Fat Link #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is
Yeah, the lazy minded, retarded platitude spouting normies don’t take the time to understand or figure out that the lack of having a girlfriend and or realizing we will never have a girlfriend completely kills our motivation in life to want to do anything typically considered great by societal standards.
Why should any of us for example want to struggle and fight and use up all of our energy to obtain a high paying job and work ourselves to the bone and put up with potential years of viscious and petty office politics just to get a nice car and a nice and big (but empty) house to come home to every night devoid of wife and children?
Before all that why even bother working hard in school when you’re smart enough even at a young age to realize that it’s over?
Fuck society and fuck women.
They don’t give a fuck about us, so take from them what meager amounts that you can by getting on NEETbux (wherever and whenever possible) as payment for your lifetime of pain and suffering as a direct result of their cruelty and neglect making you an unloved and uncared for outcast.
The only sad and unfortunate people my above post doesn’t apply to are our brocels in awful situations where they are forced to work if they don’t want to end up homeless.
Brocels in shittier living situations than the rest of us whether it’s because they live in a third world country or are simply unable to get on NEETbux for whatever reason should have our deepest sympathies.