
Tristan Emmanuel #fundie barbwire.com

I think it’s time to bring back blasphemy laws.

And here is why— (See video)

“— the thing that’s really disturbing about Noah isn’t that it is silly, it’s that it’s immoral. It’s about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God— What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he’s mad at? I mean, besides Chris Christie.” — Bill Maher

And then he added this little ditty:

“Hey, God, you know, you’re kind of a dick when you’re in a movie with Russell Crowe and you’re the one with anger issues.” — Bill Maher.

Bill Maher is known for being an offensive anti-Christian bigot. It’s his trademark. But this time he’s gone too far. He may have protection under the First Amendment to say whatever slanderous thing that comes out of his toilet bowl brain, but that does not mean Christians should turn the other cheek.

Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.” And that gets to the nub of the issue.

The problem with people like Maher — and rabble like Richard Dawkins and the late burning-in-hell Christopher Hitchens — is their lack of moral character. They are what Psalm 14 says, corrupt. That is to say they are morally bankrupt men who refuse to be honest with the evidence all around them.

They start “philosophizing about life” from one fundamental place: hatred of God. The very idea of a Creator who controls all things by virtue of His power and authority makes them recoil. In fact, they hate him so much they would rather go to hell then admit he is God.

That’s what they have in common with the Devil. He hates God too. He’s so blinded by this hatred he’s convinced himself — and a legion of other fools — that there is no God and, if there is one, He is evil because everything he does is twisted and egotistical. That is basically what Maher was saying when he accused God of being immoral by punishing the people of the world with the flood.

I realize that many evangelicals will vilify me for publicly denouncing a guy like Maher. They’ll accuse me of haughtiness, arrogance, and having an “unloving spirit.” But I’m none of these things.

I don’t know Maher. And I have no reason to hate him. But I do know God. And Maher’s public vilification of God is the most offensive and slanderous thing I have ever heard. Frankly, if a Christian doesn’t have a gut wrenching reaction about this, I’ve really got to question him.

Which brings me to the main point: Christians should unanimously condemn Maher. There was a time when a generation of believers actually believed in defending the honor of God and would have done just that — condemn Maher.

Back then Maher would have faced stiff penalties for his slanderous crimes against God and country. And the reasons were clear: slander the ultimate authority of a nation — God — and you ridicule the very foundation of its laws, values, public institutions and leadership.

Slander one and you slander all.

This is one reason why it is unacceptable to threaten the life of the President of the United States, or even to slander the President.

Which raises a question: If it is acceptable to slander and profane the name of God then why not publicly vilify and slander President Barack Obama? I, for one, don’t believe in his presidency, like Maher doesn’t believe in God. And, I also think Obama is immoral, perhaps even a lunatic???

Here is an example of how America once dealt with the likes of Bill Maher.

“Be it declared and enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council and Representatives, convened in General Assembly, and it is enacted by the Authority of the same, that if any person shall presume willfully to blaspheme the holy Name of God, Father, Son, or Holy Ghost; either by denying, cursing or reproaching the true God; his Creation or Government of the World: or by denying, cursing, or reproaching the holy Word of God— everyone so offending shall be punished by imprisonment, not exceeding six months, and until they find sureties for good behaviours; by sitting in pillory; by whipping; boaring thorow the tongue, with a red hot iron; or sitting upon the gallows with a rope about their neck; at the discretion of the court—” — Massachusetts General Laws.

Lamentably, in 1952 the US Supreme Court decided, “It is not the business of government in our nation to suppress real or imagined attacks upon a particular religious doctrine, whether they appear in publications, speeches or motion pictures.” And ever since then atheist have freely and very publicly ridiculed God, challenged every public demonstration of Christian religion, belittled Christians and attacked every institution bequeathed to us by our Christian forebears.

But I gotta say, Maher’s comments are the most shocking and heinous public utterances of blasphemy on U.S. airwaves. And worse still, Christians — and especially Christian leaders — have said very little.

America is hanging on by a thin thread of longsuffering divine justice. The pugnacious degenerate Bill Maher may think blasphemy is a laughing matter. The nation of America may think it can hide behind the First Amendment. And Christians may falsely think they are demonstrating Christlike love by remaining quiet in the face of profligate profanity.

But mark my word, a day of reckoning is coming. God is very clear. Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”

If we are unwilling to hold blasphemers accountable, the almighty judge of the world will.

I’m Tristan Emmanuel and I make no apologies.

Jeff Allen #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Is it any wonder that the Catholic Church doesn’t want to sully their Saint with the raunchy displays that are typically seen in the annual “gay pride” parades held across America? Why would the organizers want to see homosexuals prancing around in drag, genitalia-revealing clothing, or nearly naked?

And what’s the likelihood that “gay pride” organizers would ever allow Christians to march in their parades and pass out biblical literature about the sinfulness of homosexuality? Or what’s the chance that they would welcome groups such as NOM (National Organization for Marriage), NARTH (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) or JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality) to march right alongside the transvestites? Or what about an ex-gay marching band or Mark Regnerus as the grand marshal? Not on your life! The simple fact is that homosexual events are not “open” to everyone. Certain individuals and organizations, that don’t conform to their ideology, are absolutely barred from participating in their parades. Of course, they wouldn’t want any religious or moral principles “raining on their parade.” Homosexual extremists march along a one-way street when it comes to so-called “tolerance.”

At “gay pride” events and parades in places such as San Francisco, Atlanta, Charlotte, and New Orleans, it is not uncommon to see drag queens, phalluses, public nudity, actual and simulated sex acts, offensive signs/music, pornographic images, NAMBLA (pedophilia) representatives, S&M paraphernalia, and public spankings to raise money for AIDS efforts. So, why would the Catholic Church – and any morally sane individual – want to associate St. Patrick with those kinds of debauched displays?

In some places, the homosexual hijackers’ reign of terror is basically complete. For instance, in San Francisco, public decency ordinances are consistently and systematically overlooked during their homosexual, perversity-promoting events. Nudity and public sex acts are the norm during the annual Folsom Street Fair and other “gay pride” parades and festivals held in the city. Police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregate nearby and observe, making no attempt to enforce the law for fear of being labeled homophobic or worse.

And where is the mainstream media while all of this crude and vulgar behavior is so blatantly on display? They’re engaged in a homosexual-friendly, collaborative cover-up via a media blackout because they know that these sex-crazed, pornified sin-fests don’t fit the nice, neat little narrative of the happy, “normal gay family” that’s just minding their own business in relative suburban obscurity. Although not all homosexuals are militantly involved in the hostile takeover of the American culture, we can’t ignore the intimidating and morally corrosive efforts of the aggressive “gay” activists.


If they “can’t be themselves” without being mostly naked, raunchy, and highly sexualized, doesn’t that contradict the whole “It’s not about sex, it’s about love” mantra? It sounds much more to me like a crotch-centric fixation than anything to do with love.

If they’re so adamantly against “heteronormative” behavior, then why are homosexual activists also fighting so hard to get “married?” Marriage, after all, is the most heteronormative institution there is! There is obviously no method to their madness.

And homosexuals claim that they want equal treatment under the law, but as soon as they are told that they will be treated like any other citizen who breaks public decency laws, they throw a hissy fit. Apparently, they don’t really want equal treatment; what they demand is special treatment. They think that they are entitled to some sort of “protected class,” above-the-law status that allows them to brazenly break the law with impunity, and sadly, in most places and in many ways, that’s exactly what were witnessing as public officials cower in fear and cave to their every terrorist-like tactic!

Therefore, the “coexist” meme is a falsehood of epic proportions; it’s really “Leftist code” for the legal authorization of the anti-Christian forces – of which the virulent homosexual hijackers have become the worst offenders – to run roughshod over anyone with whom they disagree. In their twisted idea of coexistence, Christians and conservatives must live under the heel of the homofascists.

Jeff Allen #fundie #wingnut #homophobia barbwire.com

Two recent articles written by Mark Joseph Stern (Slate) and John Saul (Huffington Post) reveal what the homo-fascists have in mind and what they would love to sadistically do to those who have been, or still are, in opposition them.


The homo-maniacal plans for all traditionalists sound quite unpleasant, not to mention being a clear violation of our First Amendment rights. Ah, heck, while the homosexual hordes are busy burning the “Reichstag,” why not throw in the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of the Independence for good measure, as a little more fuel on the “gay rights” fire — since we’re apparently not using them anymore. A scorched earth policy is certainly the order of the day for this new breed of homo-fascists.

There are apparently no plans for some sort of Geneva Convention for the moral non-conformist prisoners-of-war.Little or no mercy will be shown to true Christians and the remaining conservative pockets of resistance. It will either be full capitulation to the homosexual agenda—or it will be re-education, incarceration, bankruptcy, marginalization, and state-sanctioned ridicule—or worse—are there any available cattle cars around?


Considering all of the heinous plans of the militant homosexuals (above), I for one will certainly not consider conceding a single inch of ground to the abhorrent “gay” agenda. The lovers of God and his truth shall never surrender, no matter what the Douthat’s of the world may say! He might be willing to raise the white flag of surrender, but the faithful followers of Christ will keep His banner lifted high!

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed Senate Bill 1062, a bill on religious freedom, or as I like to think of it, a bullying prevention law for grown-ups.

Why did she cave? Because Senator John McCain, other liberal Republicans, the shallow media, and amazingly, the NFL, joined the always complaining and usually inaccurate homosexual lobby in screaming about this bill, claiming it would lead to wide-scale refusal of services to homosexuals. A similar bill has also been unfortunately withdrawn in my home state of Ohio, at least for now.

The reality is, this fiasco was all about anti-Christian bigotry leading toward denial of religious freedom. And it’s mostly sodomy that is taking America to this dark place. Did we not understand the message of Genesis 19? The rabid, sexually corrupt mob is serious, they hate the authority of God and they will twist the facts, or just flat-out lie, to silence those who speak the truth.

Let’s understand a few basic facts. We already have religious freedom in our Constitution, so this isn’t a shocking concept. But that doesn’t mean this bill wasn’t necessary. First of all, it was a bill to strengthen a religious freedom measure already existing in Arizona. And we have a similar federal religious freedom bill passed in 1997 and signed into law by President Bill Clinton after nearly unanimous votes in both houses of Congress Were they all being “anti-gay” in approving such a measure?

No, it’s just that the whole country wasn’t yet subjected to the tyranny of the pink lobby, and politicians weren’t yet ducking for cover right and left. They are now.

Such bills have been made necessary recently to restore a “strict scrutiny” standard when applying First Amendment rights. Photographers, bakers, florists and others have been sued when they would not provide their services to homosexual couples for a so-called wedding. Homosexual activists want to force Christians to honor what we consider sin. Similar bills have already passed in 17 other states, so again, this shouldn’t be at all controversial.

Jeff Allen #wingnut #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Google’s argument that the removal of the film “Innocence of Muslims” amounted to a violation of their First Amendment constitutional protection of the freedom of speech.

The plaintiff in the case, Cindy Lee Garcia, who has faced “serious threats against her life,” objected to the film being posted on YouTube on the basis of copyright infringement because she claims that the clip was originally filmed for a different project, which eventually fell through. However, the filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula later dubbed the scene into the “Innocence of Muslims” without her consent. In her video appearance, Garcia is heard asking: “Is your Mohammed a child molester?” (Even if this clip was recorded for another project, doesn’t Garcia realize that the Islamo-fascists would have been just as equally livid even if her scene were part of a different film?)


So what is the message that we are sending to the Islamo-fascists through such a ridiculous legal decision? Simply this, that threats and acts of violence are an effective method of coercion—

That America will back down to its enemies—

That terrorism will be rewarded—

That our Constitution will be suspended due to fear.

To those of the Muslim mindset, Judge Kozinksi’s order is viewed as an undeniable display of weakness, and we are, in effect, inviting additional future attacks.

President Obama and many of our leaders have been belly-aching and talking about exerting excessive pressure on Uganda because of that nation’s recent so-called “anti-gay” law, but in reality every sharia-compliant nation in the world has the exact same kind of laws on the books. What’s the reason for the Obama administration’s obvious silence and policy inconsistency? The reason is simple—they’re frightened by the Islamo-fascists, and they have therefore implemented a policy of placation when it comes to the Muslim world.


In America, there also seems to be a peculiar, unholy alliance between the Isamo-fascists and the homo-fascists. How can such a thing be the case since Islam is so diametrically opposed to homosexuality? Because, as has often been said, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The Islamic and homosexual extremists currently share a common adversary. They both have in mind the destruction Christianity and the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western Civilization. What the homosexuals haven’t seemed to think about is what would happen if their devious plan were to succeed. Of course, I know that this will not happen because Christ and Christianity will ultimately triumph. However, just for the sake of illustrating the ridiculousness of their unholy alliance, let me make one final point. If the truly tolerant and moderating influence of Christianity were ever taken out of the way, the Muslims would quickly turn on their perversity-pushing homosexual friends. The Quran mandates the death penalty for homosexual offenders. And they think, Christians are “anti-gay?” When it comes to militant Islam, the homosexuals ain’t seen nothing yet.

Laurie Higgins #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

Google’s recent “doodle” announces to the world that Google is gaga over homosexuality-affirming propaganda for minors. Google’s doodle pokes a virtual rainbow-colored flag in the eye of Russian president Vladimir Putin for signing into law a bill that protects minors from homosexuality-affirming propaganda. A financial blockbuster of a company with roots in the country founded to “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty” pro-actively endorses the propagandizing of children while a corrupt totalitarian cockalorum opposes it. Curiouser and curiouser.

The fanciful notion that having “two mommies” is ontologically and morally indistinguishable from having a mother and a father is not a fact. Presenting that non-fact to, for example, five-year-olds in government schools is propaganda. And presenting this non-fact to children is not a loving act even if it “feels” good to “educators” who don’t think about or discuss the issue deeply.


Physical assaults on homosexuals, like physical assaults on any human being, are reprehensible and should be punished in accordance with laws prohibiting assault. But there is no evidence—to my knowledge, at least—that the legal prohibition of propagandizing to minors causes violence.

And here in the United States, there is no evidence to substantiate the related “progressive” claim that orthodox Christian doctrine and those who love Christ cause violence. The fact that hateful people may quote and misapply Scripture in defense of violent physical assaults or ugly verbal assaults on homosexuals no more means they’re Christians than the fact that someone quotes and misapplies Scripture in defense of same-sex “marriage” means they’re Christians. Humans have for hundreds of years abused Scripture for their own sinful ends.

Exposing minors to homosexuality-affirming propaganda is nowhere more troubling than in our public schools where neither children nor teachers are encouraged to study in depth all sides of issues related to homosexuality. Quite the contrary. Curricula and supplementary resources and activities are controlled by “progressive” dogma, the kind of dogma promulgated by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). (Privately, “progressive” teachers actually scoff at the suggestion that there are sides other than theirs worthy of study.)


Ask any conservative public school teachers if their colleagues or administrators ever present resources that challenge “progressive” ideas about homosexuality in professional development meetings. And ask them if they feel as free to express their moral and political beliefs in faculty meetings (or in the classroom) as their “progressive” colleagues do.

“Agents of change,” secure in their tenured positions in public schools, share a certain esprit de corps with totalitarian regimes. They all hatch plans sub rosa to control the beliefs of others. Unfortunately, those victims—I mean, students—happen to be other people’s minor children.

Until our publicly subsidized educators relinquish their white-knuckled grip on curricula with their de facto enforcement of censorship, perhaps we need an anti-propagandizing-to-minors law.

Matt Barber #fundie #homophobia barbwire.com

When we give deviant sexual conduct preferred status in law, Christian morality becomes illegal. If you think government-recognized “gay marriage” is harmless to society, you’re playing the fool. It places the Christian sexual ethic and free exercise of religion in direct conflict with law. It’s my sense that many liberty-minded people are finally coming awake to this disturbing reality.

Although we all sin, Christians are commanded to neither support nor engage in evil. Hence, Christians – true Christians – cannot engage in nor condone the unrepentant practice of homosexual behavior. Neither can we support sin-centric “gay marriage.”

This rudimentary equation is built upon the natural laws of moral physics. Christianity is magnetically charged truth. Homosexual behavior is a magnetically charged lie – a spiritual and biological falsehood. Christianity and homosexual sin are as north to south. Polar opposites cannot occupy the same position in time and space. They repel one another. It’s physically, spiritually and legally impossible for religious freedom and preferred legal status for sexual sin to coexist in harmony.

Jeff Allen #fundie barbwire.com

As I braved the sub-zero temperatures on my way from the parking lot to the Pro-Marriage Rally at the Indiana statehouse in Indianapolis, I walked at noticeably brisk pace. It was only about a block and half journey, but the weather was so cold that day that I soon began looking for a place of refuge along the way. In that short distance, I was unfortunately not able find such a location, but I couldn’t help but notice what was playing at the Indiana Repertory Theater on Washington Street. On the marquee, the words “And Then They Came For Me” immediately jumped out and captured my attention. The stark irony of those words was not lost on me. Another chill went down my spine, and this time it wasn’t because of the frigid tempuratures.

This play, one of James Still’s most popular, is a multi-media production of video and live performances that are carefully woven together to tell the harrowing, true life events of Eva Schloss and Ed Silverberg, a step-sister and friend of Ann Frank, respectively. Schloss and Silverberg were two Jews that were tragically entangled in the evil advance of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The dramatic production recounts their survival of the nightmarish events surrounding the Holocaust and vividly depicts their years spent in hiding and the horrors of the concentration camp.


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where things are rapidly heading in our country. Before the accusations of paranoia or overly melodramatic exaggerations are cast my way, let me remind you to never underestimate the subversive schemes of a true radical Leftist with an amoral axe to grind. With their notorious enemies’ lists, they have a very unscrupulous way of marginalizing or eliminating their opposition. Never forget Todd Starnes recent report about the U.S. Army’s utilization of the SPLC’s hate group list to identify evangelical Christians as potential terror threats—or the IRS’ recent and insidious targeting of conservative groups—or President Obama’s brazen propensity to flout or write new laws—or the Democrat’s ridiculous contortions to rationalize or even to encourage the President’s indefensible conduct.

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