Medeea Greere #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

When TRUMP STOOD BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FLAGS ( and the rest of the flags were off camera to the left), these were Military COMMS to Generals, Commanders, and Military intelligence battalions
> Department of Defence Laws Of War chapter 3. Section 4.
Inside the current Mil. Operations PLAN taking place > DEVOLUTION> continuity of government
1st stages of 11.3.// The President Chief and commander of the Armed Forces who initiated the DEVOLUTION PLAN must give fair Warning to Military commands and strategic intelligence operations that THE LAWS OF WAR chapter 3.4 must be followed in accordance to Operations or they are subject to War Crimes and Tribunals, and the judgment is equivalent to life in prison or death.

Everything Trump is doing in Military protocols is being done by the book> Department of Defense LAWS OF WAR.

Who issued the illegal Warrants against Trump for investigation, wire tappings, placing Stormy Daniels (Do you really think STORMy Daniels Name is coincidence? BAD ACTOR/GOOD ACTOR?

A few months ago, I told you white hats unleashed their military Intelligence A.I.’s system that would combat the deep state A. I. System ….>

Keep watching the internet as White Hat’s A.I.s keep leaking CLASSIFIED plans…
As the uncovering of Hundreds of billions of $$$$$$$$$$ of the CCP’s money was hidden inside Silicon Valley Banks is being EXPOSED slowly> Behind The Scenes Mil Investigators ( Intelligence Battalions ) are gathering data and breaking encrypted codes through the SVB financial Democratic money-laundering systems …..

SBV COLLAPSE and [DS] connections are reaching the highest sources in the U.S. government> cia > pentagon> Obama> Biden> UKRAINE MONEY LAUNDERING SYSTEM, CONNECTED TO THE CCP <
*The public community often does not know Trump, intelligence orgs. Military commands often speak in CODED MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH LIVE PUBLIC BROADCASTS .>>>>



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