Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

These “Super Soldier” people are Demiurge avatars. It’s obvious. So the traction that I’ve been seeing all this “Super Solder” innuendo gain of late has been nauseating to say the least. Its a bizzare mix of classic Cointelpro state sanctioned actor-agents and the avatars of these “Fallen beings” that put together these campaigns in an attempt to represent this “SS” branded club of theirs as a crew of benevolent, righteous, child-saving “Angels” doing “God’s work”. Esoteric Clown World shit. Kinda like what inarticulate dummy boy Corey Goode does when he gets in front of a camera. Fictionalized narratives designed to feed bits of truth mixed in with strategic diversionary detours and signs to get you to follow the wrong path on your quest for truth. It’s all a part of #thegame23 and #operationmindfuck. Don’t fall for it.

Super Soldier = Seal of Saturn = Serpent Seed



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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