Various commenters #wingnut


The organ donation example is always insane. There is a MASSIVE difference between refusing to save someone and trying to kill them.

If you want a more accurate analogy with the organ donation scenario: those that refuse to donate their organs immediately proceed to pull out a gun and shoot the “recipient“ in the head. That’s what abortion is like.

This is a poor argument considering the mother put the unborn child into this position to begin with. It’s like they believe the unborn crawl up inside them while they’re sleeping and attach themselves. My goodness own up to your actions. Parents also have a duty and obligation to their child. Look at feeding in infant you have three choices you can use your body to feed them, give them formula, or give up custody rights to someone who will but you can’t kill the baby because you don’t feel like feeding the baby. Pregnancy while it can be difficult still doesn’t justify murdering your child because you don’t feel like doing it.

Their ideas of consent are just stupid. The kid is innocent unlike the person who consented to sex and it’s creation

Again with this argument 🙄 the organ/abortion analogy is so off.

If having one’s kidney inside another person is analogous to BEING pregnant, then donating the kidney is analogous to BECOMING pregnant. So it proves that the gov shouldn’t forcibly impregnate women, which they don’t.

Edit to add: they can’t say it’s illegal for the fetus to do anything because they don’t give the fetus any rights in the first place!

You can't take back your organ once its been donated. I can't withdraw consent of say, my liver, therefore resulting in your death. You can't take back your uterus once your own body gave it to another human.

This argument is so bad. Your organs were made by your body, for your body, and are a part of your body. That baby was made by its own body from the moment of conception.

A woman's womb was created to house and grow a human baby. Biologically and anatomically they have different functions than another organ, its for someone else, not for you. The fetus had more right to the womb than she does, it was created for that function. She has every right to keep her organs in tact or not. [...]



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