MSM Frets That GOP/GAP Is Embracing “White Identity” Politics. But That’s What The Base Wants
The first two articles attacked Republicans for bringing attention to the various states that prioritize non-whites for virus treatment. But Biden’s FDA recommended it, and according to Politico above, Biden’s CDC head Rochelle Walensky defended it.
This is well-known, and when not denying, the MSM either justifies it or encourages it—see a partial list of our coverage below.
The third bemoans Trump’s attack on progressive prosecutors—many of whom are black—who spend more time on his business dealings than on crime. The fourth focused on Republican criticism of Biden’s excluding whites from the pool of candidates to replace Justice Stephen Breyer. Apparently, you’re simply expected to accept all this.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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