Caucasian Ju-Ju #racist

I had a doctors appointment this morning.

As I am pulling into the parking lot, I "beat" a nigger to the only available handicap parking spot. It gave me the evil eye and shook it's paw at me.

I went in to check in and low and behold, the nigger I ticked off was behind me.

When I checked in, I purposely started asking asking all sorts of questions about my insurance and payment policys, making the nigger wait.

I could hear it starting to breath heavily and start sucking on it's teef and smacking it's bulbous lips and mumbling sheet under it's breefs.

It finally said "Canz yoo hoory upz!? Ize gotz a pointment wiff da dokta. I iz all reedee latez."

I ignored it.

It then called me a "Rya-sis Mug-Fukka."

The receptionist (who happened to he a very nice human) asked the nigger what it's problem was?

The nigger said "Dis Mug-fukka taken he time, I gotz to cee da dokat too. and Iez iz latez"

The receptionist told the nigger to relax and it will get it's turn.

The Ironic thing about this is I was 30 minutes early for my appointment, so I was making the nigger even later for it's appointment.



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