SonOfTheDragon101, RespublicaCuriae, ForChina2020 and niogirl #moonbat #conspiracy
[OP and comments under "On the 33rd Anniversary of the failed Colour Revolution, let's thank the People's Liberation Army and remember the fallen soldiers who martyred themselves so China is a unified, free, and prosperous country today!" about the Tienanmen massacre]
OP by SonOfTheDragon101:
Drawing of a tank in TienanmenFrom RespublicaCuriae:
Long live China, because liberal democracy is a failed system
From ForChina2020:
The day liberalism failed to ruin China, our land
From niogirl:
The students who never returned home, their parents, grandparents, siblings. The students who witnessed and participated in maniac acts of frenzied savagery when they thought their blood would be sacrificed for a higher ideal and not used as fodder to destroy their own country. The soldiers sent in to a mission that would be impossible to return unscathed
The world stood and watched…the western democracies licked their lips as brothers were pitted against brothers