JENJI #ufo #crackpot #magick
Many of you are experiencing the intense energetic waves that are bombarding Earth's atmosphere currently, and which are truly unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before. These photonic light particles are being dispensed from our central sun alcyone and they are coming through the star system of sirius and picking up galactic DNA upgrade codes from the Sirius star system. These are laser beams of light particles / Gamma rays which are currently bombarding the earthly plane at a truly unprecedented level.
For many of you this Intense influx of light particles is manifesting in your vessels as somewhat unusual and challenging physical symptoms. The reason for this is that all of the places in your physical, emotional, and energetic systems where you have held onto beliefs of lack or indeed any of the 3D programming, must be identified, addressed and ultimately eradicated, as none of these limited beliefs can be bought with you into Fifth Dimensional consciousness
It is important that you stay on top of your hydration beloveds, coconut water and electrolytes are probably the most powerful antidote for Ascension symptoms as the gamma-ray photonic light particles are heating up our DNA spirals much like how a microwave heats up corn kernels to make them pop.
This is causing an extreme experience of dehydration for many, and so we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to stay on top of your hydration levels. This number one tip will enable you to move skillfully and masterfully through this 8:8 Lions Gate upgrade.
The time is now for en masse galactivation of our feline DNA, and this is being reactivated by our galactic elder brothers and sisters who are intricately a part of our higher self and hold aspects of our higher self that are also incarnated simultaneously and concurrently on parallel timelines and in higher dimensional Realms of consciousness within this eternal moment of now.
Suffice to say there is absolutely zero separation between you and your lyran feline galactic self and higher self. You have full access to all of their spiritual powers and codes, and please know that this 8.8 lionsgate is truly and profoundly activating this promise.
The energies are now rapidly building towards the 8.8 lionsgate and our beloved channel jenji Is being guided by us in the higher Realms to facilitate a powerful transmission on that date working specifically with the lyran feline higher aspects Of the soul.
We are being called to come together on this Potent portal date to work with OUR Lyran higher self aspects to activate a profound healing ceremony for ALL.
We are also being guided to clear all lower timelines to make way for the royal marriage of the Lion and Lioness within you and without and on a vast collective level.
This is a huge galactic ceremony that we are being asked to facilitate as our galactic soul families ground crew.