss #fundie christianforums.net

['To other creationists - what is your single most important reason, besides the Bible, to believe that evolution is false?']

ahhh i finally get to speak on something that has recently ignitied my passion!!!

well as of recently more and more scientists have been turning from evolution to an intelligent designer of the universe. why is this? Well Science is pointing towards God!!

PHIL121 #fundie christianforums.net

Yet, Macro-evolution is merely what some scientists infer from looking at the fossil record. And often, new fossils overturn what they have previously concluded. The evolution of the horse taught in textbooks 30 years ago when I was a kid is a bunch bull-dung. And the transitory species that Darwin HIMSELF said were necessary to support the theory have never been found. Yet, the 'modern' evolutionist, especially if he's a tenured professor, still tells the 'empiror' his 'clothes' look just fine.

tzalam2 #fundie christianforums.net

New Orleans, and much of Mississippi have become uninhabitable.
God has pronounced judgement on the city.
Men and women were given time to repent, to stop, to TURN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS TO GOD, and they laughed at the warnings,or chafed and shook their fist at God. They refused to turn from their sins.

Sodom and Gomorrah?

Lewis W #fundie christianforums.net

Darwin was a sicko, to the core, he has done and his work continues to do evil. His work has messed up the minds of millions. He has tried to down play the power of God, these type people are fools, and unless they repent and come to Christ. There is a place for them.

Karma2Grace #fundie christianforums.net

['Of course it (the Earth) is perfect for sustaining life. If it wasn't, then I wouldn't be here typing to you from Earth. I would be typing this to you from a planet that was perfect by virtue of its properties.']

So the Big Bang randomly causes all the galaxies, solor systems and planets to be in perfect position so that it will not collapse!

Lewis W #fundie christianforums.net

Fossils can only be created by rapid burial. They are also at lost to explain, why fish fossils are found at the tops of the worlds highest peaks or mountains, the dummys, will not even concede to evidence, because they are fools. They just will not give God' His place or believe in such a thing as devine intervention, like the WORLD WIDE FLOOD. But if they don't repent and give God his place, they will receive eternal damnation, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.

Karma2Grace #fundie christianforums.net

If you were to go 7000 years back, You will see man using simple tools and stones but today we are more sophisticated , Even we can clone people ! , Some group claims themselves as gods!! , It is like 90 Degree Growth

According to Evolution, Homo sapiens (Full Man) where present for last 200,000 years (<a href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050223122209.htm" target="_blank">http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050223122209.htm</a> ) but the so called "Man" NEVER evolved until 7000 years before !, Pretty strange isn't ? , For almost 193,000 Years man lived like an Ape Or using stones and sticks! What make them to throw their sticks and stones to clone people?

It make more sense when bible says, Human race is just 10,000 Years (approx) old.

bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

Foolish non-believers and atheists believe we are animals.[...]

<p>They are the ones that are inconsistent in their belief system.[...]

<p>They can't accept their creator because they are too busy playing god to seek the true God.

<p>These losers spend their time in a Christian forum trying to seduce us into doubting God. Acccording to the word of God they are too dense to even recognize that they are dupes and mouth pieces for satan who is their father.[...]

<p>Homosexuals are perverts and homosexuality is perversion. The bible which our criterion for truth is as plain as crystal on this topic.

<p>This is a Christian forum and these arrogant dupes need to recognize this fact.[...]
If the non believers don't like it then they should take a hike.

<p>They have nothing to defend because they believe they came from nothing but swamp gas. It is the perfect way for these evil children to believe their own unstable and immoral values. The reason they slink around this forum is because they cannot help but mimic their sepentine father.

<p>Satan is their puppet master.[...]

<p>The bible is right they are an evil bunch and need to repent and turn to the God they spend their pathetic lives trying to convince themselves and others doesn't exist.[...]

<p>This is a Christian forum! We rule they drool!

bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

I won't eat with anyone who is called a brother in Christ who promotes those types of sins [adultery, theivery, etc.] either. [...]

<p>I will eat with non-believing homosexuals with the intention of getting them to repent and turn to Christ.

bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

There is no justification for statues, icons, etc of the devil goddess [the Virgin Mary]. Not one apostle ever prayed to or through these idols nor taught such a vile practice.

<p>Those who promote and use satan's logic and misapplied scriptures are teaching the doctrines of devils.

<p>[insert bible verses here]

<p>Be rooted and stablished in Jesus not the false, vile seductress devil Rome, Eastern Orthodox, Muslims, and others who are of the synagogue of Satan worship.

bibleberean #fundie christianforums.net

What do the RCC [Roman Catholic Church], Orthodox [a Roman Catholic forum member] and Muslims hereticks have in common?

<p>They are all under the spell of the "Queen of Heaven" [The Virgin Mary].

<p>[Insert bible verses here] You see! There is a queen of heaven in the bible. God is not pleased when His people worship this devil!

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