Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Me: Ivo, like I said, I'm so done with this. This is just abuse of the entire people of this whole world. Yes, people have to go through dark night of the soul to be made to wake up. The first thing they have to wake up to is they don't need leadership. Humans are leaders by design.

Ivo: Correct, my love. What do you wish to discuss then?

Me: I want to discuss our plans to go forward with our own community. I also want to continue to put out videos on how to take your power back. We've been pushing people and pulling people, and some are getting it. Some realize they have innate powers that are latent right now, or that they have powers that they can't see but are active. But there are so many people on this planet who are already making use of their healing energies, they're using their minds to change the course of events, like COBRA's meditations to change the timelines.

In one of the first group meditations I got involved in, we shut down the electrical at Fort Worth Texas army base.
Ivo: Mr T is still president of the United States, the new United States. And he is arresting anyone who opposes that.

Me: Or letting them be inaugurated. I'm tired of this shit, Ivo. Tired of it. Like the people on Venus, we all need to walk away. The system is corrupt anyway you look at it, and doesn't support people's true values and it minimalizes the human expression into burger flipping and ringing in goods at the dollar store. Do you think that that was all you were born for? Yeah, Mr T does. He wants to make America great again, but how about you? How great does he want you to be?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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