Evan Field #wingnut #conspiracy msn.com

@Henry Vandenburgh
What? it is a literal failure on all sides, 100k plus dead and wounded on both sides billions wasted without any real wins show for it, and Russia still controls 18% Ukraine, which is more than they had at the start of this war. While Ukraine has lost 33% of its population including 45% of its women who when polled have no intention of returning. There's a decade of rebuilding infrastructure and even if Russia was completely repelled today that is how it currently stands, how is that considered going well. We helped destroy those people's country, as without our weapons packages being sent to the Ukrainian government prior to this invasion to fight the DPR and LRP they could have declared neutrality and the invasion would not have happened.
It is a money pit for all involved and is not a winnable war by any side has we will see in the end. Russia will escalate its violence with even more savage weapons and Ukraine will continue to bleed heavily. NATO will funnel 100 billion more in, and the outcome is the same as Ukraine will be devastated and Russia will maintain control of some of the currently contested land. It is a fool's errand to be involved in this conflict at all, and we are only increasing the body count by doing so.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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