
Demonbuster #fundie demonbuster.com

A lady had been using an underarm anti-perspirant and deodorant scented spray for about two weeks. A painful rash developed in her armpits. We cast out a spirit of anti-perspirant, pain, and probed for others without success. We spoke healing and within two days the problem had disappeared.

One may ask the question, "what gives the demons legal grounds to enter a person who uses an anti-perspirant?" (And by the way, not all people would be sensitive enough to receive anti-perspirant demons). The answer to the question is in the biology of the body and the interference with its proper functioning. Generally speaking, anything that adversely affects the Godly operation of any body part provides the necessary grounds for spirits to take up occupancy inside the individual or oppress from the outside.

Gene & Earline Moody #fundie demonbuster.com

Believe it or not, but foul weather is caused by demons, which means we have authority over them in that area too. Time and time again, we have prayed against the weather, and it either stops in its tracks or heads the other way. It must be noted, however, that if God wants to allow your neighbors property to be damaged, the storm will come through, but your property will be safeguarded, IF you are right with the Lord.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

WATCHERS is a term used by the occult, whether it be witches, satanists, or whatever. It is usually a picture or similar object that has one or more eyes on it. It is stuck or hung some place to act as a spy. For instance, someone hangs it on your house, or your church, or your office, or on a corner. Look at it like a hidden camera and microphone. The person comes back later to the WATCHER, and the demon in it tells the person all that it SAW and heard.

This may sound like science fiction, but you DIDN'T think you had demons living inside you either.

A Prophet friend of mine just told me that she saw four stars in the sky that were very strange looking, and were NORTH - EAST - SOUTH - WEST. She asked the Lord what they were, and He told her "they are WATCHERS".

Something big appears to be going on in the spirit world, and we need to be doing some extra Warfare against WATCHERS.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

INCUBI - Demonic sexual attacks on females; may be caused by sexual sins, witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, can attack children

SUCCUBI - demonic sexual attacks on males, may be caused by the same as Incubi above

Forget medieval times and folklore, these demons are for real! The demons have sex with both men and women as the person sleeps, AND YOU KNOW IT. It's not a dream, and it is not your imagination.

If you have encountered this situation, DELIVERANCE and Spiritual Warfare can stop it.

A woman called us once and told us about these demons, and that she was afraid to go to sleep because of it. She said that the demons would often lift her bed up in the air, and drag her across the floor. She never got back to us, and probably never got DELIVERANCE.

Another woman wrote to us and told us that a demons were having sex with her as she slept. Her husband, a Pastor, said it was just her "imagination".

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

SOME OBJECTS TO DESTROY: (See Lev. 11:13-21 and Deut. 14:7-19)

Some accursed objects are: owls, frogs, unicorns, dolphins, dragons, horseshoes; items from other countries such as Africa, China, Japan; American Indian artifacts, carvings, pictures, buddha statutes. Dolls and stuffed animals - dolls originated in voodoo. Paisley pattern on anything. Nike is a Greek god, according to the dictionary.

Collections, Pictures of movie stars, some items passed down from ancestors, Shamrocks, Any kind of good luck charm, Statues, Oriental objects, African items, Indian items, American Indian items, Any items that are used in witchcraft, The Book of Mormon, satanic bible, Books on other religions, Rock and roll music, etc.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

CULT ALERT! The San Diego mass suicide leader, Marshall Applewhite, of HEAVEN'S GATE, used Christian words like Jesus, God, Heaven, fishers or men, and others, and the "Heaven's Gate" web page used them also. UFO's are a very common belief among many "Christians", and one teaching is that the so called "rapture" will be UFO's taking them away. Another teaching among "New Agers" is that UFO's will take the "Christians" who willingly think it is, in fact, the "rapture". There will be no rapture (see our NO RAPTURE page).

After listening to the news for several days, and especially from former cult members, you can see why they would have had no problems with committing suicide. Once you get involved in a cult, the demons control your mind, which is why you would believe and do almost anything.

Here is a good test if you are in fact, a Christian. Ask, "WOULD JESUS SAY THIS?" "WOULD JESUS TELL ME TO DO THIS?" "WOULD JESUS TELL ME NOT TO DO THIS?"

Anonymous contributor #fundie demonbuster.com

Here are other things I could do with the power of the devil.

1. Just to scare normal people, make the ouiji board pointer fly in the air and land on someone.
2. Tell people what they were thinking and say their words in unison with them while they speak.
3. Make candles light by thought while normal people were playing seance.
4. Floor turning ice cold in the middle of hot weather when calling spirits forth to attend seances. Also, cold wind blowing through a room - strong wind.
5. Pointing index finger at ones who scoff or defy power - terror would pierce them and they would flee screaming, sometimes never regaining sanity.
6. Causing accidents, rashes, confusion, coughing, etc. when sending curses on people.
7. Hearing male voices speaking out of women or vice-versa during seances or any other time of calling forth of demons.
8. Satan himself talking on the ouiji board to ones he wanted - telling all their life and terrifying them if they did not agree to be his.
9. White, filmy beings floating through the house, dancing in circles in the yard - many of them.
10. Flies covering windows in the coldest of winter - unnatural hum.
11. Walls sweating and hot in winter - like a fire in them.
12. Voices talking muffled conversations - coming from closets, drains, heat vents, stuffed animals, toys, dolls.
13. ALL PRANKS ARE DEMONIC - demons hide in joking and pulling pranks.
14. Unusual odors - gas, oil, sewer, smoke, electrical fire, etc.
15. Virtually anything is possible in the realm of the occult, if it is done for the purpose of fear, hatred, pranks, power and control. If done to be nice, demons will not obey.
16. Turning lights on and off without touching switches.
17. Causing people to feel as though bugs are crawling on them or snakes, mice, etc. are crawling on them.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

The last time you had a demon manifest, did you print large signs and walk down the street in protest? Did you block bars and nightclubs to keep people out? No! You did some Spiritual Warfare and drove out the demons.

The last time you were under attack, maybe from your boss or someone else, did you protest? No! You did Spiritual Warfare and bound up all the demons.

With the abortion issue, would you see more results by protesting in a march, or by doing Spiritual Warfare? Many people are "praying" for God to intervene. God told US to intervene!

When is the last time you prayed something like this, - "Father, in JESUS' name I bind up all the demons involved in any abortion issue. I send the judgment of God upon anyone involved in abortions, from the nurse, to the doctor, to the judges, to the politicians, to the person protesting and supporting abortion, and anyone else involved in the murdering of babies (or old people)."

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

The first deck of cards was made in 1392 for the insane French King Charles.

Some of the most common places you will find a deck of cards (besides our homes) will be with prostitutes, gamblers, thieves, murderers, in taverns, brothels, prisons, insane asylums, gambling dens, etc., but never at a prayer meeting.

The king represents Satan, Prince of Darkness, usurper and foe of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ten card is for the Spirit of lawlessness, in opposition to the moral law in the Word of God. In 1300, clubs were the chief weapons used by murderers, therefore this suit represents the Spirit of Murder and death by violence. The jack represents the lustful libertine, from pimp to adulterer and whoremonger, a moral leper whose chief ambition is to gratify sensual fleshly lusts. The queen represents Mary, Mother of Jesus, but in the card language she is called Mother of Harlots. The joker represents Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Joker means fool and therefore Jesus is held up to ridicule. The joker is said to be the offspring of licentious jack and the queen, Mother of Harlots.

All other cards also have hidden obscene and blasphemous meanings.

Unknown author #fundie demonbuster.com

"For over 20 years I have been an active witch and priestess in an OTO church (OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East. Its structure is like that of the Masons/ Freemasons.). On Monday, after a long battle I gave my life to Jesus. Since then, things have not been easy. The first thing I did after giving my life to Jesus was clear my flat of everything that was associated with the coven and OTO church. No sooner had I done this I went down with a sever migraine and have only just got rid of it. Once the migraine had gone, I found myself standing outside of my body watching everything that I am doing. I am still in this state despite praying to Jesus for help. Also, I feel extremely agitated and cannot handle the smallest thing when it goes wrong. To add insult to injury, my body feels itchy all over and I am making my skin sore by having to itch it. It is driving my scatty. I really want to get release from what the enemy has over me so that I can serve Jesus completely. If you can help me I would be extremely grateful". ---

Demonbuster.com #fundie demonbuster.com

[Arguing that the Star of David is a Satanic symbol]

The hexagram was brought to the Jewish people by Solomon when he turned to witchcraft and idolatry after his marriage to Pharaoh's daughter in 922B.C. It became known as the Seal of Solomon in Egyptian magic and witchcraft. David had absolutely nothing to do with the hexagram and it most certainly did not, in any way, represent God's people. Thereafter, Solomon gave himself up to satanic worship and built altars to Aashtroeth and Moloch (Saturn). He then instituted the sacrifice of all firstborn children to these idols by having them cast alive into fire pits burning beneath the altars. In this horrifying manner these precious children of God were burned to death in the valley of Hinnom, south-east of Jerusalem. God spoke of the abomination in Leviricus 18:21.

The hexagram faded from Jewish usage for 2,600 years until, in the 17th century Germany, it was adopted by Mayer Rothchild to mark his house and, later for use as his coat of arms. Sometime after that it became known as the Star of David but there is no historical report as to how this happened and I mean none. The hexagram has remained in use with in the occult and is prominent in the rituals and worship of Druids, Freemasons, Astrology, New Age, Wicca (tattooed on the abdomens or palms of initiates) and a long list of other satanic cults. It is certainly a precursor for the mark of the beast and it is not illogical that it will be the visible mark on the hands and foreheads of those who bow to the Beast in the great tribulation, the mark of eternal condemnation.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

People, with the knowledge, have the ability from the devil to have "out of body experiences". They can "visit" you in your home or wherever, without you knowing it unless they choose to make themselves visible to you. They also frequently "visit" or spy on you in the form of a black bird or some other animal. A witch personally told me they do this.

Whenever I see a black bird outside through the window, or just several times during the day, I say,

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I cut and burn all the ungodly silver cords." Silver cord is the term they use that connects their body to wherever their "visiting".

Anonymous #fundie demonbuster.com

We ministered to a lovely Christian lady who, several years earlier, had surgery on one breast because of cancer. The spirit that was associated with the cancer was still present. We cast him out. Then, we challenged the demon of breast cancer in the other breast. He was there and we forced him out also. She was having no problems with the remaining breast, however, the infirmity spirit was there, apparently waiting to afflict it with cancer also.

Very happily, her husband assisted in the DELIVERANCE session. Praise the Lord for husbands who will minister DELIVERANCE to their wives and family.

When performing DELIVERANCE from breast cancer demons, be certain to cast spirits out of both breasts and speak healing to each of them."

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak #fundie demonbuster.com

Occult Practices (partial listing): Fortune Telling, Ouija Board, Cards, Good Luck Charms, Seances, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, Mind Control, Witchcraft, Four-leaf Clover, Rabbit Foot, Wishbone, ESP, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, Drugs - Tranquilizers and Pain Relievers, Incense, Dungeons and Dragons, Pendulum, Palm Reading, Automatic Handwriting, Pierced Ears, Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, Voodoo, Magic, Levitation, Waterwitching, Tea Leaf Reading, Secret Organizations and Lodges, Eight Ball, Smoking, Chewing Tobacco, Dipping Snuff, Drinking Alcoholic Beverages, Kabala, Handwriting Analysis, Strychnine, Arsenic, Spirits of Gene and Chromosome Damage, Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings, Spiritualism, Sorcery - Drugs - Pharmakia, LSD, Rubik's Cube, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Para-psychology, Enchantments, Potions, Ankh, Peace Sign, Star of David and Five Pointed Stars, Artifacts, Tatoos, Owls and Frogs, Snakes Self Realization, Deja-vu, Martial Arts, Buddism-zen, Hinduism, Taoism, Yin and Yang, Confucianism, Acupuncture, Hare Krishna, Bingo Gambling and Playing Cards Gambling, Astral Projection, Eckankar, Reincarnation, Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery, Divining for Metal or Minerals or Anything Else, Psychosybernetics, Mind over Matter, Pyramid Power, UFO, Trances, Dolls (Originated in Voodoo), Psychometry, Psychic Predictions, Clairaudience, Second Sight, Auras, Metaphysics, Mental Science, Vision, Superstition, Fetishes, Runes, Amulets, Talismans, Satanism, Indian Witchcraft, Sun or Moon Worship, Spiritual Healing, Italian Horn, Indian Religions, Warpaint, Maize Fertility, Christian Science Healing, Omens, Karma, Rock and Roll, Mediums, Hex Signs, "Jesus" Rock and Roll, Itial, Irish, Gypsy, German, Etc., - Witchcraft, Rappings, Poltergeists, Haunted Houses, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Tolkien, Conjuration, Incantation, Idolatry, TV Shows like "Merlin", Walt Disney, Rose Mary's Baby, Reading Hari, Biofeedback.

demonbuster #fundie demonbuster.com

Know this - EVERYONE has demons, ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS. There is no Scripture that says this. It is just a matter of FACT. There is no Scripture that says you do NOT have demons. Jesus said the demons are living INSIDE of you, not OUTSIDE. Jesus also said the demons call your body their house . Do you live OUTSIDE of your house? Neither do your demons!

Anonymous #fundie demonbuster.com

"Take Care", Farewell or Curse? Have you ever told anyone to "take care" when you were saying good-bye? Maybe you recently hung up the phone and advised the person on the other end of the line to "take care." Maybe a friend of yours, a Christian, instead of saying "good-bye" told you to "take care." What did you really say to that person or what did he or she really say to you?

You just advised them "to worry" and "to be anxious." Care is worry, anxiety and distress. When we willingly pick it up or take it to ourselves, we accept the enemy's plan for us. When we wish it on someone, aren't we wishing them ill? I believe telling someone to "take care" as a farewell or as a form of well-wishing is similar to a curse. I don't have a "thus saith the Lord" on this but when you wish someone care and worry and anxiety, you are not wishing them well. Besides, it's 180 degrees opposed to what the Bible tells us.

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

[Note to moderator(s): The quote itself is a little long- I'm sorry, but it's so fundamentalist I wasn't sure what to cut. You can cut it as needed, of course.]

Do you have any idea how many Vietnam VETS have been, and continue to have all kinds of "Psychological" problems? If there are no apparent reasons for your nightmares, etc., the cause is this - During the war, and maybe even today, the Vietnamese people placed VOODOO and WITCHCRAFT curses on their "enemy". If you don't believe in DELIVERANCE, you will probably not believe this either.

Start doing Deliverance on all your symptoms. Break all curses that were placed on you. What have you got to lose? Nothing! What have you got to gain? Everything!

Become a Christian and go through DELIVERANCE! Be sure to break all the curses placed on you and your family.

Deliverance is a lot better than taking drugs.

Anonymous #fundie demonbuster.com

Believe it or not, but foul weather is caused by demons, which means we have authority over them in that area too. Time and time again, we have prayed against the weather, and it either stops in its tracks or heads the other way. It must be noted, however, that if God wants to allow your neighbors property to be damaged, the storm will come through, but your property will be safeguarded, IF you are right with the Lord.

Anonymous #fundie demonbuster.com

Recently the Lord told me to get rid of my 3 generation old game called MAH-JHONNG... This game has tiles made of ivory and bamboo or bakelite, that are hand carved in China and are demonized. My children said they felt like something was watching them or following them up the steps when they were in the basement, and I continued to bind and deal with a HUGE spirit of FEAR when I tried to pray in this same environment. The Lord exposed this DEMON and told me to get rid of MAH-JHONNG. I researched the game on the Internet and found through the "International League of Mah-Jhonng" in New York, that the spiritual aspect of this game is designed to WORSHIP BUDDHA! There are actually BUDDHA discs that accompany some of these games, mine didn't. PRAISE GOD for HOUSECLEANING! I burned the game in an All-Church EPHESUS burning.

Anonymous #fundie demonbuster.com

On Saturday evening I was watching television when my daughter of 2 came out of her room to tell me that her doll was moving by itself. I assumed that it probably fell off the shelf so to satisfy her I got up and went to her room . when I got there to my surprise she had a stuffed troll doll dancing in the middle of her bedroom floor to a Disney movie playing music . Being raised in church I began pleading the blood of Jesus and commanded that spirit to leave then the doll went limp and fell over on the floor. I took the doll outside my house and burned it. what would cause something like this to happen?

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

We assume that humanism will take the path of social and mental hygiene and discourage sentimental and unreal hopes and wishful thinking." In this statement humanists show how little they know of the nature of men. These are the real results of fifty years of humanism in school and church: more mentally ill than ever, more substance abuse than ever, more social unrest than ever. The young people we have worked with are overloaded with unreal hopes and wishful thinking. We have suicide at a rate never even imagined in years gone by. As a young person until age 25, I never knew one person who had killed himself. I knew only one or two who used alcohol and none that used drugs. We are largely a group of ungrateful people and this is especially true in the church.

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

I was watching the landscaping people at these new apartments. They brought in pallets of grass sod. Then they would pick up a piece at a time and lay it on the bare ground. It would lift right off the stack of grass.

Well, some of the pallets of grass sod sat there for a few weeks without being used. It sat through the sun and the rain, just the right things to help it grow.

When they came back to pull off the top piece of sod, it was difficult to lift it, because the roots started to go INTO the sod piece below it. It took some pulling, but they were able to lift each piece off.

There were several other pallets, however, that they were not able to use because the demon roots, I mean grass roots, grew through each piece of sod so much, that it was like ONE piece of sod stacked up. The whole pallet had to be cut up and destroyed.

Demons work just like the grass sod. When they enter INTO you, they look for a good spot that is not already taken, and then they let their roots start hooking on to everything it can. The longer the demon has been IN you, the further his root system is IN you.

If you have ever tried to pull up grass by the roots, it is a tough job. Sometimes you think you got all he roots, but it grows back. What do you do? You pull some more!

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

Have you ever personally had a Miracle? I have had dozens and dozens, from tooth aches, headaches, aches and pains, witchcraft attacks, and cysts disappearing immediately after praying. I also have had dozens and dozens of headaches that did not go away. No one knows why, but we don't always get healed when we pray. Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. That really is God's business.

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

PARENTS BEWARE!" Demon images are taking over the Toy Departments and the cartoon programming on your television! These images show up in the forms of Charms, Trolls, Monsters, and violence...signs of Pagan Idolatry carefully camouflaged...like Trolls with Demonic faces...but dressed in cute little "dolly" clothes to be accepted as a toy and hugged and loved by a child.

Let's examine the origin of Trolls. Where did they come from? These cute, ugly Demons that have captivated American children epitomize today's delight in "new-paganism" when joined to popular ideals. While the "Trolls of Scandinavian Fairy Tales would uproot trees, enslave beautiful ladies and turn people into stone with cruel spells, the toy makers are quoting poems and sayings to try and seduce and deceive the REAL origin of these Demons. For Example: "There was a time...when waters were clean and forests untouched...When ancient legends spoke of "Guardians of the Earth."

In Scandinavian lands, these mysterious creatures were Trolls...and were known to guard what was left of the Earth's natural treasures. This theory of fantasy can only help to encourage "New Age" thinking...like "Mother Earth...save our environment"...as if God would create anything that would not last, until He was ready for it to disappear. But, if our little children are introduced to these myths at such a young age...as they grow...satan can introduce this fantasy lie and encourage it to be accepted as truth.

It was said the "trolls" were rarely seen, people believed and pretended. Isn't it strange today these nearly forgotten Demon creatures are once again in our midst...working their Earth magic to help Humans? More of Satan's lies flowing out to capture the mind and control it.

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

Then you have the really stubborn demons who just will not budge, and may not even talk. It is with this kind that I say, "Do you want to go in THE BOX?" In most cases, the demon will say NO, or he will shake the person's head back and forth, meaning NO.

Here is a typical setting for this kind of demon.

If you don't want to go in THE BOX, then I command you to leave now, in the name of Jesus. Most of the time they do.

I am going to count to ten, then I am going to put you in THE BOX.

One, two, three, four...... They usually wait till you get to ten, then go.

Stan #fundie demonbuster.com

A young Christian man had been having a problem with speeding and with minor traffic violations. For example, he would periodically make a wrong turn because he did not notice a traffic sign. He had been cited for some of these violations. We broke curses over him in these areas and cast out spirits of speeding, careless driver and traffic violations.

Additional spirits that are active in this category of daily living are: blocked concentration (of driver), roving mind, heavy foot, fear of making mistakes in driving, fear of getting caught by police, and others.

BloodOfJesus@demonbuster.com #fundie demonbuster.com

[You should pray these daily or several times a day.]

















Unknown contributor #fundie demonbuster.com

"Well my baby boy has been difficult to potty-train. He is past the age that he should be trained and I was getting really tired of it. I would sit him in the toilet for a long time and nothing would happen. When I would put him back in diapers, he would go! And I was sick and tired of it. So I got really mad, sat him in the potty and told him he had to "go". The baby started screaming and I got the idea that it was a demon. So I commanded it to manifest and give me his name. The baby continued screaming and saying: "You can't make me, you can't make me". I insisted in the demon telling me his name, so the Holy Spirit said: "That's his name, "you can't make me". I commanded it out. The baby had deliverance and he has been potty-trained since."

Webmaster #fundie demonbuster.com

Hurricane Katrina came through here on August 29, 2005. We were without power for five days and five hours. We never used candles, but had regular batteries for the radio, and rechargeable batteries that kept their charge for night lighting. Warnings on the news was NOT to use candles because of possible fires.

Elsewhere on our website, we talk about objects in your home that can be "hosts" for demons. Candles can also be a "host".

A former African witchdoctor who practiced witchcraft for over twenty years said that demons are attracted to the substance candles are made out of. Candles were a part of his witchcraft. It does not matter what color, shape, or smell they have. When lit, the smell of the candle also calls on another big time demon. Is it a wonder why the candle business is in the Billions of dollars a year! No wonder too that so many churches have candles all over the place.

Get rid of all your candles. You may just be getting rid of some of your problems. This also pertains to incense.

For those Bible researchers who read that "candles" were mentioned in the Bible, look in your Strong's concordance. The Original term is "lamp" "oil" or "oil lamp", NOT "candle". The menorah tradition goes back to 165 B.C. They did not use candles, but used oil.

After you get rid of the candles, command all the demons to leave you and your property, in the name of Jesus, JUST IN CASE.

What if the lights go out, you say? Use a flashlight!

Still want candles? Look at www.4lf.com to see rechargeable battery operated candle lites. The lamp burns for six hours on a single charge.

Azrael #fundie demonbuster.com

Are you aware that part of the reason for you being under such attack is from people praying against you, putting curses on you, etc. In addition to talking about satan worshipers, witches, etc., I am talking about your family members, friends, and other fellow Christians who are not in DELIVERANCE.

Well, the below listed scriptures, Deuteronomy 30:7, Psalm 109, 140, and Isaiah 54:17 are just three passages that offer us some protection against people coming against us. I personally know of a number of people who came against me, and met with terrible judgment from the Lord. One man use to make fun by saying frequently, "Seen any demons lately?", with a laugh. He unexpectedly was fired from his job, his wife divorced him, he was in an auto wreck that almost killed him, he turned into an alcoholic, and had a massive heart attack. A previous employer who tried to fire me lost a multi-million dollar contract for interfering with God's work. I've heard or read testimonies from some of you where God has intervened or judged on your behalf.

These kinds of things happen to people all the time. Sometimes it happens real quick, and sometimes it takes days, weeks, months, or even years before the judgment of God falls on them. If you are under a lot of attack, you may want to specifically pray these scriptures against someone. It is God's business when and how he deals with that person. If the person is innocent, nothing will happen to them. I make it a point to warn people, especially about Psalm 109, so they don't make fun or mock God's ministry of DELIVERANCE.

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