Re: Alabama passes near total abortion ban
i for one am not happy about this. This means white women raped by negroes in Alabama will not be allowed to abort. Fact is, the majority of aborted babies are black. The correct law is one that restricts white women with white fathered babies from getting abortions and requires mixed race babies to be aborted. Also, there should be a total ban on non pure white babies being born under any circumstance.
I for one am FURIOUS about this! I'm not an American, I'm not even of childbearing years, but taking away women's rights to their own bodies, making living women have less rights to the body than dead women have, is the gravest crime against humanity that I can think of. It would be a completely different thing if the old white men actually cared for living breathing children (like the ones at the Mexico border, or the ones getting shot by unregulated guns), but apparently it's ONLY embryos and fetuses that are worth "saving". According to the Bible, life begins with a breath, it doesn't say anything about conception.
You'd have liked the abortion laws in WWII Third Reich, asshole! Abortion was illegal then, for pure Aryan women. Non Aryan-women could have as many abortions as they wanted to have.
If you have that much problem with non-pure-white babies, then you ought to move to a country with only pure-white-people. How about Svalbard, or Iceland? Finland has fewer immigrants than Sweden has, to my knowledge. Or, why not move to one of the non-habited islands north of Scandinavia, and have your own pure-white society. Sure, you'll probably freeze to death during the winter, and think the summer is winter. But the few that survive will get used to it.
1- Roe vs. Wade
2- What's to stop certain women taking... 'holidays' in other states of the US...?!
3- The pro -Choice Doug 'Piranha' Jones thanks you for giving him on a platinum platter a guaranteed voter base, Alabama. Congratulations: you've just made yourself a Blue State for the foreseeable future
4- ?????
But only for the Democrats . [/2020]
Has Todd Akin taught you nothing, o Repubicans? Oh, and as a FAIL-enhancing encore I'll leave you with this thought: Y'know who else made abortion illegal: with serious jail sentences for the women who wanted such? Hitler. You're Nazis, Alabama Repubicans.
You voted in the orange - not white - 'Fuhrer' who emboldened those who have created such 'laws' which has blown up in your own faces. Enjoy your paradox, subhuman hypocrite Nazis.
So just like the good people of Alabama who ensured the reddest of Red states turned Blue, you know what to do in 2020.
Enjoy your MC Escher-esque multi-dimensional paradox, inferior subhuman Nazis.
These guys really messed up with the whole 'one drop' and 'purity' thing. Even 'pure' whites can be one DNA test away from being blacks. So the demographic is just getting smaller and smaller, and will one day be a minority in America.
They should have insisted that one drop of white heritage makes someone white, no matter what else there is. Then they could insist that it's a white country, with a largely white population, so what they say goes.
These bills will all be challenged and likely overturned. It’s happened before. That said; The fact that it’s happening so much in so many states all at once is unprecedented. That said; It’s a challenge that can be taken by the Pro-Choicers.
Even if not all of these dumb bills are overturned, as long as some are that would be great.
The MAJORITY of Americans REJECT this nonsense and also reject the OP’s nonsense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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