
Judge Anna von Reitz #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #magick mainerepublicemailreport.com

Remember the Harry Potter movies? Remember when Harry stumbled into an attic room and found the mirror that showed him his fondest desires? Well, that’s “Project Looking Glass” in the actual world. It also shows the “Lookers” what they want to see, but not what is true.

So no wonder that nine out of ten “Lookers” saw a future in which they were exalted and in control of the whole world.

No wonder that they saw the population of the world vastly reduced. Their own ego-centricity and false beliefs mandated that.

No wonder they saw what was left of humanity (after they themselves spawned a “limited” nuclear war and hid out from the results in Deep Underground Bases (DUMBS)) subjected to their rule.

And so on.

They even coined their own special code phrases — like “future proves past”. and “rule of destiny”.

It never occurred to them that all the Looking Glass reveals is them— their evils, their prejudices, their intents, their desires, their beliefs.

That is the purpose of the Looking-Glass technology– to tell the truth about them, and reveal the inner eye of the Beholder, not to show the truth about anything else.
The Looking-Glass can only reflect back what it sees in the Looker.

So what these men have seen via Project Looking Glass is only their own ego revealed. Nothing more.

And they even missed the point of the revelation: judgment.

In ancient times this technology was used to judge the motives and guilt of individuals by revealing their true desires.

Thus a righteous person can look into the mirror and nothing but compassion and justice and kindness will be revealed, but a madman’s ego will also be revealed.

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