David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

For nearly 300 years the English-speaking world used the King James Bible. But then in 1881 Westcott and Hort claimed to have discovered a new, older and more accurate ancient Bible manuscript, one which just so happens to eviscerate every place in the Bible where the deity of Christ and the Godhead are proclaimed. Since 1881 it has been open season on the Holy Bible!!! It is for this transgression that I have been marginalized by the Neo-evangelical Bob Jones University crowd, and Dr. Marty Herron (who is no Baptist Fundamentalist). Shame on all of them!!! No one truly loves Jesus who is okay with the modern Bible revisions which attack Him!

We've lost our minds today in America! Here is an article by an ungodly feminist-minded woman, who says that females should use a gender-neutral Bible to make women feel included in the Bible. Gail Wallace heretically says: “Using a gender-accurate translation is a way to make sure everyone is able to see themselves at the center of God’s redemptive story rather than in the margins.” Gender accurate? What gives Gail or anyone the right to decide what is gender accurate in the Bible? Literally, she is saying that it is okay to change the Word of God to appease feminist social changes. A godly woman who understands that God made the man to be in charge of the marriage, home and church would never have an issue with the King James Bible. Kindly said, only a rebellious feminist-minded woman would take issue with the King James Bible on gender.

We are at war today over the inspiration and infallibility of the Word of God, and the biggest offenders are apostate Bible colleges (like Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute and Bob Jones University), who train pastors for the churches, “I-chabod” is written over our churches today. That means, the glory of the Lord has departed!!! I ask you dear reader—how can there be TWO Bibles if there is only ONE Savior? Revelation 19:13b says that Jesus' name is “THE WORD OF GOD”!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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