
Yu Yevon #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

That is the essence of evolution - despite all scientific evidence, they cannot come to terms with the Lord. One physicist (his name escapes me at the moment) stated that based on mathematics, evolution cannot be true, but he still believes it because he does not know what else to believe in! Translation: I don't want to believe in God because that would mean changing my morals, so I am going to continue to believe in something that is false. It's really sad. And to think, I used to be one of them!

JRN #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

Im a tired of this homosexuality craze in the US at the momment. Everywhere you look its homo this, homo that, It really disgusts me. On tv, gay tv shows everywhere. In the news, gay, gay, gay. It has only gotten worse sense the sodemy laws were downed.

Yu Yevon #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

I know a lot about evolution. I studied it both in and out of school. You can call me an expert on the subject. The more I learned about evolution, the more I knew it doesn't exsist. The opposite is true for the bible, from my observations. The more one learns about God and the bible, the more they believe!

Venom #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

This entire subject is based on the mind, and how you think. Period. That is extremely relevant. If you do not think those thoughts, this conversation would never be brought up. The only way to do this is by thinking correct? How is the mind irrelevant than? The question is, does the bible prohibit such thoughts, and does it tell us what to contemplate on.

President Wilson #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

There are three meanings to evolution( actually more but we will stick here ). The first is religous, and faith based. This is called organic evolution, and states that all life has descended from a rock (spontaneous generation). This of course is a bankrupt concept. And experiment upon experiment have proven it wrong.

President Wilson #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

A Uniformitariunism view as Old School has stated, is based purely on assumption, and states that slow processes which occur today, are the key to the past. It does not allow for a catastrophy. Peter, prophesied that this would be the last view of the world and it would be used to deny the flood. ... Notice what Peter states in this prophesy 'since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.' They are stating that all things are the same today, as they were yesterday, and that the present is the key to the past.

BigLump #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

Carbon dating is innacurate! I wish I could qoute the source for this but I can't. Anyway a carbon test was done on something and found to be millions of years old when it was know to be only a few hundred years old.

bennyhanna1 #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

(Christians) Do you believe the earth to be 6,000 years old? I saw this on a show, and was very doubtful of it, because of erosion is some places that should take millions of years, but after watching some good ol' kent hovind, i understand and believe it now!

RichW #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

Well, I'm no scientist or theologan. However, many people believe that when God created the earth he gave Satan, who was the highest of all the angels dominion over the earth. Satans fall occurred when he tried to make himself like God and tried his hand at creation and made the dinosaurs.

Iron Carcass #fundie abcbodybuilding.com

i doubt it's been around millions of years, 6,000 years sounds about right. doesn't make much difference though. when you think about it it makes more sense for it to only be thousands of years old, if it's been around for millions, i can't imagine what's being happening these past million years.

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