
The School of Homeopathy #crackpot #quack #magick homeopathyschool.com

It has been postulated that at the beginning of time, the Universe was composed of infinite amounts of positronium squeezed into itself under the force of unimaginably powerful gravity: the original singularity. The idea is that quantum field interactions between electron and positron caused instability. They mutually annihilated one other, releasing their entire mass as energy. This was the Big Bang from which everything has emerged. As a result of primal bipolarity, it is speculated by Stephen Hawkins, the mathematician famed for his work on black holes, that somewhere there may be a parallel universe, identical to ours, yet invisible to us, which is composed of our antimatter. In the strange realm of quantum mechanics, irrespective of time and place, it is stated that entangled particles ‘recognise’ each other as eternal pairs of opposites. Were they to meet, they would self-annihilate, converting into energy.


The proving

In the Summer of 1997, Misha was approached by Chris Kurtz, whilst running a workshop in San Diego for North American students of the School of Homeopathy. Chris, who was completing his PhD at San Diego University, and also on the School's distance learning course, offered to bring along a vial containing antimatter. 'You cannot be serious!' Misha exclaimed. 'Quite serious,' he retorted. Naturally, Misha said, 'Yes'. The remedy Antimatter was prepared by exposing ethanol to the gamma radiation of decaying positronium (with approximately 1,000,000,000 annihilation events being captured over a 24 hour period).

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