So, you’d be fine with your wife donning a strap-on and giving you a bit of Surprise Sex one morning?
Which 50’s soap do these people live in? Are all American women kept housewives? Don’t these dolts see that there’s an element of oppression in not earning your own money?
In my country, almost all men AND women work full or part time, and most families have two breadwinners. No-one is “provided material support”. Quite a few men go on parental leave for at least three months, while their wives/girlfriends work. Do the men then give the women access to their holes?
Exclusive access? That’s a given in marriage, surely. Being unfaithful is NOT accepted in society at large. Yes, some have open relationships, but that must be agreed with all parties involved. Are you sure you’re not just misinterpreting a woman talking to a man, as a woman having sex with a man? I talk to my male colleagues ever day. I have only had sex with my husband.
Beg for permission? If you really have to beg, perhaps the relationship isn’t that healthy. Have you tried getting her into “The Mode”? Cooking or buying a meal, or taking her out to a meal, so she doesn’t have to cook or clean up after. Running her a bath with lots of scents and candles, and a glass of sparkling wine. Fill the bedroom with roses and petals and more candles. Make sure SHE “arrives” first. Odds are, you’re getting not just “permission” but a moment to remember.
My marriage vows did not include “and you have permanent access to my holes”. Besides being utterly unromantic; imagine saying that in front of your whole family…