
Robert David Steele #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie phibetaiota.net

They really do not understand that Q is the greatest Information Operation (IO) in modern history and that it has been the single most important catalyst for BOTH a Great Awakening AND keeping the Trumpers non-violent.

Color me amused. As I told the child author from Foreign Policy who wanted to do a hit job on me, “we don’t need you, you need us. We are the main event, you are a side show.” I refer to myself as a Patriot and a Deplorable — as one of over 120 million US citizens that are fed up with the 1%, the Deep State, with corruption in Congress and treason & crime on Wall Street, and with Satanic Pedophilia as the glue that holds it all together, with Central Banks, secret societies, and treasonous secret intelligence agencies all helping the 1% to screw the 99%.

Q is a combination of a super-computer and decades of planning and scenario building and a handful of genius operators aided by a vast array of self-selected citizen intelligence minutemen, some of whom help me decode Q.

Q is the spirit of JFK combined with the spirit of DJT combined with the guts, the intelligence, the integrity, the imagination, the sheer cussedness of 120 million red-blooded patriots who are not going to put up with this shit anymore. The sheriffs’ movement — the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (https://cspoa.org) has the Deep State deeply concerned, along with Bill Binney and me being on the record with respect to the weaponization of NSA against traitors, elite pedophiles, and white collar criminals. We have them legally out-gunned at the county level and all we have to do to destroy any single person is leak 2 telephone conversations, 2 emails, and 1 video. Finito.

Robert David Steele #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot phibetaiota.net

7 January 2021

It is not over. The mob was Antifa and it was an inside job with DC and Capitol Police complicity.

Pence and every Member of Congress complicit in the proven election fraud sedition is now eligible for arrest, Tribunal, and execution by firing squad.

POTUS has not conceded.

I have reached out to my contacts and will update this later today. See new videos and links below for today’s updates.

This is the third rolling update on Trump Triumph restoring the Constitution and the Republic.
PBI: Our sources tell us there were two Antifa action teams disguised as Trump supporters that caused the violence; and that this was anticipated and Special Operations elements integrated such that we captured seven specific laptops including Nancy Pelosi’s laptop. The USA is in a state of war with NATO countries joining the Deep State to steal the election. This will not stand.
- While DC was distracting everyone, raids in seven cities took place.
- Antifa false flag sealed the deal with military on Insurrection Act
- ItalyGate / Vatican completed the map, Italy now on the rack
- We are in the ten days of darkness — trust the plan.

Robert David Steele #racist #wingnut #conspiracy phibetaiota.net

Is Mike Adams a Zionist Agent?

We are doubling down on the Wuhan virus as a Zionist attack on China. Mike Adams of Natural News, has put out a headline we consider to be absolute total bullshit and therefore an indicator — weak but none the less — that he could be a Zionist media asset or sayonim. Wuhan is at the intersection of biological warfare, electromagnetic warfare, and information warfare. China is under attack. We urge our President to consult with the General Secretary and give China the benefit of the doubt.

Natural News: China launches biological warfare agenda; covertly infiltrates Wuhan evacuation plane with “Trojan horse” carrier of the coronavirus to infect all passengers headed to Taiwan

Alert Reader reports: Adams is married to a Taiwanese citizen from a wealthy family; he met her while studying in Taiwan and reportedly speaks Chinese. He is a self-promoter, loves money, wants to be a guru — he may not be inherently evil but struck people who got to know him as being easily compromisable.

Mongoose #conspiracy phibetaiota.net

Oroville Dam is False Flag Extortion by State of California with Malice Aforethought

The evidence is in. The Oroville Dam “failure” is contrived. There is video evidence of an explosion displacing some of the otherwise perfect concrete that was once part of the emergency spillway, and there is visible evidence that the emergency spillway was tampered with.

There is also documentation of many warning to the California state authorities that were deliberately ignored and even maligned. It is only now, with Donald Trump as President, that the State of California officials have decided to extort money ($100 billion) from the federal government and challenge Donald Trump with a contrived false flag disaster. This disaster was a man-made event that should be investigated by the FBI.

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