
Samantha Chang #wingnut #transphobia westernjournal.com

American culture is cratering at a chilling pace, fueled in large part by toxic left-wing policies that marginalize nuclear families, decimate the working class and demonize hard work and meritocracy.

Our schools have devolved into mindless incubators of destructive leftist propaganda that lionizes victimhood, socialism, transgenderism and mediocrity.

Is it any wonder that American children lag behind their international peers academically and report increasing depression and hopelessness?

Daily shootings and escalating violence in Democrat-run cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta are the symptoms of a failed system and a flailing culture.

Where’s the outrage over these crimes?

Grant Atkinson #homophobia #fundie westernjournal.com

First and foremost, the ad has nothing to do with cookies. There is no reason Oreo should be lecturing its customers about hot-button political issues. No matter what the left says, the issue of LGBT support is a political one, and that brings us to the next problem with this commercial.

Everyone can agree that it is not acceptable to treat people poorly or attack them for their sexuality. The problem arises when it comes to acknowledging this behavior as a sin.

There is a difference between loving someone and endorsing his or her actions.

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, so it is not something Christians should be promoting, no matter what Oreo thinks.

As Christians, we believe loving someone is deeper than just accepting everything about that person. Sometimes love involves addressing a concern with a brother or sister in Christ, uncomfortable as it may be.

In the case of homosexuality, loving a neighbor may look like silently praying for him, or it may look like confronting him in a loving way about his sin. But it does not look like affirming his sin and telling him he is not doing anything wrong.

Commercials like this one suggest the only way to be someone’s “ally” is to cheer on his or her actions, right or wrong.

In the left’s eyes, it is not enough to quietly pray for someone or stay silent publicly on an issue. Instead, they suggest the only way to be loving is to outwardly promote sin.

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